Chapters Two: The Development of Human Culture Outline

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Chapters Two: The Development of Human Culture

2.1. Types of Society
2.2. Evolution of Humankind
2.3. Human dispersal
2.4. Agricultural Origins and Dispersal
2.5. Industrial origins and dispersal
2.6. Evolution of Settlement Patterns
2.6.1. Origin and spread of Settlement
2.6.2. Settlement Types & Morphology
2.6.3. Neighbourhood, Community and residential units
2.6.4.Indices of settlement morphology

The Development of Human Culture

The date to the appearance of Homo is much in doubt.
 A better documented date for East African Homo habilis is 2 million
years ago.
Homo habilis, known as 'handy man' is a species of the genus Homo
which lived from approximately 2.33 to 1.4 million years ago, during
the Gelasian Pleistocene period.
In its appearance and morphology, Homo habilis is the least similar to
modern humans of all species in the genus.
Homo habilis was short and had disproportionately long arms
compared with modern humans, but with a less protruding face than
the australopithecines from which it is thought to have descended.

The Development of Human Culture

Physically similar to the related Australpiticus, the first

humans showed clear evidence of the beginnings of culture
through tool and fire making.

It is assumed that they had use of language and perhaps were
organized into linguistically based bands.

For the purpose of a general differentiation of the stages of

cultural development, cultural and social geographers
recognize the series of cultural-technological periods that we
employ below.

Human evolution is characterized by a number of important
 Morphological, cultural, physiological, and
 Behavioral those have taken place since the split
between the last common ancestor of humans and
For instance, the first major morphological change was the
evolution of a bipedal locomotors adaptation from an
arboreal or semi-arboreal one.

• Similarly, through time humans has also

• Developed the capacity to create tools and

• Institutions based on that complex symbolic understanding

intertwined with the development of other basic forms of culture.

Developments, cultural and social geographers recognize the
series of cultural-technological periods.

These are
A. The Stone Age

a. Paleolithic period (Old Stone Age),

b. Mesolithic period (Middle Stone Ago), &
c. Neolithic period (New Stone Age)),
B The iron Age and
C. The Bronze Age.

Each successive period was marked by a wider distribution of
humans over a greater range of habitat.

Each period displayed improving capabilities of humans to

utilize their environment for their needs and to produce from it
higher levels of support for increasing population numbers.

A. Stone Age
The Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age)

Homo erectus had migrated from Africa to Asia and southern Europe.

had stone tools, more carefully shaped and differentiated and worked
to standardized designs than those made by its predecessors.
These tools also indicate that societies had an established division
of labor between men and women and between adults of the same

A hunter of large game animals and a gatherer of plant food,

Homo erectus maintained home bases with fireplaces and had
begun the construction of shelters.

Division of labor between hunting male and foraging female

created and preserved individual biological families, and the
sharing of meat from the collective hunt forged social bonds
holding together permanent bands.

Cro-Magnon and before Neanderthal people inhabited
Western Europe and the lands around the Mediterranean
Sea from about 100,000 to approximately 10,000 years
They made several kinds of tools, used animal skins
and furs for clothing, and were able hunt big game. Art
and religion were important parts of the culture
Figure: Paleolithic stone tools and art

The Mesolithic period (middle stone age)
The retreats of the last glaciers about 11,000 years ago
marked the beginning of the Mesolithic period (the
Middle stone ago) in cultural development in the Old
Glacial recession and the resulting warm weather
produced various climatic, vegetation, and faunal
changes that imposed on humans new ecological
conditions to which adaptation was required.
Forests began to appear on the open plains and the
tundra of Europe and northern china.
In the Middle East, where plant and animal
domestication would later occur, dry steppes were
replaced by savanna vegetation.
The large grazing animals, such as reindeer, mammoth, and
buffalo, retreated to the north or disappeared.
As the food and ecological base altered, so did human
Such changes reflect the stresses felt by a continually growing
population since the carrying capacity of the earth for hunter-
gatherers is low.
The domestication of both plants and animals, which began
during this period,
led subsequently to fully developed agricultural societies
and to the creation of cities and city-based empires.
The Mesolithic period from about 11,000 to 5000 B.C.
In Europe-was crucial for the transition from the collection of
food to its production.
The regional contrasts between hunter-gatherer and sedentary
agricultural societies increased.
The Neolithic period (New stone age)
Neolithic (or New Stone Age) designates a stage of
cultural development, not a specific span of time.
The term implies the creation of an advanced set of
tools and technologies to deal with the conditions and
needs encountered by an expanding, sedentary
population whose economy was based on the agricultural
management of the environment.
During this period, culture began to alter at an
accelerating pace, and change itself became a way of life.

Humans learned the arts of spinning and weaving plant and
animals fibers.
They learned to use the potter’s wheel and to fire clay and make
They developed techniques of brick making, mortaring, and

Building construction; and they discovered the skills of

mining, smelting and casting metals.
Permanent villages appeared along with such technical

Table 2.1. Key dates and chief developments in the Evolution of Culture
Cultural no of years Chief Developments
period before present

4-2 million Emergence of Australopithecus (Pliocene) and Homo

1.5 million (Pleistocene) Evolution of Homo erectus; migration to
Asia and Europe; use of fire and crude tools.
100,000- Homo sapiens develop and disperse across world.
11,000 Hunting and gathering economy; variety of tools;
artwork; burial rituals; retreat of last glaciers.

11.000-9000 Domestication of plants and animals, some production of

food; semi- permanent settlements; further refinements of
Mesolithic tools.
9000-5500 Systems of agriculture; use of animals for work;
Specialization in occupation.
Neolithic 5500 to Growth of culture hearths, cities, city-states and empires;
present continuous development in all systems of culture.
B. The Bronze Age

In this period, humans began to utilize metal such as bronze to

make tools.

Besides the towns were formed and extended to become cities.

In the society, there was work division between the agriculture

and artwork.

Human began to set the time and use calendar; the trading

activities appeared following by the transportation services

especially the transport by using animals as vehicles and by boats.

C. Iron Age
In that period, instead of using bronze, human began using iron
to make transport instruments and weapon because in that
time, iron was easier available than bronze.

Important was that human were capable to melt down the iron and
make materials in the expected form.

This was a great success of the human being in term of

technique of the material production.

Types of Society
There are several varied definitions of society depending on the
theoretical perspective employed by researchers.

While culture refers to the way of life of the members of a society,

society refers to the system of interrelationships that connect
individuals together as members of culture, referring to attitudes
and behaviors.
A society or a human society is thus a group of people related to
each other through persistent relations such as a social status, roles
and social networks.

Experts tend to classify different societies into four major types.

according to their political organization and social complexity.
From least to most socially complex, they are bands, tribes,
chiefdoms and states. 16
• The smallest functioning human group is the natural or nuclear
family consisting of two parents and immediate offspring.

• Nearly every human child begins life within a family, the first
social group the child comes to know.

• The factors that prompted language, tool making, and group

formation are unclear,
• but probably include information sharing matting, childcare, basic
subsistence requirements, cooperative hunting, and minimizing

• Early human groups are typically labeled bands.

