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A. Extension Education Concepts, Philosophy and Objectives; Roles of SUCs in Extension

1. The effectiveness of extension is best measured through its clienteles’ behavioral changes, which are
a) spontaneous c) permanent
b) random d) voluntary

2. The curriculum used in extension education is

a) fixed c) prescribed by the LGU
b) prescribed by the Dept. of Agriculture d) flexible and based on client’s needs

3. The first activity in an extension agent’s intervening work is

a) informing people and local officials
b) formulating objectives
c) asking for budget
d) organizing people in the extension agent’s agency

4. An intervention of a Plant Pathologist that is directed towards sick plants is called

a) medical c) specialized
b) expert’s d) technical service

5. Agricultural extension is a system of non-formal education because

a) it is done by the people outside the formal school system
b) it does not require a curriculum
c) it is graded non-formally
d) it is addressed to the “here and the now”

6. The extension agent can provide rural people with useful, appropriate and practical knowledge only
when the extension agent understands rural people’s
a) conditions c) resources
b) needs d) task environment

7. In the context of agricultural extension, attaining improved level of living of rural people is conditioned
a) improvement in the overall economy c) human resource development
b) peace and order in the community / country d) absence of calamities

8. One’s view of life is based on his/her beliefs about what is

a) good, possible and beautiful c) virtuous, beautiful and noble
b) possible, noble and beautiful d) good, noble and beautiful

9. Philosophy in extension helps the extension agent in attaining

a. what he wants for himself c) what is possible in relation to problems identified
b) what is probable for his clients d) what is necessary for farmers’ life to be improved

10. When an extension worker makes a commitment to devote his time and talents for the upliftment of
economically deprived and disadvantaged communities, this is an expression of his
a) vision c) goals
b) mission d) Philosophy

11. Which of the following illustrates livelihood security?

a) reliable access to adequate stocks, food and cash to meet basic needs
b) ownership of agricultural land being operated
c) sustained relationship between landowner and tenant
d) permanency of employment as household help
e) government support to production

12. The process of social and economic change as a result of utilizing land, labor and capital is called
a) modernization c) diffusion
b) extension d) development

13. Bridging the gap between the research system and the extension system is the role of
a) research system c) extension system
b) client system d) all of the above


14. Your belief system about extension and the corresponding roles and functions that you have to
perform as extension worker is your

a) philosophy of extension c) mission

b) vision d) goal

15. In the trilogy of functions of a University, extension work is said to be

a) primus inter pares
b) conscience of research
c) source of knowledge / information to be disseminated to students and clients
d) all of the above

16. The use of indigenous resources and knowledge is a practice of

a) modern agriculture c) sustainable agriculture
b) conventional agriculture d) traditional agriculture

17. Basic concept in extension, which is to help rural people acquire knowledge, skills and attitude that
will help them effectively utilize information or technology.
a) Extension communication c) Extension system
b) Extension education d) Extension research

18. Basic concept in extension, which requires the use of an organized and coherent combination of
methods or schemes to make rural extension effective in a certain area is
a) Extension approach c) Extension organization
b) Extension strategy d) Extension research

19. Basic concept in extension wherein schemes, methods, or designs used in extension works to
achieve some goals.
a) Extension communication c) Extension organization
b) Extension approach d) Extension strategy

20. Which of the following is NOT an objective of extension?

a) improve farming methods and techniques
b) help farm people utilize information and technology
c) influence policy makers re: plight of farmers
d) lift the social and educational standards of rural life

21. The following are the areas of concern of University Extension Service except
a) technology transfer c) communicating media technologies
b) continuing education d) information dissemination

22. The function of a University which is defined by the General Appropriations Act as an inherent
function of an institution with the purpose of initiating, catalyzing, and sustaining the development of
various communities, using their experiences and available resources is
a) instruction c) extension
b) research d) production

23. Which of the roles below does NOT belong to the extension worker?
a) A manager c) Caregiver
b) A middle man d) Change agent

