Characteristics of the senses Accuracy Ability to detect change Attention
Can be defined as relatively permanent change on behavior occurring as a result of experience. (experience may be of purchase and consumption)
3. Affective Learning
Human learn to value certain elements of their environment and dislike others. As a result they develop certain favorable and unfavorable attitudes towards some product which depends upon their wants needs and goals .
4 Elements of learning
Motives arouse individuals and as a result they respond. This arousal function is essential because it activates the energy needed to engage in learning activity. By achieving the goal ,the arousal reduces, but have a greater tendency to occur again, that is why marketers put their product in a way that when relevant consumer motive arouse their products are their to satisfy the need. This result that consumer will learn a connection b/w the product and motive .
Capable of providing direction i.e. it influences the manner in which respond to motive.
Its the opportunity to try or use the product. Marketers should be careful to provide theright environment (e.g., dont put prestigiousproduct in low level store
Mental or physical activity in reaction to a stimulus satiation.
Anything that follows the response and increase the tendency of response to reoccur in a similar situation.
Another Typology
High Involvement
Classical Conditioning
Pavlovs dogs Objects (stimuli) associated with a response may bring about the response Credit card studies Stimuli and responses
Classical Conditioning
(Unconditioned stimulus)
(Unconditioned response)
(Conditioned stimulus)
-----> UR
E.g.: SUGAR SUGAR + Cola Taste Cola taste
------> CR
(Conditioned response)
Unconditional stimuli
unconditional response
Conditional stimuli
conditional response
Unconditional Response Fun and Enjoyment Conditional Response Fun and Enjoyment
Conditional Stimuli
Lipton tea
Consumer Examples
Advertising: pairing product with images of desired affect Product: Evoke image of object associated with positive affect
(e.g., Hindustan lever; Coke Bottle)
Family branding - where a variety of products capitalize on the reputation of a company name.
Product line extensions - where related products are added to an established brand. Licensing - where well known names are rented by others. Look alike packaging.
Communicating a products distinctiveness from the competition (an important part of positioning). It enables consumers to differentiate the brand from others in the market place.
Promoting the unique attributes of a brand.
1. Conditioned Fear & Anxiety - many phobias that people experience are the results of conditioning. For Example - "fear of bridges" - fear of bridges can develop from many different Sources. For example, while a child rides in a car over a dilapidated bridge, his father makes jokes about the bridge collapsing and all of them falling into the river below. The father finds this funny and so decides to do it whenever they Cross the bridge. Years later, the child has grown up and now is afraid to drive over any bridge. In this case, the fear of one bridge generalized to all bridges which now evoke fear.
2. Advertising - modern advertising strategies evolved from use of conditioning. The approach is to link an attractive US with a CS (the product being sold) so the consumer will feel positively toward the product just like they do with the US. US --> CS --> CR/UR attractive person --> car --> pleasant emotional response
Reinforcement: An Example
You eat a cake (behavior) ----> good taste (reward) ----> more likely to eat cake on another occasion
Negative Reinforcement
(not the same as punishment!) Aversive stimulus exists Behavior ----> termination of aversive stimulus ----> repetition of behavior during aversive stimulus
Behavior ----> Negative consequences
Punishment: Examples
Parking meters Gas taxes Fees for non-ATM banking transactions Over-base rate utility charges
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed interval : After dinner everytime dessert serve free of cost. Fixed ratio : After every nth time the product or service purchased. Variable ratio : on random basis may be based on quantum of purchase.
Observational Learning
A process by which individuals observe how others behave in response to certain stimuli and reinforcements. Also known as modeling or vicarious learning.
We learn by observing others Four classes of people likely to be imitated by others:
Persons superior in age-grade hierarchy Persons superior in social status Persons superior in intelligence ranking system Superior technicians in any field
Taking advantage of instrumental and cognitive conditioning principles Principles of instrumental conditioning are at work when a consumer is rewarded or punished for a product decision. Rewards can include thanking the consumer for the purchase, rebates, discounts, loyalty points, etc.
Consumers ability to learn by observing how the behaviour of others is reinforced (cognitive learning) makes the marketers role easier. Marketers can show what happens to desirable models who use their products.
Cognitive learning
Cognitive learning occurs as a result of internal mental processes. For example, observational learning takes place when a consumer performing a behaviour as a result of seeing someone else performing it and being rewarded for it.
This perspective views people as problem solvers who actively use information from the world around them to master their environment.
Memory involves the process of acquiring information and storing it over time so that it will be available when needed.
Elaborative activitiesthinking of the object to strengthen its association with other nodes and maintenance Extinction from long term memory
E.g., old phone numbers; how to use an old computer program; loss language skills
Factors affecting memory retrieval Retrieval is the process where information is accessed from long-term memory. There are a number of factors that can affect memory retrieval: Physiological Situational. Viewing environment.
Mood congruence.
Familiarity. Salience.(Distinctiveness)
Memory for product information can be measured through recognition and recall techniques.
Consumers are more likely to recognise an advertisement if it is presented to them than to recall one without being given any cues.
Multibrand loyalty How strong?
Brand Equity
Refers to the value inherent in a well-known brand name Value stems from consumers perception of brand superiority Brand equity reflects learned brand loyalty Brand loyalty and brand equity lead to increased market share and greater profits
Consumer associations with product are valuable Brand leverage (brand extensions, brand family, umbrella branding) Use of appropriate associations May involve brand style rather than product similarity Concept testing is important
Usage experience biased by prior expectations based on brand name, price, or consumption situation. New and improved products must cross the JND barrier. Distance to destinations, wait in service settings, etc., are assimilated or contrasted.
The price-value perception depends on brand-name and store contexts.
Perceptions of alternative brands biased by price, brand name, store, etc. Store distance perceptions are often biased. Package size reductions below JND are not noticed. Store distances and customer service variations may be assimilated or contrasted.
General Process
Price variations below JND are not noticed. Price discrepancies from expected levels may be assimilated (acceptable) or contrasted (not acceptable).
User learns about the use of products and services by reading about them.
Food preferences are acquired in early childhood. Users adopt new products and services if they find them beneficial. Users model their clothing and car choices after people they admire.
Payer learns about used-car prices from the NADA usedcar price book.
Perceived fairness of price levels is classically conditioned. Payers buy cheap at first, then experience shoddy performance and learn to invest more. Budgeting decisions mirror those of admired companies. Payers learn norms for tipping by observing others.
Buyers learn about new stores by word of mouth and about brand ratings from Consumer Reports.
Buyers are conditioned through continued patronage of the same vendors. Buyers learn they can get better terms by changing vendors. Buyers may switch preferences to stores and vendors that are trendy. Purchasers adopt purchase procedure innovations (e.g., buying through the Internet). 58
Cognitive Learning
Classical conditioning
Instrumental conditioning
Adoption of innovation
Users adopt product and Payers adopt financing service feature innovations. innovations (e.g, leasing, debit cards). Copyright 1999 by Thomas Southwestern. All rights reserved.