L-1 Bituminous Mix Design

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Bituminous Construction

Design of Dense Bituminous Mixes : Principle & Procedure

Dr P K Jain ( 09910113992)
IAHE Faculty and Head ( Retired) ,Flexible Pavements
Central Road Research Institute,
New Delhi ( India)
Bituminous Mixture
 Bituminous mix is a blend of following ingredients
 Coarse & Fine aggregates
 Mineral filler & additives
 Bituminous binder
 The well graded mineral aggregates and filler of required
specification mixed together resulting in compacted mix of
maximum density when mixed with optimum quantity of a
bituminous binder
 Mix must have required stability and durability.
 Types of mixes include gap graded and continuously graded such
 Types of binder : VG grade, PG grade, Penetration grade,
Modified Binder ,Emulsion, Cutback Bitumen &Warm Bitumen
Bituminous Mixes : Role
 Bituminous pavement fail in rutting and fatigue mode
 IRC : 37-2018 recommended the use of stiff mixes in lower
layers of DBM to produce a pavement of longer design life
 Stiffer bituminous mixes are recommended for >50 msa traffic
 Stiffer mixes must be having lower voids and higher bind
 Continuously graded mixtures are defined as having aggregated of
all size in specified range and reducing size successively
 In case of gap graded mixes , specific size of aggregate in a
specified range is missing
 MoRTH specification specify SMA as gap graded and DBM &
BC as continuously graded mixtures for highway construction
 BM & SDBC are also continually graded mixes
BC(continous graded ) & SMA( gap graded ) Mix
Applications of Bituminous Mixes
 Bituminous mixes are used in different layers
 BM and DBM are used in base and binder course
 SMA is used in base as well as wearing course
 SDBC and BC are used in binder and wearing course
 MSS and OGPC are the mixes for thin wearing coat
 Mastic is used for wearing coat for special use
 BM & DBM can also be used for profile correction
 Thin layers up to 30 mm not considered as structural layer
Need of Mix Design
 Determination of optimum blend of bituminous binder and
mineral aggregate for paving
 Bituminous layer must contribute to pavement strength
and minimize tensile strains due to traffic below them
 Bituminous layer must be impermeable and have sufficient
resistance to moisture induced damages
 Layer must have sufficient resistance to disintegration
against tire pressure
 Layer must absorb stresses of deformation due to
deformations in sub-grade
 Resist bottom up and top down cracking
Requirements of Bituminous Mixtures
 Must be workable at application temperature
 Be able to resist permanent deformation
 Be able to resist cracking
 Impermeable to prevent ingress of water
 Durable under prevailing traffic and environment
 Contribute to pavement strength
 Produce least noisy surface
 Resistance to skidding in wet condition
 Use maximum local materials
 Cost effective construction
 Must be paved by conventional equipments
Marshall Method of Mix Design
(IS:17127,ASTM D 6926 ,ASTM D 6927 or MS 2)
It is designed to stress the entire sample rather than just a
portion of specimen ,loaded on lateral surface
Methods covers determination of stability ,flow and bulk
density measurement with 102 mm specimen for aggregate
with maximum nominal size 25.4 mm and 153 mm
diameter for larger size aggregates
 It facilitate rapid testing with minimum efforts
 Equipment is compact, light and portable.
 It produce densities reasonably close to field densities
after 2-3 years trafficking
Marshall Method of Mix Design
 Marshall method has many drawbacks as
empirical properties are measured in this method
 Stability does not mean indication of resistance to
permanent deformation absolutely
 Orientation of coarse aggregate in laboratory
samples in mix does not simulate to rolling
condition in field
 Number of blow for compaction do not match
with tyre pressure
 Stability is not a fundamental property,indicative
Properties Considered in Marshall Mix
Design Method
Stability and Flow
Permeability and Voids
Fatigue Resistance
Skid Resistance
Marshall Stability
 It is indicative ability of bituminous mix to resist
deformation under sustained or repeated loads of traffic
 Stability requirements should be high enough to handle
traffic stresses adequately at high pavement temperature
 Too high stability value produces a pavement which
is too stiff and therefore less durable than desired ,
likely to crack
Causes and Effects of Low Stability
Causes Effects
Excess bitumen in mix Corrugations, rutting and
Excess medium size Tenderness during rolling
Rounded aggregates with Deformation : Rutting and
lesser crushed surfaces shoving
Causes and Effects of High
Causes Effects

