•According to Census of India 2011 , Outgrowth is a viable unit such as a village or hamlet
or an enumeration block and clearly identifiable in terms of its boundaries and location.
•While determining the outgrowth of a town it has been ensured that it possessess the
urban features in terms of infrastructure and amenities such as pucca roads, electricity, tap
water , drainage system ,educational institutions ,post offices , medical facility, bank etc
and physically contiguous with the core town of urban agglomeration.
•Urban agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining
outgrowths or two or more physically contiguous towns together with or without their
•Outgrowth includes “fairly large well recognized railway colonies , university campuses ,
port areas , military establishments etc which might have come up around a core city or a
statutory town.
•The outgrowths formed an integrated urban area,these were treated as part of urban
•Though it possess all the urban characteristics it is not qualified as an independent town.
•It should not possess any uninhabited area and should be contiguous to the town.
Some illustrative examples :
• Out growths are situated in urban peripheral areas where rural administrative area starts
and urban administration boundary ends. Therefore outgrowths can be observed as a
transition zone of rural and urban characteristics.
• these areas have more open spaces , airy environment, low land price,high accessibility and
connectivity with the mother town.
• Land value of these are lower than that near city centre , therein the people migrating and
also people who lived in interior congested areas of city find it more economical and
comfortable to setttle in these outgrowths.This leads to horizontal expansion of urban area.
• People of outgrowths depend on the parent city for employment, major services and
economic activities.