A. Band is a small often as low as twenty and never
more than a few hundred,
autonomous group of people,
Made up of nuclear families that live together, and
are associated with a territory on which they hunt.

A band as a political structure is typically found amongst

societies with a hunter-gather economy.

B. Tribe is a large collection or group of bands tied
together by familiar bonds/kinship ties such as lineages,
clan, and moieties, but the ties that bind a tribe are more
complicated than those of bands.

Tribes tend to have a common territory.

Leadership is personal or charismatic with no political

offices containing real power and a "chief" is merely a
man of influence, a sort of adviser.

C. Chiefdoms are societies headed by individuals with
unusual ritual, political, or entrepreneurial skills.

The society is kin-based but more along hierarchical

lines than a tribe.

Chiefdom is associated with greater population density.

It has centers which coordinate economic, social and

religious activities, hence more complex and more
organized than tribes.

D. State is defined as "an autonomous political unit, encompassing

many communities within its territory and

having a centralized government with the power to

collect taxes, draft men for work or war, and declare and
implement laws."
Still, other scholars defined the society based on its level of
technology into the following six basic types,
Although humans have established many types of societies
throughout history.
1. Hunting and gathering societies 5. Feudal societies
2. Pastoral societies 6. Industrial societies
3. Horticultural societies 7. Postindustrial societies
4. Agricultural societies

Types of Society
Hunting and gathering societies
The hunting and gathering societies primarily survive by
hunting animals, fishing, and gathering plants.
They are today on the verge of extinction.
These early small human societies completely depended
upon their immediate environment.
They were quite mobile because the society had to
relocate to an area where resources were plentiful when
the animals left the area, the plants died, or the rivers
dried up. 22
Although most of these societies were nomadic, small
villages might form in areas where resources were
In this connection, males probably traveled long
distances to hunt and capture larger animals while
females hunted smaller animals, gathered plants, made
clothing, protected and raised children, and helped the
males to protect the community from rival groups

Pastoral societies
Pastoral societies pasture animals for food and transportation.
They still exist today, primarily in the desert lands of North Africa.
Domesticating animals allows for a more manageable food supply
than do hunting and gathering.
Hence, pastoral societies are able to produce a surplus of goods,
which makes storing food for future use.

Horticultural societies
As opposed to pastoral societies, horticultural societies rely on
cultivating fruits, vegetables, and plants.
Like hunting and gathering societies, they were mobile and forced
the people to leave due to the depletion of the land resources or
declining water supplies.
Horticultural societies occasionally produced a surplus, which
permitted storage as well as the emergence of other professions not
related to the survival of the society.

Agricultural societies
Agricultural societies use technological advances to cultivate
crops, especially grains such as wheat, rice, corn, and barley over a
large area.
The invention of animal drawn plough marked the beginning of
agrarian societies.
Experts use the phrase Agricultural Revolution to refer to the
technological changes that led to cultivating crops and raising farm
Increases in food supplies then led to larger populations than in
earlier communities.

Feudal societies
From the 9th to 15th centuries, feudalism was a form of society
based on ownership of land.
Unlike today's farmers, vassals under feudalism were bound to
cultivating their lord's land.
In exchange for military protection, the peasants are expected to
provide food, crops, crafts, homage, and other services to the
owner of the land such as cultivating their lord's land for

Feudalism was replaced by a new economic system called as
capitalism between the 14th and 16th centuries, which is marked
by open competition in a free market in which the means of
production are privately owned.

Industrial societies

Industrial societies are based on using machines (particularly fuel-

driven ones) to produce goods.

The Industrial Revolution begun during the 18th century when

goods are produced in mechanized factories began.

Postindustrial societies
Cultural and social geographers note that with the advent of the
computer microchip, the world is witnessing a technological
This revolution is creating a postindustrial society based on
information, knowledge, and the selling of services.
Society is being shaped by the human mind, aided by computer
technology, rather than being driven by the factory production of
Although factories will exist, the key to wealth and power seems
to lie in the ability to generate, store, manipulate, and sell
The evolution of humankind
• The nature of the evolutionary process has recently been the
subject of considerable controversy.

• Although our knowledge continues to increase, there is still much

that we do not know about human origins and early history.

• Current evidence suggests that the large apes evolved as one

primate line in Africa about 25 million years ago and then split into
a number of relatively distinct evolutionary lines.

• One of these gave rise to gorillas, which in turn split into two
further lines, chimpanzees and humans.
Using a combination of fossil, geological and genetic evidence that as this
split occurred, human ancestors diverged from the ape line about 6 million
years ago.

• The most compelling evidence is that humans and chimpanzees differ in

only about 1 per cent of their genes.

• Our ancestors become increasingly differentiated from other animals,

learned how to adapt to a variety of environments, and

• Gradually spread over the surface of the earth in a prolonged developmental


• From an early date, humans and their immediate ancestors demonstrated

their ability to be the active elements in the complex of human environment
interactions leading to the peopling and the exploitation of the earth's
Evolution of Human species


Not accepted by all scientists as a hominid, ramapithecus appears

to have moved from the trees to a more open savanna environment.

By about 2 million years ago, the branch leading to modern

humans was represented by possibly two types.

One was tough, with a massive face and strong facial muscles,
essentially a vegetarian and a grubber of roots.

Scientists now think that this strong vegetarian died out about
two hundred fifty thousand years ago.

• The other type, slender in build and about four feet tall, was most
likely a hunter.

• The samples of teeth he had indicate carnivorousness, suggesting

that meat was the predominant component of the diet.

• This type became extinct at an early period, or possibly was

replaced by a larger, stronger creature.

 One of these was Australopithecus, "near man," walking erect and with
limb and tooth structures.

These creatures were clearly the first hominid, or " Humanlike" creatures,
diverged from their apelike ancestors.

Australopithecus may have given rise to the genus Homo, or "true man".

Not surprisingly, there is fossil evidence of their presence throughout

eastern and southern Africa.

Fossil evidence found in Afar, Ethiopia farther to the north, shows that
bipedalism, two footed movement, was fully developed.

This is a critical adaptation that permitted efficient movement ver great

distances while carrying objects at the same time.


The now-famous "Lucy", discovered in 1974 and assigned a

disputed age of 3.6 million years, and

The perhaps 4-millionyears old male fossil unearthed in 1982 to

the south of the "Lucy" site in Ethiopia have been assigned the
species name Australopithecus afarensis,

The Afar ape-man, in part reflecting the size and shape of the
chimpanzee like skull.

This species had a small brain of about 440 ml (modern human

brains average 1,450 ml).

The creatures evolved in eastern and southern Africa were of

short creatures, no taller than a preteenage boy, of the genus or
family known as Australopithecus.

These creatures walked in a stooped but some-what upright

manner, and they lived on the ground.

Australopithecus was contemporary with early humans, but

arrived at an evolutionary dead end, and became extinct perhaps 1
million years ago.

Homo Habilis

The next evolutionary event in the human ancestors occurred

about 3 million years ago

when this hominid line split into two types, one of which became
extinct and one of which evolved into modern humans.

The first representative of the line leading to modern humans

appears to be the species Homo habilis.