Stiffer bitumen in mix Harsh mix ,difficulty in compaction

,leading to cracking
Excessive fines and Cracking & fatigue failure
lower bitumen
Durability of Layers
 Resistance to disintegration
 Resistance to faster oxidation of bitumen in
 Loss of adhesion of bitumen with aggregate
 Durability can be enhanced by following
• using maximum bitumen content
• using dense gradation of stripping resistant aggregates
• designing and compacting the mixture for low
• resistance to age hardening
• use of filler such as lime
• use of additives
Causes and Effects of lower Durability

Causes Effects

Low bitumen content Dry and hungry surface ,top down

cracking or raveling
High void content Early hardening of bitumen followed
by cracking or disintegration
High moisture Stripping of bitumen from aggregate
susceptibility leaving an abraded & ravelled surface
Permeability in Surface
 It is related to the void content in the bituminous
 Character of voids is more important than the
number of voids.
 The degree of permeability is determined by the size
of the voids, whether or not the voids are
 Virtually all bituminous mixtures used in highway
construction are permeable to some degree but shall
not exceed a limit of 7%
Causes and Effects of High
Causes Effects

Low bitumen content The thin bitumen film will

cause early aging and raveling
High voids content in mix Water and air can easily enter
pavement causing faster
oxidation and disintegration
Inadequate compaction Will result in high voids in
pavement leading to water
infiltration and reduction of
Workability in Paving Mix
 It is the ease with which paving mixture can be
transported placed and compacted.
 Workability can be improved by changing mix design
parameters, aggregate source and / or gradation or
grade of bitumen
 Harsh mixtures (mixtures containing a high percentage
of coarse aggregates) have a tendency to segregate
during paving and also may be difficult to compact.
 Too high filler content can also affect workability. It
can cause the mix to become non workable
 The temperature of the mix affects the viscosity of the
bitumen , 2-5 Poise viscosity for paving is desirable
during placement
 Lower temperature will make a mix unworkable, high a
temperature may make it tender.
 Bitumen grade may also affect workability, as may the
percentage of the bitumen in the mix.
Causes and Effects of Workability Problems
Causes Effects

Large maximum-sized Rough surface, difficult to place

Excessive coarse aggregates May be hard to compact

Too low a mix temperature Uncoated aggregate, not durable, rough

surface, hard to compact
Too much medium-sized Mix shoves under roller, remains
sand tender
Low mineral filler content Tender mix, highly permeable

High mineral filler content Mix may be dry and difficult to handle
Flexibility in Paved Layer
 It is the ability of an bituminous pavement to adjust to
gradual settlements and movements in the sub grade
without cracking
 An open graded mix with high bitumen content is
generally more flexible than a dense graded, with low
bitumen content mix.
 Sometimes, the need for flexibility conflicts with
stability requirements, so the trade-offs have to be
Fatigue Resistance

 Fatigue is resistance to cracking under repeated loading

 Air voids ,binder content ,grade and viscosity plays vital role
 As the percentage of air voids increases, pavement fatigue life is
drastically shortened.
 A pavement containing bitumen that has aged and hardened
significantly has reduced resistance to fatigue.
 Thick, well supported pavements do not bend as much under
loading as thin or poorly supported pavements do. So, they have
longer fatigue lives.
 Higher bitumen content shall be used for higher fatigue life when
VG:40 is used as bitumen in place of other grades
Causes and Effects of Lower Fatigue
Causes Effects
Low bitumen content Fatigue cracking & Ravelling

High design voids Early aging of bitumen followed

by fatigue cracking
Lack of compaction Early aging of bitumen followed
by fatigue cracking
Inadequate pavement Excessive bending followed by
thickness fatigue cracking
Skid Resistance
 It is the ability of bituminous surface to minimize skidding or
slipping of vehicle tires, particularly when the surface is wet.
 For good skid resistance, tire tread must be able to maintain
contact with the aggregate particles instead of riding on a film of
water on the pavement surface (hydroplaning).
 Best skid resistance is obtained with rough-textured
aggregate in a relatively open-graded mixture.
 Besides, having a rough surface the aggregates must resist
polishing (smoothing) under traffic.
 Unstable mixtures that tend to rut or bleed present serious skid
resistance problems. ,Rough texture is good for better skid
Causes and Effects of Poor Skid Resistance

