Notes # 2
Human beings in this time were grouped together in small societies such as bands, and
subsisted by gathering plants and fishing, hunting or scavenging wild animals. Also in this era,
according to study of Dr. Jesus T. Peralta of NCCA, respect is given to age, and individual
prowess and ability are recognized. There are no leaders that could be said to be above
everybody else and whose commands are obeyed without question. In some cases, one who
is known for good decisions is consulted when a problem arises; or well-known hunter
will be asked to lead a hunting group. Likewise, the term “Neolithic” also comes from the
same archaeologist and from the Greek word “neo” which means new and “lithos” meaning
stone or in short, the “New Stone Age “which was happened for about 10,000 B.C. In this period,
the Cro Magnon disappeared and the new people which is considered the modern man appeared.
The Neolithic Revolution which is also called the First Agricultural Revolution was the wide-
scale transition of many human cultures during the Neolithic period from a lifestyle of
hunting and gathering to one of agriculture and settlement, which made them increases
their population. They depend on domesticated plants and animals. They learned to create such
crafts as pottery and weaving. They developed boats as a means of transportation and also, for
fishing. From being nomads during the early stage, humans began to develop a sedentary type
of society of which they built-up villages and towns.
B. Cultural Evolution of
Cultural evolution is learned behavior passed on from one generation to another.
In understanding cultural evolution, we could associate tools and artifacts that the early
humans used. Understanding these tools and their development could also make us understand
human lifestyle in the early hominin periods.
The Neolithic revolution has facilitated an economic and societal shift that paved the way for
further developments in early human lifestyle. As such, advances in different aspects of human
life started during this era.
Below are the implications of the Neolithic Revolution in social, economic, and human
1. Social Implications
The Neolithic revolution paved the way for the creation of civilization through
permanent settlements dictated by reliable food supply.
Development of domestication techniques and practices allowed for a more complex
society and the possibility for urbanization.
A form of social stratification was developed.
2. Economic Implications
Because of the domestication of crops and animals, an abundant supply of food and
resources was maintained.
Introduction of a selective breeding process of crops and animals that would allow for the
development of new species.
3. Human Implications
There was an increase in human population and life span across civilizations.
People learned to play different social roles apart from being farmers (e.g., craftsman,
priests, leader).
Artifacts are objects made or modified by humans in the past. They were recovered through
archaeological endeavor or by chance. Apart from serving as windows to the past, artifacts are
also deemed significant because they are tangible, authentic proof that a certain period in
history occurred.
Artifacts are irreplaceable. Artifacts, being made hundreds, even thousands of years ago,
are very delicate objects that cannot be replaced by any available material at the present
time. Artifacts carry with them important cultural and historical meanings that no person
in the present could bring back. This is the reason why many museums around the world
only display replicas of material culture instead of the real ones.
Artifacts are keys to understanding the past. Practices that occurred in the past would not
have been known if not for the discovery of artifacts. For instance, the discovery of the
bul-ol paved the way for a clearer understanding of the pre-historic Philippine burial
Artifactual evidence proves the existence and success of the Neolithic revolution in influencing
sociopolitical development.
Here are examples of pieces of evidence found to support the existence of this era:
Morphological changes among Neolithic people, including brain size and mandible,
imply dietary changes from solely eating plants to consumption of meat.
A subterranean structure in Syria was found to be built during the Neolithic revolution
and served as a communal storage facility.