This document discusses the normal mechanics and pathophysiology of the shoulder. It covers the anatomy and biomechanics of shoulder movement, including the component movements of elevation and the function of muscles. It also discusses pathophysiological conditions like instability, impingement, and rotator cuff tears. Key principles covered include the importance of external rotation and scapular movement for optimal elevation, and how muscle imbalances can increase forces on the shoulder joint.
This document discusses the normal mechanics and pathophysiology of the shoulder. It covers the anatomy and biomechanics of shoulder movement, including the component movements of elevation and the function of muscles. It also discusses pathophysiological conditions like instability, impingement, and rotator cuff tears. Key principles covered include the importance of external rotation and scapular movement for optimal elevation, and how muscle imbalances can increase forces on the shoulder joint.
Original Title
Normal Mechanics and Pathophysiology of the Shoulder
This document discusses the normal mechanics and pathophysiology of the shoulder. It covers the anatomy and biomechanics of shoulder movement, including the component movements of elevation and the function of muscles. It also discusses pathophysiological conditions like instability, impingement, and rotator cuff tears. Key principles covered include the importance of external rotation and scapular movement for optimal elevation, and how muscle imbalances can increase forces on the shoulder joint.
This document discusses the normal mechanics and pathophysiology of the shoulder. It covers the anatomy and biomechanics of shoulder movement, including the component movements of elevation and the function of muscles. It also discusses pathophysiological conditions like instability, impingement, and rotator cuff tears. Key principles covered include the importance of external rotation and scapular movement for optimal elevation, and how muscle imbalances can increase forces on the shoulder joint.
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Normal Mechanics and
Pathophysiology of the Shoulder
Robert Donatelli PhD PT OCS
The Complex Shoulder Anatomy and mechanics of movement Component movements of elevation Muscle function and dysfunction Pathophysiology Evaluation Treatment Shoulder Pathophysiology Abnormal movement patterns Hypermobility of the glenohumeral joint -Translations of the humeral head -Dislocations and Subluxations -Multidirectional instability Hypermobility of the glenohumeral joint Stiff and painful shoulder movements Medical Diagnosis Instability-Impingement-Rotator cuff tears Bankhart lesions Hill Sacks SLAP lesions Capsular Instability -Inferior capsule shift vs thermal assisted shift -Rotator cuff interval ` Joints of the Shoulder Glenohumeral Scapulothoracic Sterno-clavicular Acromio-clavicular Clinical Biomechanics of Shoulder Movement Osteokinematics vs Arthokinematics Plane of the Scapula Roll – Spin – Slide Forces during shoulder elevation Muscle forces and actions during elevation Rotational movements and the clinical significance. Osteokinematics Movement of the Bone Elevation of the shoulder and the Body Planes of Movement- 1600 planes of elevation one degree per plane Plane of the Scapula (POS) 30-45 degrees anterior to the frontal plane Scaption - POS Johnston Brit J Surg 1937 “A Plea” the true abduction range Poppen and Walker Clin Orth 1978 Kondo Surgery of the Shoulder Medial titling angle is always 40 degrees anterior to the frontal plane Clinical Significance of the POS Length tension of the rotator cuff and shoulder abductor is optimal -Exercise and testing Capsule is untwisted Stretching/ mobilization Joint Congruity is optimal Joint stability Research Torque production between Scaption and other body plane movements Greenfield and Donatelli Am J Sports Med 1990 -- Significant increase in strength of the external rotators in the POS – 30 degrees anterior to the frontal plane Tata et al., J Ortho Sports PT 1993 Better Ratio of ext/int at 35 deg anterior Soderberg et al., J Ortho Sports PT 1987 No difference from sagittal, frontal, neutral, POS 45 degrees anterior to the frontal plane Arthrokinematics ROLL – SPIN – SLIDE Direction and the amount of humeral head translation maybe a function of the soft tissue tension rather than the joint surface geometry. McClure & Flowers PT 1992 Convex surface Roll and Slide occur in opposite directions Principle of Shoulder Elevation Poppen and Walker 1. True abduction is in the POS 2. Humeral head excursion 