Review Exam Practices

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Review Test on

1. Which of the following is not a feature of sustainable agriculture?
a. economic profitability
b. biotechnological food production
P c. environmental preservation
d. social and economic equity
R 2. Which of the following energy sources is rejected in sustainable
agriculture systems?
E a.b. hydro-electric
geothermal power

- c.d. petroleum-based energy

wind and solar power

T 3. a.Which of these crop production practices is considered sustainable?

diversification of crops
E b.c. chemical
monocropping system
pest and disease control

S d. growing exotic crop varieties

4. The following are features of traditional agroecosystems that make them
sustainable except
a. it is not dependent on external, purchased inputs

P b. makes use of locally available and renewable resources

c. advocates the recycling of nutrients
d. makes use of hybrid and genetically improved crop varieties to enhance

R production

5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of soil in a sustainable agroecosystem?

E a. deep topsoil and organic horizon

b. rapid water infiltration and percolation rates
c. low erosion rate
- d. neutral pH levels

6. Which of the following plant material will be the last to decompose in a compost
a. sugar

E b. cellulose
c. lignin
d. phenols

7. The use of other organisms such as parasites, predators and parasitoids to
control pest is what type of control method?
a. mechanical
P b. biological
c. chemical

d. physical

8. In cabbage, which organism is used to control diamondback moth?

E a.
Bacillus thuringiensis
c. Diadegma semiclausum
- d. Metarhizium anisopliae

T 9. Crop rotation, intercropping and use of resistant crop varieties belong to

which method of control?
a. biological
E b. mechanical
c. cultural

d. physical

10. If carbon dioxide fertilization will be done for CAM plants like pineapple and
orchids, when is the right time to do it?
a. in the morning
P b. at noon
c. at night

d. at dawn

11. If 180 out of 200 seed samples taken randomly from a seed bulk

E germinated, what is its germination percentage?

a. 50%
b. 100% ,
- c. 90%
d. 75%

T 12. The following practices are used to break seed dormancy except,
a. soaking seeds in water
E b. stratification
c. scarification

d. fermentation

13. Seeds of cabbage are subjected to cold temperature treatment to trigger
flowering later. This practice is called
a. vernalization

P b. stratification
c. scarification
d. fermentation
R 14. The practice of removing the seed coat to facilitate entry of water and oxygen

thereby hastening seed germination is called
a. vernalization
b. stratification

- c. scarification
d. fermentation

T 15. How many coconut seedlings are needed to fill up a one-hectare area if the
planting distance is 10 X 10 meters using the square method of planting?
a. 100
E b. 150
c. 1000

S d. 200

16. If a plant has a biological yield of 1 kg and an economic yield of 0.3 kg.
what is its harvest index?
a. 10%
P b. 30%
c. 100%

d. 333%

17. Tillage is done for the following purposes except

E a. improve soil aeration

b. remove surface soil
c. eliminate weeds
- d. good root penetration

T 18. The following are characteristics of plants that are suited for transplanting
a. has a taproot system
E b. if seeds are small, except for tuber crops
c. fast root regeneration

d. fast rate of seed germination

19. Some crops can either be transplanted or direct-seeded but there are crops
that should strictly be direct-seeded to ensure good quality of the economically
important part. Which of the following crops should only be direct-seeded?

P a. cabbage
b. tomato
c. carrot
R d. pepper

20. Under which condition is broadcast method of planting vegetables applicable?
a. when crops require wide spacing
b. when seeds are expensive

- c. when weed problem is anticipated

d. when crops mature early at close spacing

T 21. In lowland rice culture, water is maintained shallow at tillering stage to

a. enduce early flowering

E b. make plant grow faster

c. allow more tillers to grow
d. save irrigation water
22. The ricefield should be drained around two weeks before harvesting palay to
a. hasten grain maturity
b. produce more grains
P c. dry the leaves of the plant
d. prolong reproductive life of the plant

R 23. The following are reasons why split application of fertilizer is done except
a. applying all the nutrients required by the plant at one time is wasteful as
plants are not able to absorb all of them in a short time
E b. more residues remain in the soil that can be utilized by the succeeding
crops to be planted in the farm
c. to see to it that the nutrients needed by the plant are present when they
- are needed
d. none of the above