Both Australopithecus and Homo habilis were probably

restricted to Africa, notably the east and South African savanna
areas, eating small animals and plants.
Homo Habilis cont’…….d

• But Homo hibilis used their increased brain size (about 680 ml) to
begin a new and important cultural behavior in that they made
stone tools.

• Tool making is a major technological advance.

• Brain size distinguished Homo habilis from other previous

hominids and from other hominid lines living at the same time.

• Some evidence suggests that Homo habilis, unlike

Australopithecus, possessed the capacity for speech.

Homo Habilis cont’…….d
Although we are uncertain of the answers to the questions such as
why Australopithecus afarnensis split into two types about 3
million years ago and
why one of these become extinct, there is evidence to suggest that
global climatic changes are causal factor.

Evolutionary changes can be seen as varying adaptations to these

changing physical environments.

Homo Erectus

The fossilized bones discovered in Java in 1991 and in China at

Choukoutien (Zhoukoudian) near Beijing in the 1920s,

Together with similar fossilized remains subsequently unearthed in

other parts of the old world,

Now regarded as belonging definitely to humanlike creature, but

of a much later period than the australopithecines mentioned

This creature was known as Homo erectus because they walked

Homo Erectus cont’…….d

After the appearance of Homo erectus, human biological evolution

stabilized for sometimes, although cultural adaptation, including
The use of clothing and
Shelters and fashioned crude stone tools (Lower Paleolithic or Old Stone
Age culture) and
Possibly knew how to create fire were considerable.
Different cultural adaptations were devised for different

By about 400,000 years ago, hunting strategies had progressed to

include the use
of fire and possibly planned hunting of larger game. 44
Homo Erectus cont’…….d
Seems to have used fire in caves as far back as 400,000years ago for
Heating, cooking, and
Protection against the attack of animals.
An innovation at this time was the introduction of relatively
permanent pair bonding-monogamy.
Human language also increased substantially to encourage the
gradual development of human culture.
This new species was distinguished from Homo habilis primarily
because of the increased brain size of about 1,000 ml, a brain size
at about the lower limit of modern humans.

Homo erectus first appeared in Africa and subsequently spread

over much of Africa and into the warm temperate areas of Europe
and Asia.
Homo Erectus cont’…….d

Currently this hominid species is thought to be the first to move

out of Africa.

Some recent evidence suggests that Homo erectus may have

reached Asia shortly after the first appearance in Africa.

Reasons for this movement are not known, but the explanation
probably related to climatic change, population increases, and the
associated search for food. Again, the basis of subsistence was
hunting and gathering.

Homo erectus remained restricted to more temperate areas of the

old world. 46
Homo Sapiens
a) Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis:
Some 400,000 years ago, an immediate precursor of modern
humans but a new hominid evolved from Homo erectus.
This species is similar to modern humans, but because there are
physical differences between them and modern humans, they are
often called archaic Homo sapiens.
Their mean brain size of 1,220 ml was about 85 percent of that of
modern humans.
The best known subset of these archaic was named Homo sapiens
Neanderthalensis (Neanderthal man),
who first appeared about 130,000 years ago and lasted until about
30,000 years ago.
The name is derived from a skull unearthed in 1856 in the
Neander Valley near Düsseldorf, in what is now the Federal
Republic of Germany.
a) Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis cont’……d

Over the past century, many other fossils, animals’ bones, and
hand worked tools have been uncovered in Africa, Asia, and
Europe, suggesting that Neanderthals were also widely dispersed.

The cave at Le Moustier in southern France-where

a great diversity of flaked stone tools, bone points and
spear like, sharpened animal rib have been found-has given its
name to local Neanderthal culture (i.e. Mousterian).

A number of Neanderthal burial sites suggest some degree of

social organization and possibly a religious consciousness.
b) Homo sapiens Sapiens

Before the last advance of the ice had come to a halt, the
Neanderthals had presumably become extinct.

The sole hominid survivor of the period was Cro-Magnon man,

who is recognized as a member of the genus Homo sapiens

The Cro-Magnons, who were nomadic hunters, migrated into

Europe from the Middle East.

They occupied the coastal areas of the Mediterranean and

scattered inland to what was then the tundra, the treeless barrens on
the southern margin of the retreating glaciers in Europe. 49
b) Homo sapiens Sapiens cont’……d
The cave paintings in France and Spain suggest that these new
people had developed a way of life that was different from the
habits of the Neanderthals.
They had become considerably more skilled in the making of
stone and bone tools, they could draw and paint with considerable
skills and imagination, and
they had developed speech, which certainly has tended the
formation of social groups and the development of culture.
The warming trend in the earth’s climate that occurred about 8 to
10,000 years ago
Meant the extraction of many mammals that had long roamed
the earth-the woolly mammoth,
Giant wolves, and cave bears, as well as reindeer and horsing
in north America.
b) Homo sapiens Sapiens cont’……d

These climatic changes were accompanied by movements of

people that resulted in a fundamental redistribution over the
surface of the earth.

New invaders from the near east and south-central Asia bought to
Europe advances in the art of tool making and a more highly
developed social structure.

Among these human beings were groups that were by

now essentially agriculturalist.

b) Homo sapiens Sapiens cont’……d

• At the same time, other members of the human species had reached
the peripheral regions of the earth, the pacific island and Australia.

• We have now reached a critical point-the emergence of modern

humans, often called Homo spines sapiens.
• These humans spread though out the world replacing existing
archaic groups because of some adaptive advantage.

b) Homo sapiens Sapiens cont’……d

• From this time onwards, human evolution is cultural, not

 Starting 12,000 years ago, human populations in several different
places developed agriculture, and the human species began to
increase in number.
Cities and state-level societies began about 8,000 years ago.
Subsequent cultural developments took place at an ever-increasing
The Industrial Revolution began only 250 years ago.

Human Dispersals
The human migration path and year is a matter of debate and study.
But, on the basis of the current evidences: Early human migrations
began when Homo erectus first migrated out of Africa to Eurasia
about 1.8 million years ago.
Reasons for this movement may be related to climatic change,
population increase, and the associated search of food.
It also sparked by the development of language.
The expansion of Homo erectus out of Africa was followed by that
of Homo antecessor into Europe around 800,000 years ago.
Modern humans, Homo sapiens, evolved in Africa up to 200,000
years ago and reached the Near East around 125,000 years ago.
From the Near East, these populations spread east to South Asia by
50,000 years ago and on to Australia by 40,000 years ago,
when for the first time Homo sapiens reached territory never
reached by Homo erectus.
Homo sapiens reached Europe around 40,000 years ago, eventually
replacing the Neanderthal population. East Asia was reached by
30,000 years ago.
The date of migration to North America is disputed; it may have
taken place around 30,000 ago, or considerably later, around 14,000

Based on some not entirely consensual evidence, some authors argue that modern
humans left Africa using two different routes:
The Nile Valley heading to the Middle East, at least into modern Israel (120,000–
100,000 years BP); and
A second one through the present-day Babel Mandeb Strait
on the Red Sea (at that time, with a much lower sea level and narrower
extension), crossing it into the Arabian Peninsula, and then possibly going into the
Indian Subcontinent (75,000 years BP).
Figure 2.8: The route of the early human

Agricultural Origins and Dispersals
Geographers commonly divide human culture into four distinct
technical stages. These are
(1) food-gathering and hunting cultures,
(2) herding cultures,
(3) agricultural cultures, and
(4) urban cultures.
Each stage is matched by an increasing complexity of material
goods and social organization,
Agriculture, the tilling of crops and rearing of domesticated animals
to produce food, feed, drink, and fiber, has been the principal
enterprise of humankind through most of history.

