Properties of Wood
Properties of Wood
Properties of Wood
Parts of a Tree
(i)The leaves: The leaves derives energy from sunlight
which is converted through the process called
photosynthesis for the tree to produce food.
(ii)Branches: The branches supports the leaves and carries
mineral salt to the leaves.
(iii). Stem or Trunk: This is the sturdy part of the tree,
which forms the main frame of the tree. It transfers water
and mineral salt from the roots to the branches.
(iv)Fruit or Seed: This is the food produced by the tree at the
branches and leaves through photosynthesis for consumption
by man and animals.
(v)Root: The root holds the tree firmly to the earth and it is
responsible for supplying water
Structure of Wood
The term structure of wood simply means the inner features of a tree and their
functions. E.g.
Functions of Structures
1. Bark: This is the skin of a tree that protects it from harsh weather.
2. Cambium layer: This is the part that produces new cells for the tree to grow.
3. Annual growth: This is the part of the tree that produces new layers of cells annually.
This process forms a concentric ring within the tree. This phenomenon can help one to
determine the age of a tree.
4. Sap wood: The sap wood is the area where water and mineral salts are transported
from the roots to the leaves.
5. Hearthwood: This is the most matured part of the tree, where dead cells are found. It is
the part after the sapwood, used for furniture work.
6. Pith: This is the center of the tree where decay starts sometimes. It is the core of the
Classification of Wood
Wood is classified into two groups, namely hardwood and softwood. Hardwoods are
referred to as deciduous trees while softwoods are coniferous trees
Other hardwood with dark brown colours are: -Afara, Cherry, Yew, Larch, Walnut, Opepe,
Wood Samples
Properties of Wood
1. Usage: Wood is commonly used for furniture and roofing.
2. Heat Conductivity: Wood is a poor conductor of heat.
3. Colour: Wood generally appears in dark-brown or light in colour.
4. Magnetic property: Wood is not magnetic in any way.
5. Polish Effects: When polished, wood appears shiny.
6. Electricity Conductivity: Wood is a poor conductor of electricity when dried
but can be a good conductor when it is wet.
Forms of Wood
7. Timber: Wood shaped into different sizes are called timbers.
8. Chipboard: This is a board made from saw-dust or wood shavings mixed with
glue under high temperature.
9. Plywood: This is the board made from veneers glued together.
10.Veneer: This is a thin sheet of wood obtained from log, which can be 2mm to
5mm thick.
11.Laminated boards: This is a plywood covered on both sides with Formica.
1. What is wood?
2. Name two types of wood.
3. Explain two differences between the types of wood listed
4. Draw the structure of a tree and explain the functions of the
parts labeled.