History CH 4
History CH 4
History CH 4
Hist. 1101 1
Hist. 1102 2
The period from the late 13th to the beginning of the 16th enturies
experienced dynamic political, economic, and socio-cultural developments
that lay the foundation for the formation of modern Ethiopia in
the 19th and 20th centuries.
The "restoration" of the "Solomonic" Dynasty, succession problems,
territorial expansion, evangelization, flourishing and
development of trade as well as expansion of extensive
socio−cultural interactions among different peoples who lived in
different agro−ecological zones were some of the events that shaped the
course of history in the region.
This unit treats those events and shows the relationships that exist
between them.
Hist. 1102 3
Power Struggle
Loyal soldiers to the reigning
monarch guarded the royal prison.
When the monarch died, court
dignitaries would send an army to
the royal prison to escort the
designated successor and put him
on the throne.
This practice continued until
Amba-Gishen was destroyed
by Imam Ahmad Ibrahim Al-
Ghazi's force in 1540.
Hist. 1102 6
The territorial expansion carried out by Amde−Tsion during the medieval
period set an addition momentum for the spread of Christianity
Abune Tekle-Haymanot (thirteenth century) played a key role in
reviving Christianity in Shewa, which was followed by the evangelization
of areas in southern Ethiopia including medieval Damot.
He baptized and converted Motalami to Christianity.
The clergy, under the direction of the bishop in Ethiopia, Abune Yaqob,
spread Christianity to different areas of Shewa such as Kil'at, Tsilalish,
Merhabite, Wereb, Moret and Wegda, and Fatagar, Damot, Waj and
Hist. 1102 12