Causes Effects
Excess bitumen content Bleeding, low skid resistance

Poorly textured or graded Smooth pavement, potential for

aggregate hydroplaning

Polishing aggregate in Low skid resistance leading to

mixture accidents on wet surface
Standards : Mix Design
 The Asphalt Institute MS-2
 ASTM :D -1559
 ASTM :D -6926
 ASTM :D -6927
 IS :17027-2019
 ASTM D : 2726
 ASTM D : 6752
 ASTM D :1188
 ASTM D: 2726
Mix Design Process
Selection of design criteria
 Evaluation of binder
 Evaluation of aggregates
 Selection of aggregates
 Selection of aggregate gradation
 Proportioning of aggregates to meet the required gradation
 Selection of binder and its grade
 Preparation of Marshall specimens at different binder content
 Testing of the specimens (Density, Stability and Flow)
 Density - Voids Analysis
 Determination of Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC)
 Evaluation of mix performance properties
 Computation of materials required for 100 m² area
Determination of Mixing & Compaction
( Viscosity-Temperature Relationship )
Mixing temperature should provide 0.170±0.02 Pa.s viscosity
Compaction temperature should provide 0.280 ±0.03 cP viscosity
Theoretical Maximum Specific
Gravity Determination
 Method is given in ASTM:D-2041
 Needed for void analysis
 Mix containing absorptive aggregate must be placed in
oven for one hour
 Three sample at optimum bitumen content must be
Marshall Apparatus for Mix Design

Mould Assembly : Cylindrical moulds (63.5 mm +/- 5.1

mm )consisting of base plate and collar
Compaction Pedestal and Hammer : 4.54 kg weight and a
free fall of 45.7 cm
Braking Head : inside radius of curvature of 5 cm
Loading Machine (50 mm per minute )
Flow Meter(o.25 mm )
Water Bath
Test must be over in one minute
Marshall Stability and Flow
Marshall Hammer Test Equipment
Table 500-11: Requirements for Dense Graded Bituminous
Macadam & Bituminous Concrete {MORTH}
Properties Viscosity Modified bitumen Test Method
Grade Hot climate Cold climate

Compaction level 75 blows on each face of the specimen

Minimum stability 9.0 12.0 10.0 AASHTO
(kN at 600C) T245
Marshall flow (mm) 2-4 2.5-4 3.5-5 AASHTO
Marshall Quotient 2-5 2.5-5 MS-2 and
Stability ASTM D2041
Table 500-11: Requirements for Dense Graded Bituminous
Macadam & Bituminous Concrete

Properties Viscosity Modified bitumen Test Method

Grade Hot climate Cold climate

% air voids 3-5

% Voids Filled with 65 -75
Bitumen (VFB)
Coating Strength 95 % minimum IS:6241
Tensile Strength 80 % Minimum AASHTO
ratio T283
% Voids in Mineral Minimum percent voids in mineral aggregate (VMA)
Aggregate (VMA) Are set out in Table 500-13
Selection of Aggregates (MORTH)
Property Test Specification Test
(For BC) Procedure
Cleanliness Grain Size Analysis Max 5 % passing IS:2386 (Part
(Dust) on 0.075 mm 1)
Particle Flakiness and Max 35% IS:2386 (Part
Shape Elongation Index 1)
Strength Los Angeles Abrasion Max 35 (BC 30) IS:2386 (Part
Value / Aggregate % 4)
Impact Value Max 27 (24 BC )
Polishing Polished Stone Value Min 55 (BC) BS:812 (Part
Note : ** The water sensitivity test is only required if the minimum retained
coating in the stripping test is less than 95%
Selection of Aggregates (MORTH)
Polishing Polished Stone Value Min 55 BS:812 (Part
Durability Soundness (Sodium Max 12 % / IS:2386 (Part 5)
Sulphate / Magnesium Max 18 %
Water Water Absorption Max 2 % IS:2386 (Part 3)
Stripping Coating & Stripping of Minimum retained IS:6241
Bitumen Aggregate coating 95 %
Water Retained Tensile Strength Min 80 % AASHTO T283