24. What mode of education is highly institutionalized, chronologically graded and hierarchically
a) Formal Education c) Non-formal Education
b) Informal Education d) Private Education

25. What do you call the type of intervention focused on education and training designed towards
helping people to help themselves?
a) Extension c) Services
b) Learning d) Teaching

26. What gives direction to extension activities?

a) Concepts of Extension c) Objective of Extension
b) Information given by the Extension d) Philosophy of Extension


27. In Extension, what do you call the statements of what extension workers intend to do?
a) Objectives c) Principles
b) Philosophy d) Vision

28. The process used by the agri-extension in assisting farm people is characterized as
a) advocacy c) manipulative
b) educational d) propaganda

29. An extension organization that links the generators and the end users of the technology is called
a) change system c) production system
b) client system d) research system

30. Which of the following extension delivery system is NOT included?

a) change system c) social system
b) production system d) research system

31. What contributes to better quality of life for the rural poor?
a) extension goals c) viable extension delivery
b) better road d) wide agricultural land

32. What is the vital ingredient in the economic development of a nation?

a) appropriate technology c) extension coordinator
b) extension class d) extension worker

33. Which of the following is the basis of the orientation of an authority figure?
a) flexible leadership c) monarchy
b) Laissez-faire d) task-oriented

34. The extension worker who works with rural people is in essence an ____.
a) adult educator c) adult leader
b) adult farmer d) adult learner

35. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of extension?

a) assistance in decision-making c) social support system
b) relevant human development d) transfer of technology

36. A scientific research that bridges the gap between basic research and technology development is
called ____.
a) extension research c) social research
b) on-farm research d) strategic research

37. A planned process using any form of actions or communications designed to eliminate poverty and
improve environment, institution techniques, attitudes and way of life of rural people is called ___.
a) livelihood development c) rural poverty alleviation
b) rural development d) rural productivity

38. The development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs is called _____.
a) community development c) Rural and Urban development
b) national development d) sustainable development

39. People participate in the development programs and projects after they have been told of what is
going to happen or has already happened. This typology of participation is
a) cooperative c) interactive
b) functional d) passive

40. “An action which leads to desirable outcome is likely to be repeated in similar circumstances” . This
is the basic law of ______.
a) communication c) learning
b) extension d) motivation

B. The Challenge of Extension/ History of Extension

41. The legal foundation of the whole cooperative extension work in the U.S.A. is the
a) Morril Act of 1890 c) Land Grant Act
b) Morril Act of 1862 d) Smith Lever Act of 1914


42. The home extension service in the Philippines was founded in 1923 by Miss
a) Maria Y. Orosa c) Helena Benitez
b) Eva Kalaw Katigbak d) Mercedes Consepcion

43. The establishment of credit unions (Rural Banks in 1952) to provide production credit to the farmers
took place under the term of President
a) Manuel L. Quezon c) Ramon Magsaysay
b) Manuel Roxas d) Carlos P. Garcia

44. The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program was a program of President

a) Ramon Magsaysay c) Corazon Aquino
b) Ferdinand Marcos d) Gloria Arroyo

45. As President of the Philippines, he believes that research would address fully our rice problem and
could be the basis for a comprehensive solution
a) Manuel Quezon c) Elpidio Quirino
b) Diosdado Macapagal d) Ramon Magsaysay

46. He was the first President of the Republic of the Philippines who was granted a loan of 75M and
during his term, agricultural production increased substantially
a) Manuel Quezon c) Manuel Roxas
b) Elpidio Quirino d) Ramon Magsaysay

47. The “death” of BAEX took place by virtue of

a) Executive Order (EO) 126 c) Executive Order (EO) 136
b) Executive Order (EO) 116 d) Executive Order (EO) 106

48. Extension in Europe started with

a) Cambridge University c) London University
b) Trinity College d) University of Manchester

49. In the US, agricultural extension work was formally instituted due to the extension programs of
universities and the establishment of
a) land grant universities c) model farms
b) county agriculture centers d) demonstration farms