T 24. Dehaulming or the cutting or killing of potato vines a week before harvest is
done to
a. kill pests before harvest
E b. hasten toughening of potato peel
c. allow new shoots to develop

d. allow the tuber to enlarge

25. To prevent vascular streaking or the browning of tissue below the peeled
surface of cassava tubers which practice is being done
a. curing
P b pruning
c. washing tubers after harvest

d. detopping cassava plants few days before harvest

26. In mango, banana, watermelon and other crops which practice is being

E done to allow better development of the fruits maintained on the tree.

a. defoliation
b. fruit thinning
- c. detopping
d. fruit bagging

T 27. The growing of crops in sand, non-soil materials or water is called

a. organic farming
E b. hydroponics
c. biointensive gardening

d. urban agriculture

28. Which of the following refers to pulsing?
a. soaking stem ends of cutflowers in preservative solution
b. classifying harvested products according to certain criteria
P c. separation of hands in banana
d. method of removing stains
R 29. Mulching is done for the following reasons except
E b.c. for
a. regulate evaporation of soil moisture
control weed growth
plants to grow taller
- d. prevent the fruits from touching the ground
T a. it has no allelopathic effect on the other crops
30. A good intercrop should have the following characteristics except

b. if the main crop is deep rooted the intercrop should be shallow-rooted

E c.d. iftheintercrop is shorter than the main crop it must be shade tolerant
intercrop should have the same nutrient demand with the main

S crop

31. The planting of a second crop before the first crop is harvested is called
a. sequential cropping
b. intercropping
P c. relay cropping
d. multiple cropping
R 32. The planting of crops across the slope of a hill is called
E b.c. monocropping
a. uphill planting
contour farming

- d. mixed cropping
T a. it controls pest and disease infestation
33. Which of the statements below about crop rotation is false?

b. it sustains soil fertility

E c.d. itit utilizes the residual soil moisture and fertilizer
loosens the soil and make it susceptible to erosion

P 34.What is the chemical component of the spray used to
R a. calcium carbonate
induce flowering of mango?

E c. potassium nitrate
b. sodium chloride

- d. methyl bromide

T irrigation become necessary?

35. Under which prolonged environmental condition does

a. when relative humidity is high

E b. when light intensity and wind velocity are high
c. when temperature and light intensity is low
S d. when relative humidity is high and wind velocity is low
1. The tilling of the soil when it is saturated with water
a. Wet land or lowland preparation
b. Primary tillage preparation
c. Dry land or upland preparation
d. Zero tillage preparation
2. It refers to the traditional system, which begins with a
primary tillage operation followed by several secondary
tillage operations.
a. Zero tillage
b. Minimum tillage
c. Maximum or conventional tillage
d. Secondary tillage
3. Characteristics of a well prepared lowland field
a. It must be free of trash and vegetation to avoid
interference with the seeding operation
b. It must contain sufficient moisture to germinate the
seed and support subsequent growth
c. Weeds, rice straw and stubble, which have been tilled
under, are thoroughly decayed. The soil is well puddled
and leveled for uniform distribution of water
d. Low moisture content
4. Direction of tillage on rolling or hilly field
a. Across the contour
b. Follow the general contour of the land
c. Against the contour
d. Up and down the contour
5. It ensures the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria
in the root environment of the plant which may be
otherwise low or absent.
a. Inoculation
b. Dust application
c. Fungicide application
d. Slurry application
6. The seeds are treated with fungicide before planting
to protect them from soil-borne diseases that can
cause poor seedling stand
a. Seed treatment
b. Rag doll method
c. Seed box method
d. Petri-dish method
7. It is a usual method employed by farmers in planting the
seeds evenly into the field.
a. Broadcast method
b. Transplant method
c. Hill method
d. Drill method

8. Method of planting where the seeds are sown first on

specially prepared seedbed or seed boxes. The seedlings
are nursed for sometime before they are transplanted to
the final site.
a. Broadcast method
b. Ridge method
c. Drill method
d. Transplanting method