1.5 mm in a superior and inferior glide during elevation – Roll and Slide occur in opposite directions 3. External rotation of the humerus and scapula is important to elevation Osteokinematics and Arthrokinematics What are the Important Principles of Shoulder Elevation? What are the muscles that elevate the shoulder? What are the action of the muscles that elevate the shoulder? What Forces are produced during shoulder elevation? Why is ROTATION so important to elevation? Primary Elevators of the Shoulder Deltoid Muscles are primary shoulder elevators that provide stability and mobility Supraspinatus elevates the humeral head 3mm into a central position on the glenoid Superior fibers of the subscapularis and infraspinatus Rotator Cuff Assist Elevation Otis JBJS 1994 – Demonstrated that external and internal rotation of the humerus was important to enhancing the moment arm of the subscapularis and infraspinatus during elevation Movement of the insertion laterally increased the distance from the axis of elevation Scapular Rotators Upper traps Lower traps Serratus Levator scapulae Middle Traps and Rhomboids (stabilize) Scapula Rotators Bagg and Forest - Am J Sports Med 1986 Biomechanical analysis of scapular rotators during arm abd. In the POS Scapula rotators 80- 140 greater moment arm than the Deltoid and the supraspinatus Scapula Rotators Scapula muscles Rotation of the Scapula Increased tension on the concoid and trapezoid ligaments resulting in axial rotation of the clavicle. Clavicle forms a double curve creating a crankshaft effect Rotation produces elevation at the AC end to allow the scapula to rotate the last 30 deg Role of the Scapula Stable part of the glenohumeral joint Retraction and protraction along the thoracic wall Elevation of the Acromion – reduces impingement Base of muscle attachment Link of proximal and distal segments AC and SC Joints Axial rotation of the clavicle secondary to scapula rotation Rotation and elevation at the AC end – very mobile joint limited ligament support SC joint is the hinge mechanism for elevation – costoclavicular ligament SC strong ligament support and meniscus Forces During Elevation Muscle forces produce parallel and perpendicular forces to the GH joint The RC muscles = a parallel force to the GH joint = compression and depression The Anterior Deltoid produces a perpendicular force to the GH joint = shear (Max shear 60 deg) Muscle Forces parallel & perpendicular to the joint Stabilizing Effect of Deltoid
The Middle &
Posterior Deltoid more compressive forces, lower shearing Lee et al Dynamic GH stability provided by the 3 heads of the Deltoid Muscle. Clin Ortho Rel Research 2002 Gagey & Hue 2000 Clin Orth Rel Res Mechanics of the Deltoid Muscle Role of the Biceps The long and short head of the biceps at 60 and 90 degrees of abduction and external rotation is an important stabilizer by increasing torsional rigidity Itio et al JBJS 93 The long head of the biceps during internal & external rotation is anterior/posterior to the joint, producing compressive forces restraining the translations of the humeral head Abboud & Soclowsky Clin Ortho Rel Res 2002 Dynamic Stability of GH Deltoid and the Rotator cuff muscles produce shearing, compressive, and depressive forces to the GH joint These forces will vary as the muscles’ alignment change. A larger superior shearing force will produce impingement A larger compressive force will center the humeral head on the glenoid creating stability Muscle Forces Changing Acromial Pressure Payne et al. Am J Sports Med 1997 Muscle reducing acromial pressure: -Biceps 10% (6 shoulder 34% dec) -Rotator Cuff 52% dec without supraspinatus (type III acromion) Muscle increasing acromial pressure: -Supraspinatus – superior shear forces -Deltoid abduction force inc. 17% and the average pressure under the acromion increased 1240% Internal rotation increased pressure 33% Anterior (G-H Joint) Posterior Scapula Rotators Effect on Increasing GH Forces Serratus anterior and trapezius weakness will reduce upward scapular rotation and increase the risk of rotator cuff and bicipital impingement DeVita et al. Phys Therapy 1990 Weakness of scapula retractors will result in excessive protraction and narrow the subacromial space McQuade et al. Clin Biomech 95 Kibler Am J Sports Med 1998 Scapular Dysfunction
Kebaestse et al Arch of Phys
