0 Evolution-1 - 063751
0 Evolution-1 - 063751
0 Evolution-1 - 063751
• In this death and life struggle, the majority of individuals die before
reaching the sexual maturity and only a few individuals survive and
reach the reproductive stage.
• So struggle for existence acts as an effective check on an ever-
increasing population of each species.
4. Variations
• According to this law of nature, no two individuals except
identical (monozygotic) twins are identical.
• This everlasting competition among the organisms has
compelled them to change according to the conditions to utilize
the natural resources and can survive successfully.
• Darwin stated that the variations are generally of two types—
continuous variations or fluctuations and discontinuous
• On the basis of their effect on the survival chances of living
organisms, the variations may be neutral, harmful and useful.
• Darwin proposed that living organisms tend to adapt to changing
environment due to useful continuous variations such as increased speed
in the prey; increased water conservation in plants; etc.), as these will
have a competitive advantage.