Agricultural Origins and Dispersals
Agriculture may be less than 12,000 years old and emerged
sequentially in several world regions.
Even today, agriculture remains by far the most important economic
activity in the world,
Occupying the greater part of land area and employing 45 percent
of the working population.
In some parts of Africa and Asia, over 80 percent of the labor
force is devoted to agriculture.
In North America, less than 2 percent of the population works as
Europe’s population is as thoroughly non-agricultural as North
Agricultural Origins and Dispersals
As the population of hunter-gatherers rose slowly at the end of the
glacial period, domestication of plants and animals began to occur
independently in more than one world area.
There is controversy on whether the domestication of animals
preceded or followed that of plants.
The sequence may well have been different in different areas.
Anyway, let us briefly discuss the origin and diffusion of plant and
animal domestication separately as follows.

1. The Origin and Diffusion of Plant Domestication
The domestication of plants means the deliberate planting, raising,
and storing of the seeds, roots, or shoots of selected stock by humans.
As a result it represented a process, not an event.
The domestication of plants appears a time span of between 10,000
and perhaps as long as 20,000 years ago.
Regarding the question of how plant domestication came about,
there are different hypothesizes.
For instance, plant domestication was considered as a widely
adopted strategy for coping with the critical population pressures
encountered nearly simultaneously throughout the world.
In this case, domestication focused on plant species selected
apparently for their capability of providing large quantities of storable
calories or protein.
On the other hand, Carl O Sauer (1899-1975), an American cultural
geographer, believed domestication probably did not develop in
response to hunger.
He maintained that necessity was not the mother of agricultural
Because starving people must spent every working hour searching
for food and have no time to devote to centuries of leisurely
experimentation required to domesticate plants.
Instead, peoples accomplished it that had enough food to remain
settled in one place and devote considerable time to plant care.
The first farmers were probably settled folk, rather than migratory
hunters and gatherers.
He reasoned that domestication did not occur in grasslands or large
river floodplains.

In such areas, primitive cultures would have had difficulty coping
with the thick sod and periodic floodwaters.
Sauer also believed the hearth areas of domestication must have
been in regions where many different kinds of wild plants grew,
providing abundant vegetative raw material for experimentation and
Such areas typically appear in hilly districts, where climates change
with differing sun exposure and elevation and elevation above sea
Most of geographers now believe that agriculture arose in at least
three such regions of biodiversity.
Perhaps the oldest among these primary centers is the Fertile
Crescent in the Middle East, which gave the world the great bread
grains-wheat, barley, rye, and oats-as well as grapes, apples,
olives, and many others.

When diffusion from the Fertile Crescent brought agriculture to
Ethiopia, a secondary center of domestication developed through
stimulus diffusion, adding crops such as sorghum, peanuts yams,
coffee, and okra.
 The second great agricultural innovation developed in Southeast
Asia. From it came rice, citrus, taro, bananas, and sugarcane,
among other corps.
 There too, stimulus diffusion apparently yielded a secondary
center, in northeastern China, where millet was domesticated.
 Later, American Indians in Mesoamerica achieved the third
great independent invention of agriculture, from which came crops
such as maize (corn), tomatoes, chili peppers, beans, pineapples,
sunflower, seeds, vanilla, pumpkins, tobacco, papayas and squash.

2. The Origin and Diffusion of Animal Domestication
Animal domestication, the successful breeding of species that are
dependent on human beings, began during the Mesolithic epoch.
The original motive for domestication of animal may not have been
economic reason.
Rather it was the outgrowths of the keeping of small or young wild
animals as pets for entertainment purpose and the attraction of
scavenger animals to the refuse (garbage) of human settlements.
The assignment of religious significance to certain animals and the
docility of others to herding by hunters all strengthened the human
animal connections that ultimately led to full domestication.
However, the critical question regarding to animal domestication is,
were the hunters the first societies to domesticate animals?
It was formerly thought that animals were domesticated by hunters
who captured young animals, brought them into hunting camps, and
gradually found uses for them.
According to Sauer suggests that, Probably, the domestication of
both household and herd animals came about when agriculturalists,
encountering the young of wild animals, brought them into the
home site either for the purpose of entertainment or for some
religious ceremony.
Gradually, however, as the production of milk became important, there was
further domestication and further selection and development of animals in order to
find the ones that would furnish the most milk as well as the ones that could be
used for meat animals, riding animals, or draft animals.
The early farmers of the Middle East in the Fertile Crescent deserve
credit for the first great animal domestications, most notably herd
The wild ancestors of major herd animals, such as cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats,
lived primarily in a belt running from Syria and southeastern Turkey eastward
across Iraq and Iran to central Asia.
The widespread natural occurrence of species able to be
domesticated made that certain. Cattle of different varieties, for
example, were domesticated in India, north-central Eurasia, Southeast
Asia, and Africa. Pigs and various domestic fowl are other examples. 65
Evolution of settlement patterns
The term settlement has two distinct meanings in geographic
It may refer to the colonization of new territories by migrating
or it may refer to the grouping of peoples and houses into hamlets,
villages, towns and cities. It is with the second of these meanings that
we are concerned here.
1. Origin of settlement
Humans often settle in groups, mainly in bands and create artificial
The human occupancy of the earth was begun by the groups of
individuals consisting of perhaps about one hundred, rather than
nuclear families because bands are required to collect food, defend
enemies and reproduce
There is abundant evidence that Neanderthals regularly occupied
the mouths of caves and rock shelters in Europe and Southwest Asia.
These provided a degree of weather protection, especially during
the colder times of the last ice age.
Concentrated smoke residues high on the walls of that cave suggest
that Neanderthals were using torches for light.
While some of the evidence of structures there is now in question, it
is clear that people were living seasonally at that site, creating fires,
cooking meat, and making tools.

