Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 1
Astronomical Parameters
• Q1. The apparent magnitude of full moon is − 12.5 and that of
Venus at its brightest is − 4.0. Which is brighter and by how
M1-M2 = 8.5
Q4: The mass of star Sirius is thrice that of the Sun. Find the ratio of
their luminosities and the difference in their absolute magnitudes.
Taking the absolute magnitude of the Sun as 5, find the absolute
magnitude of Sirius.
M = 0.85
Q5: The α Centauri system is 1.338 pc distant with a
period of 79.92 earth years. The A and B components
have a mean separation of 23.7 AU (although the orbits
are highly elliptical).
A) What is the total mass of the system?
L = 7530 Lsun
Q6: The wavelength from a stellar spectra approximated
as a blackbody radiator peaks at 500nm.
A) What is the star effective surface temperature (K)?
T = 5796 K