Nokia 2G Parameters: Prepared by Nishant Gaurav 1
Nokia 2G Parameters: Prepared by Nishant Gaurav 1
Nokia 2G Parameters: Prepared by Nishant Gaurav 1
With this parameter you define the threshold value of the signal
strength in the adjacent cell for the Directed Retry procedure. If the
signal strength level in the cell is lower than this threshold value,
adjacent cell is not accepted as a candidate in directed retry.
With this parameter you define the maximum time period starting
from the assignment request during which the target cell evaluation
for the directed retry handover is allowed.
With this parameter you define the period starting from the
assignment request during which the target cell evaluation for the
directed retry handover is not allowed.
5. floor radioLinkTimeout = 30 ?
1. floor BTS B
Tunnel (long)
Unsuccessfull Handover
=> Call Re-Establishment
Prepared By Nishant Gaurav 5
By enabling this feature, USER can use data while on call
With this parameter you define how the MS uses DTX (discontinuous
MS may use DTX (0), MS shall use
dtxMode DTX Mode BTS DTX (1), MS shall not use DTX (2) 2
Handover priority
1. Uplink and downlink Interference
2. Uplink quality
3. Downlink quality
4. Uplink level
5. Downlink level
6. Distance
7. Rapid Field Drop
8. Slow moving MS
9. Better cell i.e. Periodic check (Power Budget HO or Umbrella HO)
10. PC: Lower quality/level thresholds (UL/DL)
11. PC: Upper quality/level thresholds (UL/DL)
Prepared By Nishant Gaurav 7
Power Budget Handover
Abbreviated name Parameter name Managed Description Range and step Default Remark
object value
With this parameter you define the minimum signal level of an adjacent Cell area
rxLevMinCell RX Lev Min Cell ADCE cell, when a handover is allowed to one of them. -110..-47 step 1 -100 defination
With this parameter you define the maximum transmission power of the MS
for each adjacent cell. This parameter replaces old ms_txpwr_max_cell Cell area
msTxPwrMaxGSM MS Tx Pwr Max GSM ADCE parameter. 5..39 step 2 33 defination
Abbreviated name Parameter name Managed Description Range and step Default Remark
object value
With this parameter you define the minimum signal level of an adjacent Cell area
rxLevMinCell RX Lev Min Cell ADCE cell, when a handover is allowed to one of them. -110..-47 step 1 -100 defination
With this parameter you define the maximum transmission power of the
MS for each adjacent cell. This parameter replaces old Cell area
msTxPwrMaxGSM MS Tx Pwr Max GSM ADCE ms_txpwr_max_cell parameter. 5..39 step 2 33 defination
Abbreviated name Parameter name Managed Description Range and step Default Remark
object value
With this parameter you define the order of preference between
intra-cell and inter-cell handovers when the cause of the handover is
downlink interference. Inter-cell handover has greater priority
HO Preference Order (INTER) (0), Intra-cell handover has greater HANDOV
hoPrefOrderInterfDl Interference DL BSC priority (INTRA) (1) 0 ER
With this parameter you define the order of preference between
intra-cell and inter-cell handovers when the cause of the handover is
uplink interference. Inter-cell handover has greater priority
HO Preference Order (INTER) (0), Intra-cell handover has greater HANDOV
hoPrefOrderInterfUl Interference UL BSC priority (INTRA) (1) 0 ER
With this parameter you indicate whether an intracell handover
caused by downlink interference is enabled. The parameter does not
affect handovers between normal and extended areas.
Enable Intracell Handover handover control is disabled (N) (0), handover Ho Type
enableIntraHoDl Interference DL HOC control is enabled (Y) (1) 1 alowed
With this parameter you indicate whether an intracell handover
caused by uplink interference is enabled. The parameter does not
affect handovers between normal and extended areas.
Enable Intracell Handover handover control is disabled (N) (0), handover Ho Type
enableIntraHoUl Interference UL HOC control is enabled (Y) (1) 1 alowed
N (not in use)
Prepared By Nishant Gaurav 12
Cell Selection in idle mode
• Radio Criteria
C1 = (A - Max(B,0))
Abbreviated name Parameter name Managed Description Range and step Default Remark
object value
With this parameter you define the minimum power level an MS has
to receive before it is allowed to access the cell.
rxLevAccessMin Rxlev Access Min BTS -110..-47 step 1 -105 selection
Normally the cell re-selection is harmless in terms of signalling from the point of view of the Network.
However when the process involves a change in the Location Area the MS will recognize the need for
Location Update. To avoid ping pong effects on the border of a Location Area, an hysteresis is introduced.
MS Moving
A = 4 dB
B = 6 dB
C = 8 dB 1 2
A B C 2