By the early Neolithic period, both the circular and rectangular
floor plans were in use and construction involved small branches inter
woven and dubbed with mud plasters, sun dried bricks, and stone.
In this period, the houses were built for the purpose of storing
goods, penning, sheltering animals and as a place of work.
In the Paleolithic, people did normally live in shelters that were
built of perishable materials subject to collapse and rapid decay.
Therefore, it is difficult to know what the earliest human shelters
The shelter of the early people changed dramatically from the
Paleolithic to the Neolithic era.
In the Neolithic, mud brick houses started appearing that were
coated with plaster.
The growth of agriculture made permanent houses possible.
Settlement Types & Morphology
It is easier to categorize settlements in terms of size than in terms of
complexity or rural/urban environments.
In terms of size, the settlement hierarchy is a useful means of
categorizing a given settlement (see schematic).
As much as the size of a settlement can vary (from an isolated rural
homestead to a massive urban sprawl of more than 10 million
people), so too can the shape of the settlement vary: In broad
terms, these shapes can be classified as nucleated, linear,
dispersed, and planned.
Nucleated settlements are characterized by a clustering of
buildings or structures around some central point, such as a market
square or a church.
Small rural villages often develop into this type of shape purely
because the population number and function of the village.
Many of the villages of rural Europe are typical nucleated
settlements, in which the market square or church forms the focal
point of the village. 69
Linear settlements are generally determined by physical parameters
such as a river or a road or a narrow coastline.
Essentially, the settlement grows linearly along the obstacle or
transport route to form a long, narrow settlement.
A typical origin for linear settlements is a pre-existing transport
route, along which houses and other buildings were constructed
over time, and only later on in the evolution of the town did lateral
roads and small concentrations of dwellings away from the focal
point or route develop.
Some villages and towns in the United States interior are typical
linear settlements, having been established along railway lines as the
rail network slowly developed over the country from east to west.70
Dispersed settlements offer a direct contrast with nucleated
settlements, in that it appears that the village evolved without a
focal point.
These settlements are found mostly in historical farming
communities and, hence, the resulting landscape is one in which
dwellings are scattered and irregularly shaped farmlands occupy the
areas between the dwellings.
England's farming villages are typical examples of dispersed
settlements, and even though development has taken place over
the centuries, the original layout of the village is still
In the England, these settlements are often referred to as 71
Planned settlements are a relatively recent phenomenon, and a
product of the field of town planning.
A planned settlement is often one that was established for a
particular economic function and therefore has defined activity areas
and transport routes.
Despite being considered a ‘modern’ way of establishing
Villages are designed and laid out so that settlers could buy a
small tract of land in a gridded street plan for the purpose of
cultivating crops, provided they kept to their promise of constructing
permanent houses/buildings within time.

Rural and Urban settlements
Settlements are most commonly classified on the basis of size
and functions.
Accordingly, settlements are divided into rural and urban or villages
and towns.
There are no universally acceptable criteria to distinguish rural
from urban.
Different countries have evolved their own criteria to suit their own
In fact, one finds a continuum of settlement ranging from hamlets
to megalopolises.
Rural settlements, are chiefly concerned with primary activities,
be they agriculture, fishing, mining, forestry etc. 73
Rural and Urban settlements
Urban settlements are nodal in character having secondary and
tertiary activities.
In Canada, settlements less than 1,000 persons are classified as
while in the United States, the upper limit is 2,500 persons.
In India, a settlement with a population up to 5,000 persons is rural,
while in Japan, settlement having a population up to 30,000 is rural.

In some countries, size is not the basis for differentiating rural from
urban rather it is the economic status or function.
The basic difference is that while in villages most of the people
are engaged in agricultural work,
In towns the chief occupation of the people is nonagricultural
i.e. industry, trade and services.

The criteria for settlement called as Urban
Occupational Structure: In addition to the size of population,
some countries such as India take into account the major economic
activities as a criterion for designating a settlement as urban.
In Italy, a settlement is called an urban, if more than 50 per cent of
the economically productive populations are engaged in non-
agricultural pursuits.
In India, more than 75 per cent of the work force of the settlement
should be engaged in non- agricultural activities, to be called urban.
Administrative Decision: In some countries, the administrative
set-up is a criterion for classifying a settlement as urban.
For example, in India even a settlement with less than 5,000
populations can become urban if it has a municipality, cantonment
board or a notified area.
In many Latin American countries, such as Brazil and Bolivia, any
administrative centre is called an urban irrespective of its size.
Location and Form Criteria: Depending upon its location, an
urban settlement may be linear, square, and star or crescent shaped.
The architecture and style of buildings depict historical and cultural
The towns and cities of developed and developing countries reflect
marked difference in planning and development.
While most of the towns and cities in developed countries are
well-planned and have regular shapes,
The urban settlements of developing countries, except for a few,
have grown haphazardly giving them irregular shapes.
For example, Chandigarh is a well–planned city, while Patna has
grown haphazardly.
Function: Towns perform a number of functions. In some towns, one particular
activity is predominant and the town is known for that function.
For example, Oxford is known as an educational town, Varanasi as a
religious centre, and Washington D.C. as an administrative town.
Thus on the basis of functions, towns and cities are classified as follow
Administrative Towns: Headquarters of the administrative departments of
Central Governments, such as New Delhi Canberra, Moscow, Beijing; Addis
Ababa, Washington, D.C., Paris and London are National Capitals
Defense Towns: Centers of military activities are known as defense towns.
Cultural Towns: Cultural towns are religious, educational, or recreational
towns. Jerusalem, Mecca, Aksum have religious importance, religious towns.
There are also recreational towns such as Las Vegas in the USA, Paris,
and Rome etc.
Industrial Towns: Mining and manufacturing towns have developed in
mining and manufacturing regions.
Towns, which have developed due to setting up of industries, are called industrial
towns. 78
Neighbourhood, Community and residential units
Neighborhoods are little communities within a larger community.
They have their own social, economic, architectural and/or ethnic
Neighborhoods join together to form the identity of the larger
However, neighborhoods come in all shapes and sizes, and
exist in urban and rural locations.
A neighborhood is to the group of houses in the immediate vicinity
of one's house or the vicinity in which you live.
Neighborhoods exist in cities, villages, townships, hamlets, and
rural areas. 79
A neighborhood is made up of residential units, businesses,
industries, places of worship, and/or services (hospitals,
schools, fire departments, parks).
People often choose to live in a neighborhood based on the
components that exist in the neighborhood.
Neighborhood Structure: Neighborhoods can be formed naturally
over time or carefully designed by a city planner.
These two neighborhood types are called evolved and planned.
Evolved - The neighborhood forms over time and is based on
a particular language, occupation, and/or economic status. It may
contain a business, industry, school, church, and/or service.
Planned- The concept for the neighborhood is created by an
individual or corporation for a purpose.
The houses, streets, utilities, and other services may be included in
the design of the neighborhood. 80
Indices of Settlement Morphology
Nearest Neighbor Analysis
Settlements often appear on maps as dots.
Dot distributions are commonly used in geography yet their
patterns are often difficult to describe.
Sometimes patterns are obvious, such as when settlements are
extremely nucleated (grouped together) or dispersed (far apart).
In reality, the pattern is likely to between these two extremes and
any description will be subjective.
One way that a pattern can be measured objectively is
through the use of nearest neighbour analysis.
Nearest Neighbour Analysis is an approach designed to provide a
more objective, statistically based method of describing settlement
I.e. it produces a figure which measures the extent to which a
particular pattern is clustered (nucleated), random or regular
The technique involves calculation of a nearest neighbor
index (Rn) based on a comparison between the settlement
pattern actually observed in an area and an assumed random
settlement pattern.

