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n a t u r a l evoution
Rexxer John & Raechel M a e
Meriam-Webster defines evolution as the "the
process by which new species or populations of
living things develop from pre-existing forms
through succesive generations." Our planet's
biodiversity is huge and extensive, and evolution
is a major biological theory that was proposed
in order to explain how there seems to be
infinite variations for all the organisms on Earth.
h o w the
theory o f
i t s e l f involved
Humans have been trying to explain the origin of our
world since the beginning of time. some depicted below:
The theory of evolution relies on the idea interrelatedness of species. It also relies on the
premise that there should be genetic variation (differences in the genes) in the physical
characteristics of a species.
•Those in the population that barely adapt to their environment are less likely to survive and
reproduce, so the likelihood of these "weak" genes being passed down are low.
•Those in the population that have favorite traits - know how to survive, can adapt, know how
to find food, can avoid predators, and resist disease - are the ones most likely to survive,
reproduce, and thus pass on these strong genes to the next generation.
A s those with the favored traits live on, reproducing and surviving, the species will gradually
evolve over each succeeding generation.
Darwin s a w p a t t e r n s , and
provided these examples
t o s u p p o r t his t h e o r y :
•Fossil bones from large extinct animals in Argentina - Darwin
discovered the remainss of what seemed to be giant sloths, an
extinct horse, an extinct camel, and what seemed to be an
armadillo. H e had seen the modern counterparts of these fossils,
and these fossil findings helped develop his ideas on evolution.
•Galapagos Islands observation on finches- When his travels took
him to the islands of Ecuador, Darwin observed 13 species of
finches. H e included that one finch species was the original,
coming from South America. Different species emerged throughout
the next generations, accumulating and then retaining
advantageous traits that is a variation in the beaks of the finches
according to their diet. This process of one common ancestor
evolving to multiple forms in order to adapt to a diverse
environment and its sources is now called adaptive radiation