The Citizens' Charter aims to improve how the government machinery functions by making it more responsive, transparent, and efficient. It seeks to shift from a top-down bureaucracy to one that empowers citizens and communities to participate in decision making. The Charter establishes standards for public services and holds individuals and organizations accountable for meeting those standards. Its main elements include ensuring quality, choice, and value for taxpayer money in public services.
The Citizens' Charter aims to improve how the government machinery functions by making it more responsive, transparent, and efficient. It seeks to shift from a top-down bureaucracy to one that empowers citizens and communities to participate in decision making. The Charter establishes standards for public services and holds individuals and organizations accountable for meeting those standards. Its main elements include ensuring quality, choice, and value for taxpayer money in public services.
The Citizens' Charter aims to improve how the government machinery functions by making it more responsive, transparent, and efficient. It seeks to shift from a top-down bureaucracy to one that empowers citizens and communities to participate in decision making. The Charter establishes standards for public services and holds individuals and organizations accountable for meeting those standards. Its main elements include ensuring quality, choice, and value for taxpayer money in public services.
The Citizens' Charter aims to improve how the government machinery functions by making it more responsive, transparent, and efficient. It seeks to shift from a top-down bureaucracy to one that empowers citizens and communities to participate in decision making. The Charter establishes standards for public services and holds individuals and organizations accountable for meeting those standards. Its main elements include ensuring quality, choice, and value for taxpayer money in public services.
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Citizens' Charter
CHARTER" The main objective of Citizens' Charter is to find ways of overcoming the various negative aspects mentioned earlier, and to bring about a change in the way the governmental machinery functions at all levels. Citizens' Charter is not theoretical in its approach. It is practical in terms of involving and motivating those who constitute the Governmental Machinery themselves and the citizens to work out and adopt a more responsive organisational set up with increased public accountability and transparency, besides courteous and efficient service, responsive to the citizens' needs. GOVERNMENT AS A PROVIDER OF SERVICE It is seldom realised that Government too has customers namely the people for whom it exists and whom it is expected to serve. All public services are paid for by individual citizens, either directly or indirectly through taxes. The citizens' have therefore every right to expect high quality of service responsive to their needs to be provided efficiently and at a reasonable cost. Where the State is engaged in regulating taxing or administering justice, these functions too must be carried out in a fair, effective and courteous manner. It is therefore time to radically change the way the Governmental Machinery at various levels operates i.e. shiftfrom top down bureaucracy to an entrepreneurial Government that empower citizens and Communities and encourages them to participate in the decision making process Meaning of citizen’s charter The Citizens' Charter, in short is a set of viewpoints of the users of public services. It is not meant to be a formula which imposes a dry and uniform pattern of response of all public services. It is meant to be a tool kit of initiatives and ideas to raise standards of performance in the way most appropriate to each senice It is intended to give more power to the citizens. It is not a plea for more State action. The Citlzem' Charter is further based on t!e people's nght to be informed all$ choose for themselves. It emphasises the point that "For too long the provider has dominated, now it is the turn of the user". Above all it believes that there is a spring of talent, energy, care and commtnlent in our public services. The charter's aim is, therefore, to release these qualities so that wc can have services, in which the citizens can have confidence and public servants can hme pride. THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF CITIZENS' CHARTER Its main elements are: Quality- a sustained new programme for improving the quality of public services Choice - Choice wherever possible between competing providers is the best spur to quality improvement. Standards - The citizen must be told what service standards are and be able to act where service is unacceptable. Value - The citizen as a taxpayer has a right to expect that public services must give value for money within a tax bill the nation can afford. Accountability - By holding both individuals and organisations responsible for perfomnce in keeping with Lhe specified standards and also ensuring that lapses if any are dealt with firmly and in an exemplary manner STEPS TO BE TAKEN FOR SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF CITIZENS' CHARTER 1) Providing Legal provisions to facilitate participation, transparency and organisational autonomy and to induce responsiveness in the public sector. 2) Deregulation, franchising and contracting out of services to multiple providers and publlc-private or public- public competition with adequate safety nets to the interest of citizens. 3) Project Level Accountability Mechanism Participation of the relevant stake holders (staff, users, citizens etc.) in the . preparation, design, implementation and evaluation of projects to improve public accountability. 4) User Surveys Systematic User Surveys should be resorted, to assess customer satisfaction regarding quality adequacy and other relevant dimensions of the various services and the feedback received used not only to judge the performance of the agency, but also to improve its functio~ung. Citizen groups consumer organisations and other NGOs should also be encouraged to provide such feedback. 5) Performance Plans and Agreement Public Agencies/enterprises responsible for major investments and services should prepare annual Performance Plans that specify their goals and standards for service delivery. This will give more power to user/customer groups to demand greater accountability from the service providers STEPS TO BE TAKEN FOR SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF CITIZENS' CHARTER 6) User Charges for Participation User charges does not necessarily i~nply that such charges should be levied for cost recoveq or deficit reduction. User charges on the other hand encourages individuals and other groups to demand better performance and accountability from the public agencies involved. If an agency is required to raise large part of its revenues through user fees, or its autonomy is linked to such earnings, it is likely to induce the agency to be Inore responsive to the needs of its users. 7) Public Hearings Though organised public participation is desirable, the initative or the orgnaised effort required for such collective action is often lacking Setting up of regulatory agencies with adequate legal backing in respect of important service which can hold public hearings on important issues, such as tariff structure etc. can strengthen public accountability through participation. 8) Information as Aid to Accountability Last but not the least, only a well informed citi~en, with adequate awareness, can play an usefil role in strengthening public accountability. Access to information and public education as also awareness building therefore assumes special importance in the context of Fublic Accountability. Both expert institutions and the media as also the NGOs play an important part in this area.