Note : ** The water sensitivity test is only required if the minimum retained
coating in the stripping test is less than 95%
Specified Gradation for Bituminous Macadam
Mix Designation Grading 1 Grading 2
Nominal Aggregate Size 40 mm 19 mm

Layer Thickness 80 – 100 mm 50 – 75 mm

IS Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing

45 100 -

37.5 90 – 100 -

26.5 75 – 100 100

19 - 90 – 100

13.2 35 – 61 56 – 88

4.75 13 – 22 16 – 36

2.36 4 – 19 4 – 19

0.3 2 – 10 2 – 10

0.075 0–8 0–8

Bitumen Content, % by 3.3 3.4

weight of total mixture
Specified Gradation for DBM
Mix Designation Grading 1 Grading 2
Nominal Aggregate Size 40 mm 25 mm

Layer Thickness 80 – 100 mm 50 – 75 mm

IS Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing

45 100 -

37.5 95 – 100 100

26.5 63 – 93 90 – 100
19 - 71 – 95

13.2 55 – 75 56 – 80

4.75 38 – 54 38 – 54

2.36 28 – 42 28 – 42

0.3 7 – 21 7 – 21

0.075 2-8 2-8

Bitumen Content, % by Min 4.0 (4.5% for >30 msa ) Min 4.5( 5.0 for > 30 msa)
weight of total mixture
Specified Gradation for SDBC
Mix Designation Grading 1 Grading 2
Nominal Aggregate Size 13 mm 10 mm

Layer Thickness 35 – 40 mm 25 – 30 mm

IS Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing

19 100 -

13.2 90 – 100 100

9.5 70 – 90 90 – 100
4.75 35 – 51 35 – 51

2.36 24 – 39 24 – 39

1.18 15 – 30 15 – 30

0.3 9 – 19 9 – 19

0.075 3–8 3–8

Bitumen Content, % by Min 4.5 Min 5.0

weight of total mixture
Specified gradation for bituminous concrete
Mix Designation Grading 1 Grading 2
Nominal Aggregate Size 19 mm 13 mm
Layer Thickness 50 – 65 mm 30 – 45 mm
IS Sieve (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing
26.5 100 -
19 79 – 100 100
13.2 59 – 79 79 – 100
9.5 52 – 72 70 – 88
4.75 35 – 55 53 – 71
2.36 28 – 44 42 – 58
1.18 20 – 34 34 – 48
0.6 15 – 27 26 - 38
0.3 10 – 20 18 – 28
0.15 5 – 13 12 – 20
0.075 2-8 4 – 10
Bitumen Content, % by 5.2 min 5.4 min
weight of total mixture
Blending of Aggregates
 Collect representative samples from aggregate stockpiles
 Depth of sampling must be 150 mm from top
 Dry the aggregate to a constant weight105-110 °C
 Perform specific gravity test on aggregates
 Perform sieve analysis as per ASTM C 136 and ASTM 117
 Blending of aggregate mathematical and trial and error
Mathematical Blending of Aggregates
1. P=Aa+Bb+Cc+…..
2. a+b+c+…….=1.00
3. P=Percentage of combined aggregate passing a given sieve
4. A,B,C=Percentage of material passing a given sieve for
individual aggregate
5. a,b,c are proportions of individual aggregates used in
combination ,their total being 1.00
6. Importance must be given to three specific sieves ( a) 13.2
mm (b) sieve that has 40 to 50% material passed through
it ( 4.75 or 2.36) (c) 0.075 mm sieve
Mathematical Blending of Aggregates
 These are crucial sieves such as 4.45 dividing coarse and
fine aggregates
 Suppose 82.5 % of A and 2.2% of B pass through 2.36 mm
sieve and mean passing is 40% of standard gradation
 Aa+Bb = Q , a+b=1, 2.2a+82.5b=40-----1
 Multiply a+b=1 by 2.2 we get 2.2a+2.2b=2.2-----2
 Substract Eq 2 from Eq 1= (82.5-2.2)b=40-2.2=37.8 ,
b=0.471 ,a=1-0.471=0.529
 A=47.1% and B=52.9%
Typical Sieve Data Mix Design of BC( Example)
Sieve Size % passing by weight of total aggregate
Aggregate A Aggregate B Aggregate C Filler
(20 mm) (10 mm) (Stone Dust) (Lime )
19 100 100 100 100
13.2 46.5 100 100 100
9.5 13.1 100 100 100
4.75 0 100 100 100
2.36 0 40 100 100
1.18 0 17.6 86.8 100
0.6 0 0.5 63.7 100
0.3 0 0 47.7 100
0.15 0 0 24.8 90.1
0.075 0 0 9.5 74.3
Proportioning of Mineral Aggregates (Trial & Error Method)