9. Seedlings of rice on wet bed method are ready for

transplanting in
a. l0-l5 days
b. 15-20 days
c. 25-30days
d. 30-35 days
10. Planting the seeds by distributing them individually in
the row is called:
a. Hill planting
b. Drill planting
c. Ridge planting
d. List planting
11. A method of planting the seed at specified depth on top
of the furrows and with the expectation of abundant rain
a. Surface or flat-bed planting
b. Ridge planting
c. List planting
d. Hill planting
12. Method of raising rice seedling where pre-germinated
seeds are sown on cement or puddle soil covered with
banana leaves or polyethylene plastic sheet. The raised
seedlings are ready for transplanting in 10-14 days.
a. Wet bed method
b. Dapog method
c. Dry bed method
d. Seedbed method
13. A process done on the seedling which is started at 7 to
10 days before transplanting in which the seedlings are
exposed to full sunlight and temporary wilting.
a. Transplanting shock
b. Hardening
c. Pricking
d. Blocking
14. A process done at 7 to 10 days before the vegetable
seedlings are transplanted in which the full depth of the
soil is cut with knife into blocks of about 5 cm x 5 cm to
confine the roots in separate blocks
a. Pricking
b. Blocking
c. Hardening
d. Transplanting shock
15. A process of transferring the seedlings from seed box to
another seed box or container before they are brought
to the field.
a. Pricking
b. Hardening
c. Blocking
d. None of the above
16. Advantages of row planting over broadcasting.
a. Uniform plant growth, distance between plants and
reduced seeding rate
b. It increases seeding rate
c. Mutual shading
d. Increase competition of nutrients

17. What is the germination percentage of corn, if only 180

normal seedling has germinated out of the 200 seeds
a. 80%
b. 85%
c. 90%
d. 95%

18. The recommended seeding rate of peanut is 90 kilogram

per hectare. How many kilogram seed is needed if the
germination test is only 80 percent.
a. 120.0
b. 112.5
c. 125.0
d. 128.5
19. Corn will be planted at spaced 75 cm. between
rows and 50 cm. between hills and will be maintained
at 2 plants per hill. What is the plant population per
a. 50,333

b. 51,333
c. 52,333
d. 53,333

20. A drill method of seeding mungbean will be

followed with 30 seeds per linear meter and the rows
are spaced at 50 cm. How many plants are there per
a. 60,000
b. 63,000
c. 66,000
d. 69,000
21. Modern crop agriculture would require:
A. indigenous knowledge
B. knowledge from research only
C. knowledge synthesize from internet information
D. knowledge of all kinds and from all sources

22. The factors affecting food and fiber production in the

Philippines and elsewhere are: population dynamics;
environment factor of production like light, water and
temperature; land and soil resources; and production
technology (variety, culture, postharvest, etc.). To attain
food and fiber self-sufficiency within the context of our
culture the best things to do is:
A. manage population to slower growth rate
B. invest in infrastructure that will control environment
C. increase land under crop cultivation
D. transform production technology into practices that will
increase farm productivity
23. After selecting the site for good practice of crop production, land
preparation should be:
A. clearing second-growth forest with slash and burn on steep slopes
B. clearing flat or rolling cogonal lands and plowing
C. chemical control of brush on flat lands and using dibble and hoe
for cultivation
D. plowing currently cultivated sugarland and staking and holing for
establishment of pasture crops

24. Soil erosion control is important in Philippine agriculture because:

A. we have to conserve water in terraces
B. growing upland crops like corn and vegetables require fertile soils
C. there is too much rainfall during some months and large
cultivated areas are not flat
D. people are increasing too much and more people lave to eat
25. In modern Philippine agriculture the selection for planting materials for both
annuals and perennials is guided by:
A. demand of foreign markets
B. yield and quality of processed products
C. adaptability of the planting materials
D. recommendation of seed dealers
26. Seeds or seedling is better planting material than asexual or vegetative
method when:
A. there is benefit of hybrid vigor
B. crops could be direct seeded
C. crops can be propagated by seeds
D. crops can he grafted or rooted as cuttings
27. Kaingin system is primarily subsistence farming. The form of planting crops
is generally:
A. Direct seeding of food crops like rice, corn beans by dibble method
B. Growing perennial crops by hedgerow across slope with food crops between
C. Mixed cropping or perennials for export market
D. Regular distance of crops either by squared, rectagular or triangular lay-out
28. Because crop production/farming is a regular activity of
rural people and without it they will never have a normal
life, farming is considered a:
A. Business
B. Art
C. Technology
D. Culture (a way of life)