50. The new name that replaced the Agricultural Extension Bureau in 1963 that broadened the scope of
work that include increase in productivity of farms, and advancement of farmers etc. is the
a) Agricultural Productivity Commission c) Training Institute for Agriculture
b) Agricultural Extension Center d) Agricultural Productivity Institute

51. The division that was considered the first formally organized government department implementing
extension and research programs is the
a) Demonstration and Extension Division of the Bureau of Agriculture
b) Division of Science
c) Division of Horticulture
d) Division of Plant Protection

52. The name called to persons engaged in extension service or extension work such as farmers’
cooperatives, rural credit, marketing and animal insurance is
a) farm adviser c) extension educator
b) farm teacher d) extensionist

53. Adult learning process does not include _____.

a) attitudes c) knowledge
b) influences d) skills

54. Which of the following is NOT an adult learning activity?

a) activity oriented c) learning oriented
b) goal oriented d) research oriented

55. Which of the following cluster of reasons does NOT apply to adult learning?
a) cognitive interest c) rewarding leisure time
b) Professional advancement d) social relationships


56. Which learning process concerns various aspects of learning?
a) affective learning c) extensive
b) cognitive d) psychomotor

57. To understand the cause and prevention or cure of pests and diseases, it requires ___.
a) affective learning c) cognitive learning
b) attitude learning d) environmental learning

58. The farmer’s ability to do new things is one of the changes in ____.
a) behavioral c) psychological
b) physical d) social

59. An extension worker is an ___.

a) agent of change c) agent of work
b) agent of government d) arm of the government

60. Leadership is a group phenomenon, therefore it is _____.

a) concerned with a group of people having a problem
b) dealing with a group and a leader
c) dealing with a leader and problems of the group
c) specific to particular situations and a function of the situation

61. The important element of a culture according to Jerkins 1981 is ___.

a) agriculture c) information
b) extension d) language

62. The percentage of households below the poverty threshold occurring mostly in the rural areas refers
to _____.
a) low income population c) rural population
b) poverty incidence d) rural poverty

63. The number of people per square kilometer is known as _____.

a) population density c) population mass
b) population growth rate d) population volume

64. Two approaches to rural development are (1) income generation and productivity through economic
growth and _____.
a) employment generation
b) increase productivity to alleviate poverty
c) rural people controlling their environment accompanied by wider distribution of benefit
d) social and political transformation

65. The long term strategic process of transferring economic and social power from onecenter to
another is called _______.
a) community participation c) people participation
b) empowerment of the rural people d) rural and urban development

66. Strategies of rural development in the Philippines include increasing employment, increasing
efficiency sustainability, equity and ______.
a) empowerment c) industrialization
b) increasing resource generation d) productivity

67. Which of the following is geared primarily towards altering the distribution of land property rights and
the terms for working in the land?
a) Agrarian Reform c) Land Reform
b) Agricultural Reform d) Rural Reform

68. It affects changes in terms of land ownership and tenure including services such as credit and
extension services to the beneficiaries. It is called _____.
a) Agrarian Reform c) Natural Resources
b) Land and water Reform d) Rural Reformation

69. What Republic Act created the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997?
a) RA No. 680 c) RA No. 8435
b) RA No. 5868 d) RA No. 8586


70. RA 7160 devolved the agricultural extension services of the DA to the ____.
a) agricultural communities c) NGO’s
b) Local government units d) State colleges and Universities

71. SEARCA means

a) Seoul Extension in Asian Research Center for Agriculture
b) South East Asian Regional Center for Graduate Studies and Research in Agriculture
c) South East Asian Rice Center for Agriculture
d) Southern Extension of Agricultural Research on Commodity Approach

72. It is a training technique that enables participants in a program to travel to the field to see projects,
operations, systems, structures and relate them to the classroom experiences.
a) cross farm visit c) field trip
b) discussion d) lecture

C. Communication in Extension
73. Communication comes from the Latin word ____, which means to make common.
a) Communis c.) Coursius
b) Socious d.) Sorcere

