Treasure Island
Treasure Island
Treasure Island
Vocabulary List
Miss Hanna Name______________________
Honors English 7 Period ____
Directions: For each word, find the definition, part of speech, various endings, and sentence from the book. Book # in parentheses
are for the new book.
d Part of Speech Definition & Sentence from the Novel Various Endings
1. connoisseur-(4) 12
2. diabolical- (5) 13
3. incivility-(9)
4 sinewy- (15) 22
5. apoplexy- (24) 29
6. repugnance- (28) 32
7. rogues- (29) 33
8. irresolute- (34) 37
9. deplore- (36) 39
10. prodigiously-(41) 43
Part of Speech Definition & Sentence from the Novel Various Endings
11. plundered- (43) 45