29. In farming the method that would minimize soil erosion:

A. plowing up and down the slope
B. providing hedge row of kakawate and ipil-ipil across the
slope and planting crops between the hedge rows
C. providing drainage canal in any manner
D. pasture grazing along slopes
30. Fertilizer needs of crops is best determined by
A. Tissue analysis
B. Fertilizer Trials
C. Soil Analysis
D. Symptom indicator

31. Surface irrigation should be used in:

A. flooding rice fields during dry season only
B. furrow irrigation of corn and basin irrigation of fruit-trees during
the rainy season
C. gravity irrigation of rice terraces
D. flooding, furrow, or basin irrigation of most crops when soil is dry
and there is plenty of water
32. In determining when to irrigate: .
A. leaves of crops wilt in the afternoon but not in the morning
B. using sand-cum-soil miniplot technique, when the planted crop in the
miniplot shows wilting
C. when based on calculation, the amount of evapotranspiration is less
than the amount of natural precipitation
D. every 2 weeks regardless of kind of crops grown
33. The loss of water during the stage of the crop that irrigation is needed
is by:
A. seepage and precipitation of irrigation by drip method
B. evaporation of water from the leaves and transpiration from the soil
C. evaporation of water by the overhead irrigation method
D. transpiration of water from flooded rice fields
34. Pump irrigation is most feasible:
A. for rice when depth of water source is shallow
B. for high value crop like flowers and vegetables when method is by drip
C. for coconut grown in Pinatubo lahar
D. for early induction of flowering of fruit trees
35. The best source of plant nutrients are: -
A. commercial granular fertilizers
B. commercial granular fertilizer plus compost
C. compost only
D. commercial granular fertilizer, compost and microbial inoculum
36. The proper application of fertilizer is:
A. broadcasting urea only when rise is booting stage
B. liquid application of micronutrients by soil injection
C. side dressing of complete and compost ferti1izer at the
early vegetative growth stage
D. basal application at planting time and side dressing at the
vegetative stage up to reproductive stage for most crops
37. When integrated pest management is to be applied, the first order
in the decision process of having control is:
A. identifying the pest
B. planting varieties of crops known to be resistant to problem pest
C. killing the pest by chemical spray
D. biological control of the pest
38. Management of weeds is:
A. weeds are allowed if competition with crops is minimal
B. complete elimination of weeds by chemicals in steep slopes
C. biological control by cover cropping in annual crops
D. mulching in grain and legume crops
39. Disease of perennial crops may be found in the roots, leaves,
flowers and fruits. Fungicides are resorted to when:
A. the pathogen is soil borne
B. systemic fungicides are available to control anthracnose of flowers
and fruits of mango
C. when environmental factor is characterized by sunny and cool
D. controlling the fruit rot of jackfruit due to fruit fly
40. Knowing the economics of irrigating the crops the correct statement
A. natural rainfall could be enough for coconut and mango
B. pump irrigation is resorted for low value crops in greenhouses
C. upland rice is irrigated by overhead method
D. generally vegetables are irrigated by flooding
41. The correct statement is:
A. biological pest control is feasible but not biological crop nutrition
B. site preparation would not influence nutrition, water management
and pest management of crops
C. soil culture, cover cropping, and pasturing are biological methods
of controlling weed pest
D. kind of planting materials and distance of planting are not directly
related to plant population
42. The process of removing dead and diseased parts from healthy
plant is called:
A. rejunevative pruning
B. corrective pruning
C. preventive pruning
D. formative pruning
43. Fertilizer needs of crops is best determined by:
A. tissue analysis
B. soil analysis
C. fertilizer trials
D. symptom indicator
44. The practice of growing crops (usually legumes) for the
main purpose of improving soil fertility
A. green manuring
B. composting
C. cover cropping
D. intercropping
45. Granular fertilizer is commonly applied by:
A. soil injection
B. broadcast drill method
C. foliar spray after dissolving in water
D. mixing with irrigation water
46. The loss of water through evapo-transpiration is favored by:
A. low temperature
B. high relative humidity
C. low wind speed
D. high temperature
47. Wider plant spacing is adopted when:
A. soil fertility is low
B. plants have erect or vertical growth habit
C. plant glow into a big tree at maturity
