Strategi Yang Diaktifkan Teknologi
Strategi Yang Diaktifkan Teknologi
Strategi Yang Diaktifkan Teknologi
Ditulis oleh ; Maria Veronica Haryanto
Dosen Pengampu; Dr.Romie Jhonnerie,S.Pi, M.Si
Mata Kuliah ; Pengantar Sistem Informasi
Apa itu Sistem? Informasi? & Sistem Informasi?
“Sistem adalah kumpulan
Saturn Neptune
elemen yang saling berhubungan Saturn is a gas giant and Neptune is the farthest
dan berinteraksi dalam satu has several rings. It was planet from the Sun. It's
kesatuan untuk menjalankan
named after the Roman god also the fourth-largest
suatu proses pencapaian suatu
tujuan utama”. of wealth and agriculture planet by diameter in the
Solar System
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
● Name of the award (Organization), 2XXX
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Meet us
Our evolution
Mercury Earth
Mercury is the closest planet Earth is the beautiful planet
to the Sun where we all live
Venus Mars
Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is a
from the Sun very cold planet
What do we do?
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun and the smallest of and is the second planet from
them all the Sun
Earth Mars
Earth is the third planet from Despite being red, Mars is
the Sun and the only one that actually a cold place. It's full
harbors life of iron oxide dust
How do we do it?
Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest planet in Saturn is a gas giant and has
the Solar System several rings
Neptune Sun
Neptune is the farthest planet The Sun is the star at the
from the Sun center of the Solar System
What do we offer?
20% Mercury is the very small
25% Venus has a beautiful name
25% Earth is where we all live
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the
30% Mars is actually a cold place
new one here. For more info, click here
Our clients
—Laura Patterson
“Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet from the Sun.
It’s terribly hot, even hotter than Mercury”
—Monique Nelson
“Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only one that
harbors life in the Solar System”
—John James
Case studies
Despite being red, Mars is actually a It's full of iron oxide dust, which
cold place gives the planet its reddish cast
Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest It was named after the Roman god of
planet the skies and lightning
Saturn is a gas giant composed mostly It was named after the Roman god of
of hydrogen and helium wealth and agriculture
Neptune is the farthest planet from the It's also the fourth-largest planet by
Sun diameter in the Solar System
A picture is worth a thousand words
Meet the team
John Doe James
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Meet Meet
An image
reinforces the
Images reveal large amounts of data, so
remember: use an image instead of a long text.
Your audience will appreciate it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter's rotation period
The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s
386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
You can replace the image on the screen
with your own. Just right-click on it and
select “Replace image”
We are international
Despite being red, Mars is
actually cold place
Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom that
someone important said and can make the
reader get inspired.”
—Someone Famous
Does anyone have any questions?
+91 620 421 838
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