Indices of Settlement Morphology
Nearest Neighbor Analysis
In theory the index can range from 0 (when all
point are clustered closely together) to 2.15 (when all
points are distributed uniformly throughout the area under
consideration and so are as far away from one another
as possible).
An index value of 1.0 indicates a random distribution,
Close to 0 are regarded as indicating a ‘clustered’ pattern
Those near to 2.15 a ‘regular’ pattern.
Figure 2.2: Nearest Neighbor Analysis index

The following formula with example provides an illustration of how this
approach can be used.
The formula for calculating the index is as follows: Rn = D (obs) where
D (ran)
Rn is the nearest neighbour statistic;
D (obs) is the mean of the distances between the settlements in a area
D (ran) is the assumed means distance between settlements and their
nearest neighbors if all the settlements were randomly distributed
Apply the formula is a particular situation using the following procedure:
A. Delimit the area of study and define the type of settlements to be studied
(not always an easy task-a group discussion on this way be helpful)
B. Locate the settlements in the pattern to be analyzed on an appropriate map.
C. Measure the distance between each settlement (the settlement closest to it)
and record these distances.
D. Calculate the mean of the distance recorded in stage 3 about (D (obs) in the

E. Calculate the expected mean distance between settlements and their nearest neighbors in a random
distribution D (ran). This can be shown to be D (ran) =
a = the area of study in km2; and
n = the number of settlements within it
F. Finally, calculate the nearest neighbor index using the formula:

Thus, if the mean distance between settlements in an area of 800km2 was 3.5km and there were 25
settlements in the area:
a). The value of D (obs) would be 3.5;
b). The value of D(ran) would be

c). The nearest neighbor index (Rn) could then be calculated

This value shows that there is a tendency towards a regular pattern of settlement.

Chapter 3. The Geography of Language, Religion and Ethnicity
3.1 The Geography of Language
Geographers have been interested in understanding different
aspects of cultural system such as language.
Language is an important focus for study because it is a central
aspect of cultural identity.
 Without language, cultural accomplishments could not be
transmitted from one generation to the next.
Language is the essential linking device in human cultures,
enabling members of a group to communicate freely with each
It is also a barrier in that members of one language group
cannot communicate with members of other language group.
3.1.1 Language: Definition and Character
The term language can be defined in various ways.
It can be defined as a systematic means of
communicating ideas or feelings by the use of
conventionalized signs, gestures, marks, or especially
articulate vocal sounds.
Language is also a system of symbols that allows
members of a society to communicate with each other.
These symbols take the form of spoken and written
words, which are culturally variable and composed of
the various alphabets used around the world.

In short it is a means communication based on
commonly understood meanings of sign or sounds.
The word language comes from the Latin word lingua,
meaning tongue, and a language is often called a
In our world today, there are about 5000-6000
From this more than 200 languages have a million or
more speakers.
Of these, at least 24 have over 50 million speakers

1.Characteristics of Language
The major characteristics of language are the
Language is the foundation of every culture. I.e.
language is a vital element of culture and no culture
exists without it.
It is a central aspect of cultural identity, without
language cultural accomplishments could not be
transmitted from one generation to the next.
Language is a conveyor of ideas or cultural phenomena. It is
the most important medium by which culture is transmitted.  
The language of a society structures perceptions of
its speakers. This means language shapes the way we
think or perceive our environment.
On the other hand, Rules in language largely shape
how we view and organize the world around us. 89
1.Characteristics of Language
Language is a hall mark (typical feature) of cultural
As a result of this our planet earth is characterized by
heterogeneous cultural collections.
Like all elements of culture, languages also pass through a
process of evolution and diffusion.
That means language can be spread or expand from one area to
the other are with migration of people, conquest or colonialism
and trade activities.
 Language can be considered as a clue to
important cultural elements. For instance, camel is
very important source of food, transport and labor,
reflecting this Arabic language has 80 words relates to
Similarly, Japanese contains over 20 words for various types of
3.1.4 Origin of Language
Concerning the origin of the first language, there are
two main hypotheses.
Belief in divine creation. Many societies throughout
history believed that language is the gift of the Gods to
The most familiar is found in Genesis 2:20, which tells
us that Adam gave names to all living creatures.
This belief predicates that humans were created from
the start with an innate capacity to use language.
Natural evolution hypothesis. At some point in their
evolutionary development humans acquired a more
sophisticated brain which made language invention and
learning possible.
The second critical question regarding the origin
of language is how might humans have devised
the first language
First, there are four imitation hypotheses that
hold that language began through some sort of
human impressions of naturally occurring sounds
or movements:
1. Language began when humans started naming
objects, actions and phenomena after a
recognizable sound associated with it in real
 Some words in language obviously did derive
from imitation of natural sounds associated with
some object.
2. The first words came from involuntary exclamations of
dislike, hunger, pain, or pleasure, eventually leading to
the expression of more developed ideas and emotions.
 In this case the first word would have been an
involuntary ha-ha-ha, wa-wa-wa.
3. Vocabulary developed from imitations of animal
noises, such as: Moo, bark, hiss, meow, quack-quack.
4. Speech may have developed as a sort of mouth
pantomime: the organs of speech were used to imitate
the gestures of the hand.
 In other words, language developed from gestures that
began to be imitated by the organs of speech the first
words were lip icons of hand gestures.

World Language Families
Generally two language families are recognized. These
are i) Indo-European and ii) Afro-Asiatic Families.
The Indo-European Language Family
The largest and most widespread language family is the
Indo-European, which is spoken on all the continents and
is dominant in Europe, Russia, North and South America,
Australia, and parts of southwestern Asia and India.
The Afro-Asiatic Family.
It consists of two major subdivisions, Semitic and
The Semitic languages cover the area from the Arabian
Peninsula and the Tigris-Euphrates river valleys in the
Fertile Crescent from Iraq (Persia) westward through
Syria and North Africa to the Atlantic Ocean. 94
World Language Families
Arabic is by far the most widespread Semitic language
and has the greatest number of speakers, about 200
Smaller numbers of linguistically related people who
speak Hamitic languages share North and East Africa
with the Semites.
These tongues originated in Asia but today are spoken
almost exclusively in Africa, by the Berbers of Morocco
and Algeria, the Tuaregs of the Sahara, and the Cushitic
of East Africa.

iii) Other Major Language Families.
The Niger-Congo language family, also called Niger-
Kordofanian, spoken by about 190 million people, dominates most
of Africa south of the Sahara Desert.
In Southeast Asia, the Vietnamese, Cambodians, and lesser tribal
peoples of Malaya, and parts of India, totaling 75 million people,
constitute the Austro-Asiatic family.
iv) Minor Language Families
Occupying refuge areas after retreat before rival language groups
are remnant language families such as Khoisan, found in the
Kalahari Desert of southwestern Africa and
Characterized by distinctive clicking sounds; Dravidian, spoken
by numerous dark-skinned peoples of southern India and adjacent
northern Sri Lanka; Australian Aborigine; Papuan; Caucasoid;
Nilo-Saharan; Paleo-siberian; Inuktitut; and a variety of
Amerindian families. 96
Geography of Religion
Religion is a belief system and a set of practices that recognizes the existence
of a power higher than humans do.
Religion is a matter of faith, belief anchored in conviction rather than scientific

World religion
Judaism is the older of the other two monolithic religions of Christianity and
It is distributed throughout parts of the Middle East and North Africa, Russia,
Ukraine, and Europe, and parts of North and South America.
Judaism is one of the world’s great religions, but apart from the state of Israel,
it is now scattered and dispersed across much of the world.

