• 1997 - FDA clearance for first dental hard tissue laser Er - YAG.
This is an internally
polished tube occupying
the centre of the device
Solid state
Gallium, aluminum, indium, and arsenic or solid rods of garnet crystal grown with
various combinations of yttrium, aluminum, scandium and gallium and then doped
with the elements of chromium, neodymium, or erbium
Semiconductors – Diode
1. Flexible hollow waveguide or tube that has an interior mirror finish. The
laser energy is reflected along this tube and exits through a handpiece at the
surgical end with the beam striking the tissue in a noncontact fashion.
2. Glass fiber optic cable. This cable can be more pliant than the waveguide, has a
corresponding decrease in weight and resistance to movement, and is usually
smaller in diameter.
• Monochromatic
• Unidirectional
• Coherent
• Collimation
• The apatite crystals and other minerals in dental hard tissue are not
ablated at this temperature, but the water component is vaporized,
and the resulting jet of steam expands and then explodes the
surrounding matter into small particles. This mixture of steam and
solids is then suctioned away. This micro-explosion of the apatite
crystal is termed ‘‘spallation.’
• Cannot be delivered in an optic fiber so used in a hollow tube like wave guide
in continuous gated pulse mode.
Ingle / Cohen
Nd:YAG (1064 nm)
• Has a solid active medium, a crystal of yttrium – aluminium – garnet
impregnated with neodymium.
• Fiber optically delivered .
• Slightly absorbed by dental hard tissue, but there is little interaction with sound
tooth structure, allowing soft tissue surgery adjacent to the tooth to be safe and
• Common clinical applications are for cutting and coagulation of dental soft
tissues with good hemostatic capability
Argon lasers
Erbium family
• Erbium, chromium:YSGG (2780 nm) has an active medium of a solid
crystal of yttrium scandium gallium garnet that is doped with erbium
and chromium.
• Erbium:YAG (2940 nm) has an active medium of a solid crystal of
yttrium aluminum garnet that is doped with erbium.
• Er:YAG instruments are a hollow wave-guide or a fiberoptic bundle
• Er,Cr:YSGG use fiberoptics.
• These two wavelengths have the highest absorption in water of any
dental wavelength and have a high affinity for hydroxyapatite
• Teeth with lateral canal leading to periodontal ligament involvement
• Teeth with pulp necrosis and purulent pulpitis
• Teeth with gangrenous changes
• Teeth with periapical lesions upto 5 mm
• Teeth that has been treated atleast 3 months with no success
• Diagnostic tool
• Analgesic effect
• Laser and Dentin hypersensitivity
• Pulpotomy and direct pulp capping
• Root canal disinfection
• Laser assisted obturation
• Retreatment
• Endodontic surgery
Nd: YAG – Pulsed. ( Energy below 1W, 10 s exposure time did not increase the
intrapulpal temperature)
9.6um CO2 laser well absorbed by hydroxyapatite of enamel and dentin causing
tissue ablation, melting and re- solidification.
Cell lysis
Ingle 6th edn
• A wide range of oral bacteria could be killed by red light after
sensitization with toluidine blue and methylene blue.
• Partial inactivation of Streptococcus intermedius biofilms in root
canals of extracted teeth using toluidine blue and light applied at the
orifice level has been recently reported. (Ingle 6th edn)