Mandik Chapter 1
Mandik Chapter 1
Mandik Chapter 1
Thinking that there is a dog in the room vs. being happy that
there is a dog in the room
David Hume and the Buddhists deny that selves exist: just
experiences; no separate experiencer
Propositional attitudes
What is the real difference between the physical and the mental?
(If any)
If minds are also physical, how can that be possible given that
they look so different?
The mind-body problem
Also, how come your mind affects your body but not my body?
The mind-body problem
I can think about things that don't exist (e.g., unicorns), so the
relation is puzzling.
The problem of free will
If so, can we still be free? Is there room for free will in the
modern scientific worldview? Can determinism and free will be
The problem of personal identity