Clientele and Audiences in Social Work
Clientele and Audiences in Social Work
Clientele and Audiences in Social Work
Audiences in Social
Disciplines and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences
Characteristics of Clientele and Audience of Social Work
● Community
The individual as Client of Social Work
Before they give their services, they plan it first
through surveys, interviews, community meetings and
these information’s are their basis to make data. On
those data, it will show what the problems of the
community are and this data/information will help
them on what services they will make for individuals.
When there are poor people, the socialist work
focuses on how they will help them. Social work helps
them by training them on hand and basic works to
make their own business.
Community Needs Assessment Steps
→Define your community- This will help you identify the group(s),
or sub-communities, that tend to feel the effects most.