15.antigen - Antibody Reactions Part 2
15.antigen - Antibody Reactions Part 2
15.antigen - Antibody Reactions Part 2
Slide Agglutination
• Uniform suspension of particulate antigen and appropriate
• Positive result - Clumping of particles and clearing of the
• Typing of bacterial isolates
• Blood groups and typing
Weil–Felix - Typhus
Typhus, rickettsiae and Proteus
Streptococcus MG agglutination - Primary atypical pneumonia
Paul-Bunnel test – Infectious mononucleosis
Direct or Indirect
Direct: Sensitisation of erythrocytes in vivo
Example: Hemolytic disease of newborn
Indirect: Sensitisation of erythrocytes in vitro
Positive CFT
No lysis complement fixed i.e. serum contained
• Definition : The ability of specific antibodies to reduce the
effect of toxin or infectivity of viruses.
• Most microbes use molecules in their envelope or cell
walls to bind and gain entry into the host cells.
• Antibodies may attach to the microbial epitopes and toxins
preventing microbes and toxins from binding to the host
• Neutralization test are broadly of two types-
1.Virus neutralization test
2.Toxin neutralization test
Virus Neutralization Test
• Definition: Neutralization of viruses by their specific antibodies is called
as virus neutralization test.
• When virus specific antibodies are injected into these systems replication
and growth of viruses is inhibited forming the basis of this test
• Examples-virus hemagglutination inhibition test used for diagnosis of
influenza, mumps and measles
• Neutralization may be quantified on
- chorioallantoic membrane of chick embryo
- By enumeration of plaque on monolayer tissue culture
Toxin Neutralization Test
• Definition: Biological action of toxin is neutralized on reacting with
specific neutralizing antibodies called a anti toxin
• Toxicity of endotoxin is not neutralized by endotoxins
• Toxin tests can be done in vivo or in vitro
IN VIVO: injecting toxin antitoxin mixture and estimating least
amount of antitoxin that prevent disease. E.g. Schick test for
• Advantages:
A) Precision and high sensitivity
B) Ease of isotope conjugation
C) Unlike enzymes, isotopes labeled are not likely to disrupt
Ag activity
• Disadvantages:
A) I 125 labeled reagent in common use have limited shelf life
B) Potential hazard
C) Expensive
• It is a one step ,qualitative immunochromatographic technique has wide
application in serodiagnosis due to its simplicity, economy and reliability.
• For example, routinely used for HBsAg detection.
• The test system is a small cassette containing a membrane impregnated
with anti-HBsAg antibody colloidal gold dye conjugate.
• The membrane is exposed at 3 windows on the cassette
– Test serum dropped into first window
– As the serum travels upstream by capillary action, a coloured band is produced at
2nd window(test site) if the serum contains HBsAg, due to formation of an HBsAg
antibody conjugate complex. Indicates positive reaction
– A coloured band should appear in 3rd window, which forms an inbuilt control, in
the absence of which the test is invalid.
• Test is nearly as sensitive and specific as EIA tests.
• Fluorescence is the property of absorbing light rays of one particular
wavelength and emitting rays with a different wavelength.
• Fluorescent dyes show up brightly under ultraviolet light as they convert
ultraviolet to visible light.
• This technique is generally used to locate presence of the specific Ag on
the cell membrane(receptors).
• Can also be used to detect Ags present inside the cells.
• Commonly used fluorescent dyes are fluorescein isothiocyanate which
emits yellow green light at 517nm, rhodamine B which emits deep red light
at 546nm, and phycoerythrin, an accessory light absorbing protein pigment
of photosynthetic algae which emits red light at the wavelength of 578nm.
• All these 3 dyes mentioned above stain the protein
• Disadvantage:
Separate fluorescent conjugates have to be prepared against each antigen
to be tested
Indirect Immunofluorescence test