74. The term in communication that is referred to as the sum total of the individual’s experience that
influence his ability to communicate is called
a.) field of experience c.) personality
b.) common trait d.) knowledge and skill

75. The traditional view of communication that needs to be changed in the context of extension is
a.) one way, unilinear activity c) it is receiver-oriented
b.) three-dimensional process d) multi-dimensional activity

76. The five basic elements of the communication process are source, message, channel, receiver and
a) effect c) network
b) technology d) frequency

77. The message factor that comprises the idea, the innovation or technology, the materials that are
meant to be expressed is the
a) message code c) message treatment
b) message content d) message thought

78. The medium or means of communication by which message travels between the source and
receiver is called
a) channel c) station
b) source d) frequency

79. The perceived believability of the source on the basis of his competence, trustworthiness and
dynamism is called
a) homophily c) integrity
b) credibility d) determinism

80. One attribute of communication as a process, which says that our responses to messages are
bounded by our experiences, needs, expectations, knowledge of those we communicate with is
a) dynamic c) interaction with symbols
b) systematic d) meaning is personally constructed

81. The element in the communication process that creates a message that is also called the encoder is
a) source c) channel
b) receiver d) feedback

82. Telephone, television, radio are samples of what communication element

a) channel c) source
b) technology d) encoder

83. The difference between what a receiver thinks, feels and does before and after exposure to the
message is called
a) purpose c) objection
b) effect d) attention


84. A type of communication effect that is characterized by the maintenance of the existing attitude is
called a shift in an existing attitude to the neutral zone is called
a) boomerang effect c) reinforcement
b) conservation d) neutralization

85. The element of communication process that can be a sign or a symbol that has meaning to both
sender and receiver is called
a) channel c) encoder
b) source d) message

86. A basic problem area, which relates mostly to the sender’s lack of communication skills and
knowledge of the audience is
a) decoding deficiency c) interference
b) encoding deficiency d) gatekeeper

87. To induce change in its clientele, the extension agent’s tools is ____.
a) communication c) technology
b) institutional structure d) training

88. Simplification of the message or technology to the common man is called ____.
a) extension c) technology adaptation
b) instruction d) technology transfer

89. What communication device does not utilize the sense of sight?
a) computer effects c) televisions
b) radio d) visual aids

90. Community communications or community media are terms, which have been popularized by ___.
b) UNDF d) WHO

91. The small media that provide better access and opportunities for people participation in community
development refer to ____.
a) broadcast media c) mass media
b) community media d) narrowcast media

92. The following are characteristics of community media except _____.

a) hold dialogue between person and nature
b) non-profit and autonomous
c) controlled by the people in the community usually smaller and low cost
d) provides interactive two-way communication

93. The process of social interaction in small groups using interpersonal, indigenous or small media is
called _____.
a) community communication c) group communication
b) development communication d) territorial

94. What is the best medium for community communication?

a) newspaper c) television
b) radio d) theater

95. The classification of visual aid is based on _____.

a) learning needs c) nature and use of visual materials
b) methods of teaching d) audience and subject matter

D. Technology Diffusion – Adoption Process

96. Leadership is a group phenomenon, therefore it is

a) concerned with a group of people having a problem
b) specific to particular situations and a function of the situation
c) Concerned with a problem of a group and solutions to the problem
d) Dealing with a group and a leader
e) Dealing with a leader and problems of the group.


97. Leaders who are enlisted and trained for specific job opportunities are called
a) Organizational leader c) Program planners, council advisers, or committee members
b) Activity leaders d) Action leaders
e) Opinion leaders

98. They are involved in advising and assisting the extension worker in the development of an extension
a) Opinion leaders c) Activity leaders
b) Action leaders d) Program planners, council advisors, or committee members

99. The stage of the adoption process wherein the farmers would apply the technology on a large scale
in preference to old methods.
a) Awareness c) Trial
b) Interest d) Adoption

100. People participate in development programs and projects by providing the field but are not involved
in the experimentation or in the process of learning. This typology of participation is
a) Passive c) Interactive
b) Functional d) Cooperative

