Willy Halim, MD, PHD, Fipp Anesthesiologist-Pain Practitioner
Willy Halim, MD, PHD, Fipp Anesthesiologist-Pain Practitioner
Willy Halim, MD, PHD, Fipp Anesthesiologist-Pain Practitioner
12 December 2019
Spiritual Functional
Existential Psychic
Cancer related pain
• Survey in 11 European countries and Israel 1
• Pain management
– Analgesic medication
– Co-analgesics
– Interventional pain management techniques
CBO guideline: Management of Cancer pain The Netherlands 2008
WHO Pain Ladder
Optimize dose
Foresee breakthrough medication
Manage side effects
the pain
Possible causes of cancer pain
• Tumor pressure on nerve, organ or bone
• Chemotherapy: neurotoxicity
• Bone metastases
Palliative cancer treatment for PM
• Capsaicine local
• Lidocaine local to be considered for well defined pain area’s
• Celiac blockade
• Splanchnic blockade
• Hypogastric blockade
• Fenolisation sacraal
• Perifere zenuwblokkades, sometimes.
• Cervical cordotomy
At ' high-input ' pain: interrupts the pain conduction
with a lesion of a nerve or nerve course.
To whom?
When? Not as the last step!
Chroniche pijn
• Chronicle pain: an important cause of suffering and
the reduced quality of life
Nociceptic pain
Neuropathic pain
The pain threshold
• Insomnia • Good night
• Fear • Understanding
• Poor communication • Party
• Depression • Diversion
• Stacking of problems • Activity
• Lost time • Own contribution
• Lack of goals and hope • Clear goals
• Boredom / loneliness • Good insight
• Creativity
• Fight against fear
Typen pijn
• Nociceptieve
• actuele pijn: botmetastase, fractuur,
osteoporose, artrose
• viscerale pijn: van organen in borst/buik holte,
vb. koliekpijn
• Neuropathische
• fantoompijn, dystrofie, diabetische neuropathie,
postherpetische neuralgie
• Idiopathische
• chronische lage rugpijn; fibromyalgie
Neuropathische pijn
IASP definitie
• Radiculopathie
• Diabetische polyneuropathie
• Trigeminusneuralgie
• Post CVA pijn
Morfine Oxycodon Fentany Hydromorf Transtec
mg per 24 mg per 24 1 µg/uur on mg per (buprenorphine)
uur uur 24 uur
p.o sc/iv p.o sc/iv pleister p.o mcgr per uur
Nociceptieve pijn
30 10 15 7,5 12 4 oraal
35 microg/uur
60 20 30 15 25 8
90 mgr oraal
120 40 60 30 50 16 52,5
180 60 90 45 75 24
120 mgr
240 80 120 60 100 32 oraal
70 microg/uur
360 120 180 90 150 48
240mgr oraal
480 160 240 120 200 64 2x70
• hypotensie,
• ‘diarree’
• kerusakan organ2,
• dwarslaesie (zzz).
• Sepsis
• Contraindications:
• Absolute: local infection; coagulopathy
• Relative: Tumor distorting anatomy
• Abdominal aortic aneurysm
• Respiratory insufficiency
• With the oblique fluoroscopic view still in place, a 14-gauge,
5-cm extracath is inserted, such that the catheter toward the
target as a pinhead.
• When two thirds of the extracath is inserted, the stylet is
removed and the RF needle is inserted.
• With short thrusts of 0,5 cm at a time, the tip of the needle is
advanced anteriorly, keeping in mind that the needle stays
• hugging the lateral aspect of the Th11 or Th12 vertebral
body, close to the costovertebral angle.
• After advancing 1 to 1,5 cm anteriorly the lateral view is taken.
In the lateral view, the needle is advanced until it reaches the
junction of anterior one third and posterior two third of the
vertebral body.