Sieve Size A B C Filler Combined Specified

(mm) 24 % 30 % 42 % 4% 100 100

19 24 30 42 4 100 100
13.2 11 30 42 4 87 79 – 100
9.5 3 30 42 4 79 70 – 88
4.75 0 12 42 4 58 53 – 71
2.36 0 5 42 4 51 42 – 58
1.18 0 0 36 4 41 34 – 48
0.6 0 0 27 4 31 26 - 38
0.3 0 0 20 4 24 18 – 28
0.15 0 0 10 4 14 12 – 20
0.075 0 0 4 3 7 4 – 10
Proportioning of Mineral Aggregates ( Trial and Error )

Sieve Size A B C Filler Combined Specified

(mm) 24 % 30 % 42 % 4% 100 % -

19 24 30 42 4 100 100
13.2 11 30 42 4 87 79 – 100
9.5 3 30 42 4 79 70 – 88
4.75 0 12 42 4 58 53 – 71
2.36 0 5 42 4 51 42 – 58
1.18 0 0 36 4 41 34 – 48
0.6 0 0 27 4 31 26 - 38
0.3 0 0 20 4 24 18 – 28
0.15 0 0 10 4 14 12 – 20
0.075 0 0 4 3 7 4 – 10
Gradation Chart
Not Acceptable
Selection of Bitumen
 Appropriate binder ( Type and Grade ) shall be chosen
 A proper grade should be selected as per specifications and
requirement of climate and traffic
 Bitumen should satisfy all the specifications as per IS:73
 Use of additive must be explored
 If modified bitumen is used then additional tests (elastic
recovery etc.) should be performed as specified (IRC:SP-53-
 Performance Grade as per AASHTO standard based on
maximum or minimum pavement temperature ( Asphalt Institute
Super pave Series No1 (SP-1)1994
 Based on maximum and Minimum Pavement Temperature
Table 500-1
Selection Criteria for Viscosity-Graded (VG) Paving
Bitumen Based on Climatic Conditions
IRC: 37 Recommended VG:40 for DBM and Modified in BC >50 msa traffic