101. When power is exerted to the farmers to attain/reach their goal, there is
a) Coercion c) Advice
b) Manipulation d) Exchange

102. The Farmers’ analysis-choice experiment approach was designed by

a) Rostow c) Davide
b) Contado d) Chambers

103. It promotes sustainable agricultural development in a corn - based production integrating crops and
animal production system in upland and lowland communities
a) FSTP c) Farmers’ Field School
b) IPM d) Farming System

104. An extension approach wherein foreign advice is provided to local staff.

a) General c) Project
b) Participatory d) Commodity

105. The extension approach practiced by PhilRice

a) Participatory c) General
b) Commodity d) Project

106. “An action which leads to desirable outcome is likely to be repeated in similar circumstances” is the
basic law of
a) Extension c) Learning
b) Communication d) Motivation

107. People with perceived behavioral control will try to discover what they can do better if faced with
failure to obtain desired results. This behavioral control is
a) Self-community c) Self-efficacy
b) Self-sufficiency d) Self-respect

108. Extension approach is the _______ of an agricultural system (FAO, 1988)

a) style of action c) doctrine
b) essence d) philosophy

109. A stage in the adoption process wherein the farmer will seek further information about the
a) Evaluation c) Trial
b) Awareness d) Interest

110. It is the total process by which an innovation spreads out among clients until a large number have
adopted it.
a) Intervention c) Diffusion
b) Adoption d) Evaluation


111. An important point in an extension program, which identifies the group of farmers to be reached.
a) Initial situation c) Target group
b) Contents d) Evaluation
e) Methods

112. If the measure of success of this particular approach is farm people’s willingness and ability to
provide some share of the cost, individually or through their local government units, this approach is
a) General extension approach c) Farming systems development approach
b) Commodity specialized approach d) Cost-sharing approach

113. An extension approach wherein research results are tailored to meet the needs and interests of
local farming conditions
a) Project extension approach c) Farming systems development approach
b) Participatory approach d) Training and Visit approach

114. The extension approach that is highly specialized and focused on one export crop or one aspect of
farming is the
a) commodity specialized approach c) farming systems development approach
b) project approach d) general agricultural extension approach

115. The extension approach where a project is implemented in a certain area and the planning is
controlled by the outsiders, the donor agency and the government is
a) commodity specialized approach c) farming systems development approach
b) project approach d) general agricultural extension approach

116. The extension approach that is concerned with a broad range of agricultural concerns, shifting its
focus from time to time as village problems change or as needs arise is the
a) project approach c) training and visit system approach
b) general agricultural extension approach d) agricultural extension participatory approach

117. This is an organized and coherent combination of extension methods and strategies aimed at
reinforcing the rules and regulations of the scheme.
a) functional group approach c) scheme approach
b) technical change approach d) target category approach

118. This utilizes independent, self managed, and in most cases permanent organization such as the
farmers associations or cooperatives in rural extension work
a) functional group approach c) scheme approach
b) technical change approach d) farmer’s organization approach

119. The creation of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension was the recommendation of the
a) World Bank Mission c) Philippine Congress of 1901
b) ASEAN Mission d) Bell Survey Mission

120. The stage in the adoption process where mass media is the best source of information is the
a) awareness stage c) evaluation stage
b) interest stage d) trial stage

121. The degree to which his clients believe the technical advice of the extension worker can be
expressed as
a) commitment c) empathy
b) credibility d) initiative

122. The stage in the adoption process where mass media is the best source of information is the ___.
a) awareness stage c) interest stage
b) evaluation stage d) trial stage

123. An idea, method, or object, which is regarded as new by an individual is called ____.
a) construct c) recommendation
b) innovation d) technology

124. Which of the following is NOT a research utilization process?

a) dissemination and control c) policy formulation
b) mass utilization d) verification


125. Which is NOT a characteristic of appropriate technology?
a) Capital saving
b) simple, it does not require highly sophisticated skills
c) small, so that it can fit into small markets
d) with better balance between man and woman

