Block Chain Technology
Block Chain Technology
Block Chain Technology
Class – 11C
Subject – Informatic
Block Chain Technology
1) Public Blockchain - A public blockchain is one where anyone is free to join and
participate in the core activities of the blockchain network.
2) Private Blockchain - It is a distributed ledger that operates as a closed database secured
with cryptographic concepts and the organization's needs.
3) Hybrid Blockchain - A hybrid blockchain is a unique type of blockchain technology that
combines the components of both public and private blockchain . 4) Consortium
Blockchain - A consortium blockchain is a type of Blockchain in which members are not
granted to a single entity.
Some of these companies also earn revenue from more traditional
lines of business.
• Coinbase Global Incorporation (COIN)
• Monex Group Incorporation ( MNXBF)
• BIT Mining Limited ( BTCM)
• Canaan Incorporation ( CAN)
• Voyager Digital Limited ( VYGVF)
• SOS Limited ( SOS)
The Future of the Block Chain Revolution
• It will create a trusted, unfilterable, uncensorable repository of data and information that is
accessible worldwide. This technology will drive the creation of the internet ‘s third
generation The blockchain technology will ultimately be seen as the most important
innovation to come out of the cryptocurrency boom.
• It will attract several potential businesses and organizations, While it will act as a cure to
fight several drawbacks prevalent in the market, the technology has many more miles to