Med Rehab 1999 – Thoracic posture effects position of the scapula and ROM of the G-H joint Warner et al Clin Ortho Rel Res 1992 Asymmetry of the scapula is 32-57% of shoulder instability & Impingement groups Wadsworth & Bullock- Saxton Int J Sports Med 1997 Serratus recruitment delayed in impingement group External/Internal Rotation Concomitant External Rotation of the humerus is necessary for abduction in the coronal plane. Inman, Poppen & Walker, Johnston Maximum elevation in all planes anterior to the POS require external axial rotation of the humerus. Browne et al. J Orthop Res 1991 Maximum elevation 35 degrees Ext. Rotn Internal rotation required for elevation posterior to the POS. Browne et al JBJS 1990 Direct correlation between passive external rotation in the adducted position and active elevation in the POS Donatelli et al. Orthopedic Research Society Annual Meeting – Poster presentation Rotation of the Humerus Brems et al Clin Ortho 1994 - Key component to elevation in shoulder arthroplasty patients. -External rotation is possibly the most important functional motion that the shoulder complex allows. -Loss of greater than 45 degrees could result in significant functional impairment Ratio Of Rotator Cuff Muscles Average strength of the external to internal rotators approximately 60% Ellenbecker JOSPT 1997 demonstrated that in professional baseball pitchers the external to internal rotator ratio was 70%. If the external to internal rotator ratio is less than 50% a muscle imbalance is present that could effect function. Especially in overhead throwing athletes. Stabilizing Mechanisms of the G-H joint/ Turkel JBJS 1981 36 cadaver shoulders embalmed Relative soft tissue contributions to limiting external rotation at the G-H joint. Dissections of Subscapularis, Shoulder capsule, Superior, middle and inferior G-H ligaments. At Zero degrees of abduction subscapularis most significant restriction in ext. rotn 45 degrees abd middle G-H ligament 90 degrees abd superior band of the inferior G-H ligament checked external rotation Restricted External Rotation in zero degrees of abduction Subscapularis Muscle Largest muscle mass of the RC Two muscle bellies with multiple nerve innervations Forms medial wall for long head biceps stability Muscle arises from the scapula foss – posterior and attaches to the G-H joint – anterior. Depressors of the humeral head Midrange and end-range stabilityLee et al JBJS 2000 Subscapularis Subscapularis and Surrounding Muscles Subscapularis Fascial Tissue Subscapularis Syndrome Limited passive external rotation in the adducted position or zero degrees of abd. Lack of disassociation of the humerus from the scapula with active elevation Poor lift off test – pain, weakness, and/or restrictions Asymmetrical scapula (inferior angle) – weak supraspinatus and ext. rotators poor length tension Positive Impingement tests Hawkins impingement of deep surface of Subscapularis – Gerber & Sebesta J Sh Elbow Surg 2000 Subscapularis Syndrome Doctoral Research M. Zazzeli DcS 6 patients MRI compared to Clinical testing 3 out of 6 patients subscapularis involved Fatty fibrous infiltration (1) Tendinosis (2) 5 out of 6 had tears of supraspinatus All patients/ pain & weakness Lift-off test ER in zero degrees of abd. = 29.7 Positive Impingement tests-Hawkins, Yokums, Neer + Lift off test & Limited ER in zero deg abd suspect Supraspinatus lesion Phases of Elevation Initial Phase 0-60 degrees active elevation Middle or critical phase 60-140 degrees active elevation Final Phase 140-180 degrees of active elevation Initial Phase 0-30 humeral head moves superior by the action of the supraspinatus 3mm to position the head of the humerus in a central position on the glenoid – Important for stability 0-60 SC joint mobility Ratio 4:29:1 AA:SR Arm abduction to scapula rotation 3:29:1 GH:ST - G-H joint movement to Scapula-thoracic joint movement Middle Phase Maximum forces at the G-H joint 60-90 - Shearing forces of the Deltoid -Weight of the arm 80-140 degrees greatest relative amount of scapula rotation 130-150 clavicular elevation at the AC is complete Middle Phase Arthrokinematics Superior/inferior glides 1.5mm – Poppen and Walker 1:71:1 AA/SR 0.71:1 GH/ST Rotation-Rotation-Rotation important component movements of the G-H, scapula, and the clavicle Final Phase Disassociation of the humerus from the scapula Good extensibility of the subscapularis, teres major, pectoralis minor 4:5:1 AA/SR 3:5:1 GH/ST Summary Clinical Biomechanics of Shoulder Motion 1. Osteokinematics / Arthrokinematics 2. POS 3. Roll Spin Slide 4. Parallel and Perpendicular Forces during shoulder elevation Stability / Instability 5. Muscle forces and actions during elevation 6. Internal and external rotation of the Glenohumeral – Scapula - Clavicle
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