Sterilisation and Containment
Sterilisation and Containment
Sterilisation and Containment
• Means the absence of any detectable viable organism.
• Only the desired organism is detectably present.
Importance of Sterilization
• Lower capital cost (fermenter used as autoclave)
• Lower contamination risk (less transfers of liquids)
• Presence of solids (particles) less of a problem
• Easier to use with media having a high amount of solid material
Sterilization of Air
• Air is important as a source of oxygen in aerobic fermentation
• For large scale fermentation, air need to be efficiently sterilized
• Methods of air sterilization include:
• Heating
• UV rays or electromagnetic waves
• germicidal spray
• filtration
Sterilization of Air
• Heating air is possible but not economical–due to its poor thermo-physical
• UV ray is an effective technique in killing air-borne microbes though is only
applicable in small area
• Germicide can also reduce the amount of bacteria via spraying with phenol,
ethylene oxide or formalin–can sterile air in a small size room.
• Filtration is an effective method and practical, a filter is used to remove
microorganisms form the air provided that pores of a filter need to be
smaller than the size of microbes or there is use of absolute filters • pore
size is bigger than the size of microbes–fibrous filter (cotton, glass-wool,
slag, steel-wool etc.)
Factors affecting sterilization
1. Population size
2. Population composition
3. Concentration of the antimicrobial agent or intensity of the
4. Period of exposure to the lethal agent
5. Temperature
6. Environmental conditions
Design Sterilization
• Moist heat treatment carried out at 121oC for 15 mins for the
sterilization of culture media, vessels and connecting pipework
The destruction of microorganisms by steam may be described as
a first order reaction
First-order reaction— A chemical reaction involving only one
chemical species, in which the rate of decrease of the
concentration of the reactant is directly proportional to its
Graphical Representation of the Arrhenius Plot
Nt Nt Slope = -k
No No
Time Time
ii. After a certain time there will be less than one viable cell remaining
Arrhenius Plot
• As with any first order reaction, the reaction rate increases with
increase in temperature due to an increase in the reaction rate
constant, which in sterilization of media is k
• Relationship between temperature and the reaction rate constant was
demonstrated by Arrhenius and is represented by
In k = In A - E /RT
E = activation energy
R = gas constant The constant factor in the equation of state for perfect gases
T = absolute temperature .
A = Arrhenius constant
• From this equation a plot of ln k against a the reciprocal of the
absolute temperature gives a straight line
• Plot is called an Arrhenius plot
• Enables a calculation of the activation energy and prediction of the
reaction rate for any temperature
• Thus a plot of the natural logarithm of the time required to achieve a
certain Del factor, against the reciprocal of the absolute temperature
will yield a straight line, the slope of which is dependent on the
activation energy.
• Same degree of sterilization may be obtained over a wide range of
time and temperature regimes
Del Factor
• Del factor ( V ) = In (No/Nt),
• Therefore, the Del factor is a measure of the fractional reduction in viable organism
count produced by a certain heat and time regime.
• The larger the Del factor, the greater the sterilization regime required.
Del Factor
Thus the DEL FACTOR of the whole process is equal to the sum of the del
factors of each of its constituents;
t = h + m + c
t = del factor whole process
h = " " heating up period
m = " " holding period (maintained) period
c= " " cooling-down period
Batch Sterilization Profile Example
• Types of containment:
1. Primary containment
2. Secondary containment 28
Primary Containment
• Protection of personnel and the immediate lab environment from
exposure to infectious agents
• Requires use of proper storage containers, good microbial techniques
and biological safety
Secondary Containment
• Deals with protection of the environment external to the lab
• This is provided by facility design and operational practices
Containment Design
• Concerned with laboratory bio-safety
Importance of Containment Design
• Allows no leakage of harmful micro-organisms
• Secondary Containment
Protection of the environment’s external to the
laboratory from exposure to infectious materials