Christianity has the most adherents, with 33.32 percent of the
world’s population practicing some form of this faith.
This is followed by Islam (21.01 percent),
Hinduism (13.26 percent), and
Buddhism (5.84 percent).
Within Christianity there are many different branches and beliefs.
All the religious branches follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his
disciples, but the interpretation of these teachings varies from church to church.
Buddhism appeared in India during the 6thcentury B.C as protest against
miseries associated with Hindu beliefs about reincarnation. The
religion was founded by Gautama Siddhartha, a prince from what
is now Nepal, who was called the Buddha, or the enlightened one.
The Buddha attracted large numbers of followers by preaching
the salvation could be achieved by anyone.
Salvation and enlightened would come to those who practiced
honesty, selfknowledge, selflessness, and kindness to all beings.

Islam, the faith of the Muslims, is the youngest of the major religions.
It is based on the teachings of Muhammad, a prophet born in A.D. 570 in what
is now Saudi Arabia.
According to Muslim belief, Muhammad received the truth directly from God
(called Allah in Arabic) in a series of revelations.
The Muslim holy book, the Qur’an, is the result of these
Like Jews and Christians, Muslims believe in one all-seeing and
powerful God who demands justice and goodness.
Hinduism is the world's oldest major religion. Though it has no
single founder of beliefs or initial prophet, some evidence traces its
origin back 5000 or more years.
Hinduism is an ethnic religion, an intricate web of religious,
philosophical, social, economic, and artistic elements comprising a
distinctive Indian civilization.
Its estimated 1 billion adherents are primarily Asian and largely
confined to India, where it claims 80% of the population.
Shintoism, the Japanese ethnic religion closely related
to Buddhism, has numerous followers in Japan.
It is generally agreed, however, that Japan’s
modernization is reducing the importance of Shintoism in
Japanese culture.
The Chinese religions also have elements of Buddhism
mixed with Chinese local belief systems.
The traditional Chinese religions never involved
concepts of supernatural omnipotence.
Confucianism was mainly a philosophy of Earth life,
and Taoism held that human happiness lies in one’s
proper relationship with nature.

Shamanism occurs in many parts of the world.
It is a community faith in which people follow
their shaman, a religious leader, teachers, healer,
and visionary-but in the ancient Chinese tradition,
a man of this world, nor of another.
Such a shaman appeared to various peoples in
many different parts of the world.
Traditional African religions involve beliefs in
a god as creator and indivisible provider, in
divinities both superhuman and human, in sprits,
and in life hereafter.

Origin and Spread of World Religions
The earliest evidence of religious ideas dates back
several hundred thousand years to the Middle and Lower
Paleolithic periods.
Archeologists refer to apparent intentional burials of
early Homo sapiens from as early as 300,000 years ago as
evidence of religious ideas.
Other evidence of religious ideas includes symbolic
artifacts from Middle Stone Age sites in Africa.
Archeological evidence from more recent periods is
less controversial.
A number of artifacts from the Upper Paleolithic
(50,000-13,000) are generally interpreted by scientists as
representing religious ideas.
Race and Ethnic:
A race is a category composed of people who share biologically
transmitted traits that members of a society deem socially
People may classify each other into races based on physical
characteristics such as skin color, facial features, hair texture and
body shape.
 Racial diversity appeared among out human ancestors as a
result of living in different geographical regions of the world.
In regions of intense heat, for example, people developed darker
skin (from the natural pigment melanin) that offers protection from
the sun; in regions with moderate climates, humans have lighter
Nevertheless, such differences are superficial; individuals of all
races are members of a single biological species.

Major Racial Families
Grouping or classifications of races are often
controversial for scientific as well as social and
political reasons.
The modern human composed of many races but
according to physiological characteristics
(skin color, facial type, cranial profile and size,
texture and color of hair),
scientists classified human into three races
such as: Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid.

Major Racial Families
a. Negroid (black) Race
The main groups of Negroid race live in the
tropical zone of Asia and Africa.
This race has the chocolate and black skin
that can protect against the solar radiation.
Some characteristics of the Negroid are: a lot
of hair hole on the body, flat nose, large nostril,
thick lips and frizzled hair like spiral nail.
That is the characteristics of the Negro people
which become the name Negroid.

Major Racial Families
b. Mongoloid (yellow) Race
Most of Mongoloid inhabited in the hill prairie and the east of
Mongoloid have brownish-yellow to light yellow skin, coarse
and black hair, with scant body hair ; broad, short jaw; short, small,
strong foot with moderate arch.
c. Caucasoid (white) Race
Originally Caucasoid people were dwelled in the European prairie
There is quite cool and low sunshine.
Some characteristics are brown to white skin, blue eyes, blond
hair with neither spiral nor frizzled and straight.
People living in the Caucasus mountain regions possess clearly
these characteristics and the anthropologic name of this race is
Negroid people

Mongoloid people

Caucasoid people

Chapter 4:culture and socialchanges
In this section we are going to discuss culture and
social change.
The section is organized into three basic concepts such
as the sources of social change, technology and social
change and globalization and culture.
Social change is the change in the social structure,
social institutions, social behavior (culture) and social
relations of a given specific cultural society over time.
Social change can be a positive or a negative change.
Therefore, a social change is the change in the overall
thinking patterns of the people in a community which can
become permanent with time

No society could successfully resist change in
history, but the rate, nature, and direction of
change differed greatly from one society to
Social institutions are organizations that are
established by members of a society for managing
their social, political, economic and religious
To elaborate it briefly, market is an example of
an economic institution as does the state is a
political institution.
Churches, mosques, and religious assemblies
are centers of religious institutions. 109
4.1. Sources of Social Change
Perhaps the three most powerful sources of
social change today are ideas, technology, and
In fact, these sources of social change are
related with and refer to ideology, means of
production and production forces, and social
Expressed in more philosophical terms, we
could say sources of social change are ideological,
material, and structural.
Scholars have different theoretical perspectives
on theorizing the concept of social change. 110
Broadly speaking, theorists focusing on
studying social change can be categorized into
two: traditional and modern ones.
Traditional theories take the position that
change within society is brought about by a
myriad of interactions within a society framework
that begin with the individual person.
Therefore, societal change is initiated by a
person to a member of his/her community and if it
is accepted, the society will adapt to the new idea.