D. soil have water holding capacity
48. Crops with any of the following characteristics are direct
A. seeds are difficult to germinate
B. seeds are expensive
C. seedling cannot tolerate root disturbance
D. seedlings develop multiple tap roots
49. A well-prepared upland soil should:
A. have enough moisture
B. be granular an friable
C. have dried leaves burned before planting
D. practice zero-tillage
50. Direct seeding is commonly practiced in planting:
A. eggplant
B. mango
C. corn
D. tomato
51. The practice of growing a new crop out of ’shoot’ arising from
the previous crops is called:
A. replanting
B. re-cropping
C. ratooning
D. rejuvenation
52. A bacteria capable of living symbiotically with higher plants
usually legumes, from which they receive their energy, and
capable of fixing nitrogen for the plant..
A. Rhizobium
B. Nitrobacter
C. Mycorhizza
D. Nitrosomonas
53. The arrangement of individual soil particles or aggregates which
normally determines the water holding capacity and drainage quality of
the soil.
A. soil structure
B. soil texture
C. soil aggregation
D. soil type
54. The concept of basic and nutritious food being available, accessible ,
affordable stable in supply.
A. food avaabi1ity
B. food security
C. food safely
D. food accessibility
55. The planting of diverse series of plants differing in heights, branching,
characteristics, shade-tolerance, use and nutrient needs such that
different plants will grow under one another.
A. multiple cropping
B. crop rotation
C. intercropping
D. multistory cropping
56. A food production strategy in the 1960’s and 70’s designed to solve
problems related to population explosion and world hunger by
introducing new farm technologies including new varieties, pesticides,
fertilizers, irrigation and machines.
A. Sustainable Agriculture
B. Green Revolution
C. Masagana ‘99
D. Gintong Ani
57. A plant belonging to the grass family which has very, extensive root
system and is effective as soil stabilizer.
A. corn
B. vetiver
C. lemon grass
D. napier grass
58. The temperature, sunlight, humidity and other climatic conditions in a
small localized area.
A. climate
B. weather
C. microclimatic
D. none of the above
59. The type of cropping wherein plants are regenerated out bf the
remaining part after the first harvest.
A. cropping
B. relay cropping
C. ratooning
D. crop rotation
60.The process of digging large seedling with a ball of soil intact and
with minimum root disturbance is called
A. Balling
B. Hardening
C. Blocking
D. Sub-soiling
61. A leafy shoot originating from axillary buds borne at the base of
the pineapple fruit is called:
A. sucker
B. runner
C. slip
D. corm
62. Practices that are regularly done but are unique to a specific-
crop or group of crops are called
A. Common practices
B. Unique practices
C. Special practices
D. Extra practices
63.This refers to the practice of enclosing the fruits with suitable
materials in order to protect the fruits
A Fruit bagging
B. Fruit protection
C. Fruit wrapping
D. Fruit enclosing
64.Which type of stem cutting is used for cassava and siniguelas
A. Soft wood
B. Hard wood
C. semi-hardwood
D. herbaceous
65. The practice of providing support to viny plants to keep the stem,
leaves and fruits away from the soil and to allow better exposure to
A. Supporting
B. Trellising
C. Staking
D. Propping
66.This refers to the practice of removing unnecessary suckers from the
base of banana to minimize competition among the remaining
A. Flower induction
B. Fruit induction
C. Flower thinning
D. Desuckering
67. One way of producing off-season fruits is by
A. Flower induction
B. Fruit induction
C. Flower thinning
D. Fruit thinning
68.This refers to the judicious removal of plant parts to attain
specific purpose
A. Thinning
B. Pruning
C. Training
D. Rejuvenating
69. Which of the following is NOT among the objectives of pruning
A. to dwarf the plant
B. to maintain desired canopy shape
C. to increase the volume of canopy
D. to rejuvenate an old tree
70.Crops that normally have short shelf-life due to rapid
A. Durables
B. Semi-perishables
C. Perishables
D. Non-perishables
71.A method of harvesting in which only matured or ripe fruits
or pods are harvested is called
A. Stripping
B. Tapping
C. Tuxying
D. Priming
72.The process of extracting latex from a tree or fruit is called
A. Tuxying
B. Tapping
C. Stripping
D. Priming
73.Which of the following does not require threshing
A. Rice
B. Corn
C. Mungbean
D. Soybean
74. Which of the following require fermentation during primary
A. Cotton
B. Cacao
C. Coconut
D. Abaca
75. For longer shelf life perishables should not be stored under
A. Low oxygen
B. Low temperature
C. Low relative humidity
D. High C02

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