• Eights millimeters of iohexol is injected to note that the
solutions in antero-posterior and lateral views hug the
Entry Point
Needle at the entry point
Lateral view
Needle at Th.12 Right
Th. 11 and Th.12 both sides
Hypogastric Plexus Block & Neurolysis
•The superior hypogastrc plexus is the extension of the aortic
plexus in the retroperitoneal space, below the aortic bifurcation.
•It receives fibers from the lumbar sympathetic nerve of L5.
•It is situated on the anterior aspect of L5-S1 & on the disc
between L5 & S1.
•It lies close to sympathetic chain at this level, the common and
internal iliac arteries and veins on each side.
•The ureter is located just lateral to these structures in close
proximity to the anterolateral aspect of the L5 vertebral body.
•It contains almost exclusively sympathetic fibers.
•As it cources distally, the superior hypogastric plexus converges
and forms a bilateral plexus called the hypogastric nerve.
• The first group:
• Helpful Hints:
1. Measure the length of the needle required by placing the
needle against the skin and taking a posteroanterior image
2. Bowel preparation prior to block is helpful to evacuate bowel
content and gases
Helpful Hints:
1. Measure the length of the needle required by placing the
needle against the skin and taking a posteroanterior image
2. Bowel preparation prior to block is helpful to evacuate bowel
content and gases
• The superior hypogastric plexus, an extension of the preaortic plexus, is
easily accescible to blockade by local anesthetics and neurolytic agents.
• Long lasting pain relief has been achieved in patients with pelvic cancer
• Since diagnostic blockade can give significant pain relief in a large variety
of patients, it is worthwhile to investigate new methods that provide lasting
neural blockade of the superior hypogastric plexus and long lasting relief of
this devastating condition.
1. Sampson Lipton brought the percutaneous lateral chordotomy in
the late sixties.
2. Sam put the specialty of anaesthesiology on the map in the invasive
treatment of pain.
3. This technique is now on its way out.
4. A number of reasons for that:
a.Decreasing of the number of patients since the
advent of intraspinal medication.
b.very little opportunity left to teach the procedure .
5. So, the generation of good cordotomists is a dying species.
Indications :
• Ondine’s syndrome, in fact a myth from one author to another. Voluntarily breathing
but respiration stops when the patient faals asleep.
• Transient urinary retention for the first 48 hours following the procedure.
• The dura at this level is thick, firm, and immobile structure, By changing
of the direction, the puncturing site of the dura serves as the fulcrum.
• Since the dura obviously is very close to the target point, a large angular
variation is needed to effectuate a very small change in the position of the
• An anterior (upper) line showing the anterior border of the spinal cord.
• A second line just posterior and usually parallel to it. This is the
dentate ligament.
• A third, posterior line indicating the posterior border of the dural sac
Entering the electrode
• The entering must be fast and very precise.
• The target point for the electrodeis:
1. Just anterior to the dentate ligament for pain in the leg
2. 1 mm anterior to the dentate ligament for pain in the arm
• In both instances the target point should be in the caudal aspect
of the dome
• It is of utmost importance that this target point is approached in a
perpendicular direction!
• If upwards: is very easy to pass the spinal cord.
• If downwards: one gets dangerously close to the motor tract in the
posterior segment of the cord.
Perpendicularly entering to the target point
• The patient should be mobilised the next day under supervision. Slight
homelateral weakness, which is ascribed to the formation of oedema, is a
normal occurence.
• Time is a factor.
• As time passes, the patient is getting more desperate and the doctor feels
more and more pressed to deliver fast.
• A smooth cordotomy takes less than 20 minutes and fair time as an outer
limit is 40 minutes.
• A cordotomy with PRF gave an effect but less complete and short of
Entry point at the level of the posterior aspect
of the dome
Anteriorly direction.aiming for the anterior aspect of the
dome, just a few mm posterior to the tip
Anterior line, Ligamentum Dentatum, Posterior line van
Spinal Cord
The needle tip is between