The classical theories of social change comprise one of three
broad categories.
1st Scholars who viewed social change as linear.
At this juncture, social change is progressive, develops in a linear
way and contends that societies have biological evolution.
In fact, it is evolution of society from its simple to complex
2nd Scholars who viewed social change as cyclical.
The pattern is such for each culture that it arises, develops,
ripens, decays and falls never to return.
In this case, social changes follow a trendless cyclic pattern, i.e.,
like a swinging pendulum, culture moves in one direction and then
back in another

3rd Scholars who classically viewed social change as
Every idea and all of history goes through the dialectic
process whereby an idea (thesis) develops, is challenged
by an opposite idea (antithesis), and merges into a new
form (synthesis).
Technological determinism is the view that social
change is initiated by technology and not necessarily by
the individual.
This is contrary to what traditional theorists believe.
If this is true then new technologies once
invented take on “a life of their own and develop
seeing society adapt to changes.
Today, changes are taking place now as never before.
The problem of finding the specific sources of social
changes is easier than finding a general theory of social
Some of the important sources of social change are
described below
 Ideas/ideological: Ideas are important in social change.
Marx argued that social conditions shape people’s
ideologies, not the other way round.
Durkheim stated that social conditions give rise to
ideas but ideas once expressed develop a life of their own
and they act on society and create change.
Hence, social changes are accompanied by changes in
the idea and ideology of a society.
Religion is one example of ideas. 114
Technology/technological: Technology is a major
source of social change.
The more advanced a society’s technology, the
more rapid social change tends to be.
Institutions/structural: Changes in economic
institutions for instance market and political
institutions can cause social change.
The size of a population has a strong influence
on social organization.

a. Changes in the social organization of a society may
cause changes in the society’s social structure, social
composition, social relations and social order one way
or the other.
 For example, huge exodus of people significantly
brings about social changes on the country of
immigrant destination and the very refugees
 This is because with new nationalities migrating into a
country, social change is inevitably unavoidable.
 Communities experiencing an influx of Latino
immigrants most likely will develop new
establishments that are based around Latin Americans,
thus a social change.
b. Economic situations may also bring a social change.
Times of hardship change almost every aspect of daily
Economic downfalls can destroy communities.
Neighbors may no longer live across the street because
they cannot afford their mortgage payments on their little
house. It all leads to social change.
The physical environment can also be added or
considered as a source of social change. The physical
environment of a place changes very slowly. Hence, its
effect may not be significant.
Now sources of social change include other forms of
power such as elective political office, the control of
information, organizational skill, media networks, use of
innovative technology, and highly organized collaborative

people power.
c. Political Developments
 Political developments among society are vital in
affecting the cultural aspects of the society in many ways.
Social Movement is one of the major forms of collective
Social movement involves collective action.
However it takes the form of a movement only when it
is sustained for a long time.
This collective action need not be formally organized.
But it should be able to create an interest and
awakening in relatively large number of people and need
to stay longer.

4.2 Technology and Social Change
Technology is the creation of tools or objects that both
extend our natural abilities and alter our social
Hence, the presence of technology influences social
Every technological innovation cannot be good for
what a society needs.
Technological innovations can be either appropriate or
Appropriate Technology is a technology designed to be
suitable to the needs and resources of a particular group
of people.
Appropriate technology relies on local skills and resources that
fit into the local situation economically and culturally, and that do
not harm the environment.
Technological innovations do affect the cultural set up
of a society in various ways.
Industrialization: Technology has contributed to the
growth of industries or to the process of industrialization.
Industrialization is a term covering in general terms the
growth in a society hitherto mainly agrarian to modern
industry with all its circumstances and problems,
economic and social.
It describes in general term that the growth of a society
in which a major role is played by manufacturing
Industrialization is associated with the factory system
of production. The family has lost its economic
The whole process of production is mechanized.
Consequently, the traditional skills have
declined and good number of artisans has lost
their work.
Huge factories could provide employment
opportunities to thousands of people.
Hence men have become workers in a very large
The process of industrialization has affected the
nature, character and the growth of economy.
It has contributed to the growth of cities or to
the process of urbanization.
Urbanization: In many countries the growth of
industries has contributed to the growth of cities.
Urbanization can be described as a process of
becoming urban moving to cities changing from
agriculture to other pursuits common to cities and
corresponding change of behavior patterns.
As a result of industrialization people have
started moving towards the industrial areas in
search of employment.
The more people are added in the new centers of
industrial production, this the industrial areas later
on have progressively developed into towns and
cities 122
Modernization: Modernization is a process
which indicates the adoption of the modern ways of
life and values.
It indicates a change in people's food habits,
dressing habits, speaking, styles, tastes, choics,
preferences, idea, values, recreational activities and
so on.
People in the process of getting them
modernized; give more importance to science and
The scientific and technological inventions have
modernized societies in various countries by bringing
about remarkable changes in the system of social
relationship. 123
Developments in the means of Transportation
and Communications:
Development of transport and communication
has led to the national and international trade on a
large scale.
The road transport, the train service, the ships
and the aeroplanes have eased the movement of
men and material goods.
Post and telegraph, radio and television,
newspapers and magazines, telephone and
wireless and the like have developed a great deal.

Economic Transformation and Emergence of
new social classes:
The introduction of the factory system of
production has turned the agricultural economy
into industrial economy.
The industrial or the capitalist economy has
divided the social organization into two
predominant classes-the capitalist class and the
working class.

Technology and Changes in social institutions:
Technology profoundly altered our modes of
Technology has not spared the social institutions
of its effects.
The institutions of family and marriage,
religion, morality, state, property have been

4.3 Globalization and Culture
In this part, it will be dealt with the relationship
between the globalization process and ‘culture’
the complex human condition.
Various theorists defined globalization in
various ways.
Some give more emphasis on the economic
aspects of globalization;
other focused on its political aspect; and
some others viewed it as a cultural project.

Economically, globalization is the increasing
interaction of national economy of states.
It is a process of creating a global market in
which increasingly all nations are forced to
Therefore, globalization can be viewed as a
process of shifting autonomous economies into a
global market.
In other words, it is the systematic integration of
autonomous economies into a global system of
production and distribution.
Globalization as a political process entails that
there is interconnection of sovereign nations
through trade and capital flows;
harmonization of economic rules that govern
relationship among these sovereign nation;
creating structures to support and facilitate
interdependent and creating a global market place.
From the culture point of view, globalization
is the process of harmonizing different culture and
Globalization is the process that erodes
differences in culture and produces a flawless
global system of culture and economic values. 129
The new technology, based on the computer and
satellite communication have revolutionized our
traditional conception of the media, both print and
Books, newspapers, radio, television and video program
are now being transposed into the multimedia world of
the cyber space and available to all people of the world
wherever they may live.
Technology has now created the possibility and even the
likelihood of a global culture.
The Internet, fax machines, satellites, and cable TV are sweeping
away cultural boundaries.

Global entertainment companies shape the
perceptions and dreams of ordinary citizens,
wherever they live.
This spread of values, norms, and culture tends
to promote Western ideals of capitalism.
In this regard, while some scholars viewed the
cultural aspects of globalization as an opportunity,
some other scholars view it as a threat and refer
the process of globalization as the expansion of
cultural imperialism and promotion of western
societies cultural values, belief, norm, and ideals.

Globalization involves rapid social change that is occurring
simultaneously in the world economy, in politics, in
communications, in the physical environment and in culture; and
each of these transformations interact with the others.
So it is a complex process to grasp in its entirety.
This is because there are all sorts of theoretical issues to do with
its causality, its historical and geographical sources,
its relationship to other concepts like modernity and post
modernity, its social consequences,
and its differential impact on politics and economy of states are
difficult and controversial.
Globalization is affecting cultural, spiritual, political and
economic identity of societies in various parts.
For some, globalization is first and foremost a cultural project
and then an economic and political one.


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