126. Which of the following is NOT based on the focus of decision-making?

a) authentic c) democratic
b) autocratic d) flexible

127. Premature release of technology or non-viability of technology due to high cost of adoption
indicates ______.
a) inability to apply the technology c) lack of skills about the technology
b) inappropriateness of technology d) unwillingness to apply the technology

128. Diffusion of an innovation takes place if

f) the benefis of the idea are difficult to observe
b) the idea does not bring benefit
c) the idea is impossible to adopt
d) it is possible to try the idea on a small scale first

E. Extension Teaching Methods

129. The most common individual extension method, effective either for familiarization or as follow up
a) Farm visit c) demonstration
b) meeting d) group method

130. In a crisis, for example, livestock dying of FMD, the better method to inform people about it and its
possible solution is through
a) campaign c) meeting
b) demonstration d) discussion

131. The most effective method to find the reaction of people to issues like government programs or
policies is the
a) group meeting c) broadcast
b) print medium d) tour

132. This is effective in that it can be recorded and erased and therefore is reusable
a) videotape c) radio
b) tape recorder d) demonstration

133. This can be sample of plants or insect pests displayed, or different seed varieties, which exactly tell
what the topic is all about
a) objects c) exhibits
b) displays d) plants and animals

134. A medium that is made from textured cloth or flannel that is hung or supported almost vertically is
a) film c) flannelgraph
b) chalkboard d) exhibit

135. Those media used in extension communication exemplified by songs, dances, plays that convey
information in an interesting way
a) printed media c) campaign
b) traditional media d) shows

136. A visual aid used in extension that is suitable for providing notices inside and outside extension
offices, at demo farm or agricultural shows
a) film c) graph
b) signboard d) object

137. An activity considered extension method, which brings extension agents into contact with clients
whether during market days, holiday celebrations, or religious events
a) formal gathering c) demo
b) informal contact d) lecture


138. A method used to communicate agricultural information that uses dolls, small figures or images of
animals and people that also entertains is
a) puppetry c) film
b) drama d) play

139. Among the five senses, the most important in learning are
a) touch and sight c) smell and sight
b) touch and smell d) touch, smell and sight

140. The classifica0tion of visuals is based on

a) learning needs c) type of audience
b) nature ad use of visual materials d) methods of teaching
e) audience and subject matter

141. They are powerful “attention getters” and “explainers” when used with news articles in newspapers
and magazines.
a) Objects c) Models
b) Photographs d) Graphs

142. They are realistic replicas of real things.

a) Objects c) Maps
b) Specimens d) Models

143. They are most useful with individual or group teaching methods.
a) Objects and specimens c) Photographs
b) Films d) Television
e) Slides and film strips

144. These are information supplied in tabular form to show sequences and relationships.
a) Charts c) Line graphs
b) Graphs d) Statistical tables
e) Bar graphs

145. These are important in showing trends and relationships.

a) Graphs c) Bar graphs
b) Line graphs d) Pie graphs
e) Pictorial graph

146. It is an example of Mass Media method in extension

a) Leaflets c) Office calls
b) Classes/seminars d) Model farmer

147. Which type of extension method requires a small group of experts or well-informed persons that
exchange ideas?
a) brainstorming c) Philip 66
b) panel d) meeting

148. What teaching method would you use if you want the group to think and speak out freely and in a
spontaneous and unrestrained manner?
a) panel c) brainstorming
b) symposium d) meeting

149. Which group of the extension teaching method is considered most expressive and intensive?
a) Farmer Field Contact c) Individual Contact
b) Group Contact d) Mass Media

150. An approach in extension which includes the intended beneficiaries in solving the problem is called
a) commodity approach c) participatory approach
b) mass approach d) single purpose approach

151. In participatory approach used by some extension worker, which of the following is NOT
a) evaluation c) organization
b) diffusion-adoption d) planning and implementation
152. Which of the following is NOT the role/function of local leaders in extension education?
a) initiation function c) overseer function
b) linkage function d) related function


