Minimal Packaging.
Minimal Packaging.
Minimal Packaging.
Point to be covered:
1] Introduction
2] Minimal processing
3] Flowchart
4] Effects of minimal processing on fruits and vegetables :
physiological changes.
physical and biochemical changes.
5] Packaging
6] MAP [ modified atmospheric packaging]
7] Conclusion
Introduction :
In the fresh produce (especially in fruits and vegetables) industry,
minimally processed products, also called ready-to-use, fresh-cut or
pre-cut produce have been defined as fruits or vegetables that have been
trimmed, peeled and/or cut into a fully usable product, which is
subsequently packaged to offer consumers high nutrition, convenience
and flavour while maintaining freshness.
The food industry has responded to this demand with creative product
development, new production practices, innovative use of technology
and skillful marketing initiatives.
Minimal processing :
Minimal processing of fruits and vegetables generally
involves sorting, cleaning, washing, peeling, trimming and
deseeding fresh produce and cutting it to specific size.
Minimal processing of fruits and vegetables generally
involves sorting, cleaning, washing, peeling, trimming and
deseeding fresh produce and cutting it to specific size.
Thus only fresh produce of good quality must be used as the
starting material in minimal processing.
Flowchart :