Reasons of Keeping Business Records
Reasons of Keeping Business Records
Reasons of Keeping Business Records
1) Sales Records
2) Cash Receipts
3) Cash Disbursements,
4) Accounts Receivable.
Sales Records
A record of all sales must be kept. If you use a cash
register, a combined Sales and Cash Receipts record may be
kept. Sales may result from a single primary activity or may
result from different types of activity and be recorded in sub-
categories. For example, a business might record three kinds
of sales: wholesale, retail, and services.
It is important to record all sales as they occur.
Remember that a sale may result in cash or arrangements
may be made to receive payment at a later time. In either
case, the sales records should reflect that the sale has
Cash Receipts
Cash is received by a business at the time of the sale or as
payment on account for a credit sale. In any case, all cash
should be recorded as it is received. A small business without a
cash register can enter each transaction in a Sales and Cash
Receipts Journal showing the date, name, invoice number, and
the amount of the sale.
Deposit all cash receipts for the day in the bank. Do not pay
out small amounts directly from cash receipts. Instead,
establish a petty cash fund to pay small amounts not covered
by invoices. By depositing all cash receipts daily, you have a
basis on which to verify the daily balance in the cash receipts
Cash Disbursements