Lowest Daily Highest Daily Mean Air Temperature, oC

Mean Air Less than 20 20 to 30 oC More than 30 oC

Temperature, oC

More than – 10 oC VG-10 VG-20 VG-30

-10 oC or lower VG-10 VG-10 VG-20

Preparation of Specimen
 The coarse aggregates, fine aggregates and the filler
material should be proportioned and mixed as per the
dry mix design ( Blending )
 The required quantity of the dry mix ( 1200 g)is taken
so as to produce a compacted bituminous mix specimen
of thickness 63.5 mm approximately
 Approximately 1150-1200 g of aggregates and filler is
taken to get a standard specimen
 Quantity depend upon specific gravity of aggregates
Preparation of Specimen
 The dry mix of aggregates and filler is heated to a temperature of 150
to 165°C depending upon binder
 The compacted mould assembly and rammer are cleaned and kept
preheated to a temperature of 100 to 140°C
 The bitumen is heated to a temperature of 150°C to 170°Cdepending
upon grade
 Samples are prepared with the first trial percentage of bitumen
• The mixing temperature of the VG 20 grade is about 165°C
• The mixing temperature of VG 30 grade is 170˚C
• The mixing temperature of VG 40 shall be 175°C
• 14°C difference in temperature of bitumen and aggregates
Marshall Mould
 For preparing specimens of 101.6 mm (4 inch) diameter
and 63.5 mm height for Marshall testing
 Consists of base plate, forming mould and collar
 Interchangeable base plate and collar can be used on
either end of compaction mould
Compaction of the Specimen
 The mix is placed in the mould and compacted
by a rammer with about 75 blows on each side
 The weight of hammer is 4.54 kg and height of
fall is 457 mm
 The compacting temperature may be about
145°C for VG 30 grade bitumen
 The compacted specimen should have a
thickness of 63.5±1.3 mm
Specimen Preparation
Sample Preparation
Sample Extraction .
 The compacted specimens are
extracted using a Sample
Extractor after the curing time
 Sample extractor is designed for
fast extrusion of samples from
compaction mould
 At least three specimens should be
prepared at each trial bitumen content
which may be varied at 0.5%
Density -Void Analysis
 Bulk density of compacted mixture (Gmb)
 Bulk specific gravity of aggregate (Ga)
 Theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gt)
 Percent air voids in the final mix (Vv)
 Percent air voids in mineral aggregates (VMA)
 Percent aggregate voids filled with bitumen (VFB)
Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Mixture
 By weighing in air and water : if the specimen has impermeable
surface (ASTM D 2726)
 Gmb = W/(W–Ww)

 Where, W & Ww = weight of the specimen in air and

water ,
 By weighing paraffin coated specimen in air and water : if the
G  has open impermeable surface (ASTM D 1188)

W '
 W'

W  W

 Ww'
W = weight of coated specimen in air
 = weight of coated specimen in water
 Gp = specific gravity of paraffin coating at 25 C
Bulk Specific Gravity of Combined Aggregate
 Bulk specific gravity (Ga) of aggregate

Pca  Pfa  Pmf

Ga 
Pca Pfa Pmf
 
Gca G fa Gmf
P = Percentages by weight of aggregates
G = Bulk specific gravities of aggregates
Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity
Gt 
Pca Pfa Pmf Pb
  
Gca G fa Gmf Gb
 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity (Gt) of the mix
 Pca = Percentage of coarse aggregate
 Gca = Specific Gravity of Coarse aggregate
 Pfa = Percentage of fine aggregates
 Gfa = Specific Gravity of fine aggregate
 Pmf =Percentage of filler
 Gmf = specific gravity of filler
 Pb = percentage of binder
 Gb = specific gravity of binder
IRC : SP:79-2008
• Sample of loose paving mix is placed in tared
vacuum vessel
• Submerge sample in water
• Apply vacuum to remove air bubbles
• Volume of void less sample measured
• Immerse vacuum container in water bath or filling
calibrated vacuum container full of water and then
weighing in air
Apparatus Details
• Vacuum bowls of metal or plastic
• 180 by 160 mm
• Vacuum flask 4000 ml
• Balance
• Vacuum pump 30 mm of Hg
• Pressure manometer
• Water bath
• Flasks
• Bowls
• Sample 1500-200g
• Add water to cover sample
• Place flask or bowl on containers
• Place container with sample and water on agitation device
• Remove entrapped air by application of vaccume
• Gradually release vacuum
• Take weight in water 0f bowl and sample ,Designate as C
• Determine mass of bowl , sample and lid in air designate as E
• Calculate theoretical density by following
• Gmm=A/{A-(C-B) [ A=mass of dry sample in air,B=mass in water
• Gmm = A/(A+D-E)
Vv , VMA and VFB
 Voids in the final mix

Vv  100
 Gt  Gmb 
 Voids in mineral aggregates
Gmb Pa
VMA  100 
Pa  Pca  Pfa  Pmf
 Aggregate voids filled with bitumen
VFB 100
VMA  Vv 
Marshall Stability and Flow
The specimens to be tested are kept immersed in water in a
thermostatically controlled water bath at 60 ± 1 °C for 30 to 40
Marshall Stability and Flow
 Take out the specimen from the
water bath and place it in the
breaking head
 Place the breaking head in
Marshall testing machine
 Load is applied on the breaking
head by the loading machine at the
rate of 5 cm per minute
Marshall Specimen is loaded
diametrically ??