153. Which of the following is NOT a method of training local leaders?
a) apprentice training c) pre-service training
b) experience based techniques training d) tour and field observation

154. An action research project in agricultural and rural development is called ____.
a) experimental research c) social function
b) extension research d) social laboratory

155. Which of the following should NOT be considered in a farm and home visit method?
a) schedule of visits
b) loyalty of the farmer
c) punctuality and consideration of the farmer
d) visit should be made with purpose

156. Which of the following is NOT suggested for conducting result demo?
a) discuss the plan with the people and find out their interest
b) have a field tour
c) publicize demo
d) visit the demo farm regularly

157. GMA or Ginintuang Masaganang Ani is a flagship program of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
It is implemented by what agency of our government?
a) CHED c) DAR
b) DA d) DENR

158. A farm visit that enables a household cooperator to interact with other cooperators and see for
himself new technologies that may be appropriate for his farm is ____.
a) cross farm visit c) site visit
b) household visit d) visit

159. A tool, which seeks to capture how a particular agroforestry technology affects the household
cooperators and their environment refers to _____.
a) agroforestry farm assessment c) farm analysis
b) cross farm visit d) record keeping

160. A spontaneous and non-evaluative technique of generating innovative and creative ideas by the
facilitator and the group is called ______.
a) brainstorming c) role play
b) buzz group d) symposium

161. A description of a real or imaginary yet realistic event that involves some problem situation refers to
a) buzz group c) discussion
b) case study d) role play

162. A small discussion group which is asked to produce ideas on a narrow or an open-ended topic
within a specified time limit refers to _____.
a) buss group c) discussion
b) case study d) role play

163. An action-charged presentation to convey how something works, or how a process is done is
called ______.
a) buzz group c) demonstration
b) case study d) lecture

164. An organized presentation with or without visual aids, aimed at sharing knowledge and
experiences, event, facts, concepts and principles, by one who is considered an expert on the particular
theme refers to _____.
a) case study c) lecture
b) discussion d) role play

165. It is a meeting organized with the principal objective of promoting experiential learning and
producing identifiable results or solutions to the problem.
a) cross farm visit c) role play
b) discussion d) workshop


F. Program Development Process

166. An extension program must determine the extent to which the desired program results have been
achieved and how this information can be used for improving extension. This part of the extension
program is being addressed by
a) Initial situation c) Target group
b) Contents d) Evaluation
e) Methods

167. Which of the following is not a subsystem of the extension delivery system?
a) Market subsystem c) Technology subsystem
b) Policy subsystem d) User subsystem

168. Information extended through agricultural extension will be useful only if it

a) enhances working relationships among farm people c) enhances efficiency of farmers
b) boosts morale of the poor and underprivileged d) improves the image of agricultural extensionists

169. Agricultural development is manifested by

a) increasing agricultural manpower c) increased food security
e) modernization of the agriculture sector d) improvement in the efficiency of agriculture

170. The new paradigm in agriculture is to look at farming as a/an

a) way of life c) business
b) family tradition to uphold d) good insurance when other occupations fail

171. The components of agricultural development that will facilitate the attainment of its objectives are
a) accelerators c) fundamentals
b) essentials d) requisites
e) elements

172. Which of the following does not describe a process?

a) it does not have a beginning or an end c) it is continuing
b) it is unidirectional d) there are steps which are sequential
e) it is a method of doing something

173. One major concern of sustainable agriculture is survival because

a) man expects to live longer c) population grows exponentially
b) food is no longer sufficient d)many technologies are perceived to be threats to man and his environment

174. A thriving economic and social order requires changing production

f) practices c) structures
g) management d) inputs

175. Increasing private sector participation in the agricultural extension activities to improve the delivery
of services means
a) commercialization c) privatization
b) cost-recovery scheme d) revitalization

176. Which is NOT included in the process of implementing technology in developing countries?
a) development c) opportunities
b) dissemination d) research

177. The first major state in the process of technology development, dissemination and utilization is
a) identification of needs and problems
b) manage technology utilization for development
c) policy formulation
c) verification of needs and problems

178. Which should NOT be included in an extension action plan?

a) capable local leaderships c) Goals, dates and places
b) extension methods d) people to be reached

179. What is the best result of careful planning?

a) effective development work c) program plan
b) extensive educational plan d) written working plan


180. Comprehensive examination of socio-economic, environmental, technological, legal institutional
and political changes and implications of those changes determine future technological change. The
process is called technology ______.
a) adaptation c) dissemination
b) assessment d) transfer

181. Which implies the involvement of the public in production and in the management of community
system including operation in production, decision-making and planning?
a) participation in community activities c) professional help
b) production and processing requirements d) public forum

182. More advance form of participation where the public exercises the power of decision-making,
involvement in communication policies and plans, production, management and community
representation refers to _____.
a) group participation or involvement c) planning and implementation activities
b) management of communication d) self management or reliance

183. A process through which rural poverty is alleviated by sustained increase in productivity of low
income rural workers and households as defined by World Bank in 1975 is called _____.
a) community development c) rural development
b) manpower development d) urban development

184. The “knowing what you have to do before doing it” in the layman point of view means
a) adaptation technology c) generation
b) assessment d) transfer

185. A map that shows the land capability and suitability classes of the individual farm lots for
agroforestry development is called _____.
a) land-capability c) topographic
b) Land-use map d) transect map

186. What reflects the flow of products being raised and/or processed from the community to the end-
a) cash flow c) input
b) flow d) product flow

187. What source of information differentiates the community members according to income level,
income source, other livelihood opportunities, available basic services and others?
a) demographic profile c) resume
b) low profile d) socio-economic profile

188. A data gathering activity which may be undertaken collectively in one farm or individually in the
household cooperators’ respective farm parcels refers to ______.
a) resources accounting c) resources identification
b) resources inventory d) resources assessment

189. A tool for resources inventory that shows the location and features of the farm is _____.
a) sketch map c) soil map
b) slope map d) topographic map

190. What tool is useful to farmers when planning and plotting their farm activities?
a) calendar c) plan
b) Gantt chart d) seasonal activity calendar

191. A tool for identifying the patterns of resources distribution and determining market channels is
called _______.
a) cash flow c) input flow
b) flow pattern d) product flow

192. It involves identifying the problems, potentials and constraints prevailing in the farm.
a) farming c) farm identification
b) farm analysis d) farm trial

193. A small-scale model of zone, section or component of a farm which shows the technologies, crops
and structures as envisioned by the household cooperators.
a) maps c) pie chart
b) mosaic d) plan


194. A three dimensional miniaturized model/scene showing the physical layout or characteristics of a
farm refers to _____.
a) diorama c) mosaic
b) maps d) map

195. This illustrates the longitudinal section of a farm using an imaginary straight line from one boundary
point to the opposite point, is called _____.
a) sketch map c) topographic map
b) thematic map d) transect map

196. A process by which a household cooperator takes note of its activities in the farm and in the
household in relation to its farm plan is called _____.
a) data encoding c) farm planning
b) farm analysis d) farm record keeping

G. Community Organization
197. Institutions primarily of small producers and/or consumers who band themselves to achieve
common social economic ends refers to _____.
a) cooperatives c) peoples organization
b) non-government organization d) rural barangays organizations

198. A series of activities undertaken by the community organizer (CO) and the majority of the
community members that aims to produce plans and potential resources of the community refers to
a) community planning c) mapping
b) family planning d) organizing

H. Training Management
199. One aspect of the adult learning cycle, which is the data gathering part refers to ____.
a) applying c) processing
b) experiencing d) publishing

200. Guides the participants of the training to imagine realistic situations and determine what they have
learned from the discussion that can be applied refers to ______.
a) applying c) individual analysis
b) fantasy d) processing

201. What lets the participants of the training to imagine realistic situations and determine what they
have learned from the discussion that can be applied?
a) action planning c) contacting
b) applying d) processing

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