Stability values obtained indirectly

represent the strength of the mix
Marshall Stability and Flow
 Stability value is the load taken by the specimen at the
 Flow value is the deformation of the specimen at failure
 Record stability either by proving ring or load cell
display unit
 Record the flow by the dial gauge or displacement cell
attached to the breaking head
 Apply correction factor to the stability value if the
height of specimen is different from 63.5 cm
Correction of Stability
Volume Thickness Correction

457-470 57.1 1.19

471-482 58.7 1.14

483-495 60.3 1.09

496-508 61.9 1.04

523-535 65.1 0.96

536-546 66.7 0.93

547-559 68.3 0.89

Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC)
Following are plotted
 Bulk density vs. bitumen content
 Marshall stability vs. bitumen content
 Percent voids in mix vs. bitumen content
 Percent aggregate voids filled with bitumen vs. bitumen
 Flow values vs. bitumen content
Typical Plots of Marshall Properties
Optimum Bitumen Content
 Bitumen content corresponding to maximum stability = 5.5 %
 Bitumen content corresponding to maximum bulk density = 6.0 %
 Bitumen content corresponding to 4 % air voids = 6.3 %
 As per Asphalt Institute MS-2, Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC)
of the mix (5.5 + 6.0 + 6.3 )/3 = 5.93 %
 Flow value at OBC = 3.9 mm
 VFB = 77 %
 Marshall Quotient at 5.93% = 253
 Indirect Tensile Strength Ratio=82
Filler to Binder Ratio
The Filler to Binder (F/B) ratio shall be in the range of 0.6 to
1.2 by weight.
 If filler = 40 gms
 Binder = 51 gms
 Then, F/B = 0.78, hence acceptable
 If F/B ratio is less than 0.6 – insufficient stability
 If F/B ratio is more than 1.2 – Durability is affected
Benefits of Hydrated Lime as Filler
 Hydrated lime reduces stripping of bitumen from aggregate .
 It acts as a mineral filler, make bitumen binder stiffer
 Lime improves resistance to fracture growth (i.e., it improves
fracture toughness) at low temperatures.
 It favorably alters oxidation kinetics of bitumen and react with
products of oxidation such as polar aromatic
 Reduce formation of asphaltenes eventually hardening of
 It alters the plastic properties of fine clay to improve moisture
susceptibility and durability of mixture
Evaluation and Adjustment of Mix Design Parameters

Low Voids and Low Stability

 Increase VMA in mix by adding either additional
coarse or fine aggregate
 Increasing VMA provides more space in the
mixture for additional air voids.
 Lower the bitumen content.
 Enhance grade of bitumen
Evaluation and Adjustment of Mix Design

Low Voids & Stability Satisfactory

 Low void content can cause flushing after the
pavement has been exposed to traffic for a period
of time.
 Insufficient void content can also result in
instability and flushing when degradation of the
aggregate occurs.
 Mixes low in voids should be adjusted, even though
the stability appears satisfactory.
Evaluation and Adjustment of Mix Design

Voids Satisfactory Stability Low

 Low stability when voids and aggregate grading are
satisfactory may indicate some deficiencies in the aggregate.

Voids High Stability Satisfactory

 High voids are, frequently, associated with high permeability
 When the mix stability is satisfactory, excessive void content
should be reduced.
 This can be done usually by increasing the mineral dust
content of the mix or sometimes by adjusting the aggregate
gradation to increase density.
Evaluation and adjustment of mix design

Voids High, Stability Low

 In such a case, the void content should be reduced.

 If the adjustments does not improve both void

content and stability, the type of aggregate used
must be revised.
Optimum Bitumen Content
Prepare specimen at four binder content
Optimum binder is determined at 4% voids
Volumetric properties must comply
 Selected design must meet DP concept
 Acceptable DP must be 0.6 to 1.2
Check mix for Moisture sensitivity
Loaded wheel testing for proof testing
Asphalt mix performance testing
Determination of ITS Ratio
• Calculate ITS of Dry and Wet Samples by
following formula :St=2000P/pie.t.d
• St = tensile strength kPa
• P= maximum load N
• t= thickness of specimen mm
• d = specimen diameter ,mm
ITS Test

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