Engl098 Week 2 Fall 2023
Engl098 Week 2 Fall 2023
Engl098 Week 2 Fall 2023
English Foundation Level 2
Instructor name: Joshua Guzman
Email: guzman.j@gust.edu.kw
Office: W1-245
Office Hours: Sunday-Thursday 12pm-1pm
Section: 198
• Please bring your laptops with chargers
every day. You also need to have a
notebook, pen or pencil. Having only a
phone means you are not prepared for
• Attendance is taking daily at the
beginning of class and after the break.
If you are out of the class for more than
15 minutes, you’re absent.
• Tomorrow you must have your laptop
and headphones for the KITE pre
Textbooks can be purchased by following this link and entering
the information of our course this semester:
• https://gust.aafaqeducation.com
Use your GUST email for everything!!!
• Once you purchase your textbooks, you
will get an email to redeem the codes for
the textbooks on the VitalSource website:
• Make sure you sign up for a VitalSource
account using your GUST email address.
• Please DO NOT buy your books on
VitalSource, buy them here:
Vocabulary Practice
Please complete the vocabulary practice on page 12 of your
Reading Explorer textbook. (10 min)
Cambridge Dictionary
Take a break. Please come back in 30
minutes. I will take attendance in exactly 30
Warm Up pg. 7
Discuss these questions with
a partner.
1. What are some healthy
foods you like? What
unhealthy foods do you
2. Do you think the foods
people eat today are healthier
than those in the past?
KITE Pre-Test
• All phones and smart watches need to be on my desk for the duration of the
assessment. Please make sure that Whatsapp is closed on your computer.
• Step 1: Use the following web browsers:
Google Chrome or Firefox
Type and go to to:
• https://www.kaplanenglishtest.com/login/gust2002
• Step 2: Students to log in by using their GUST Username and the password
listed below:
Username: GUST0012345 (Student ID)
Password: GUST123! (Generic for all students)
• Once logged in, Kindly click on “Start Assessment”
English Foundation Level 2
Instructor name: Joshua Guzman
Email: guzman.j@gust.edu.kw
Office: W1-245
Office Hours: Sunday-Thursday 12pm-1pm
Section: 198
Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea
Spark (https://learn.eltngl.com/register)
Reflect eBook
Reflect Online Workbook
Links to each of these resources can be found at the top of the homepage of our MyGust course.
MyELT Account Set Up
• https://myelt.heinle.com/
Vocab Practice pg. 18
•Please complete the
vocab practice sections:
A, B and C
Take a break. Please come back in 30
minutes. I will take attendance in exactly 30
Before You Read
Please complete the
Before you Read activity
on pg. 13 of your
Reading Explorer
Food for the Future
•Let’s HUM the article
together on pg. 14.
• Some English verbs are irregular. They do not form their past tense and past
participle by adding
• -ed or -d to the basic form of the verb. Instead, their past tenses and past
participles are formed in other
• ways. Here are some of the most common irregular verbs.
A word about helping verbs
Sometimes the verb of a sentence consists of more than one word. In these cases, the main
verb will be joined by one or more helping verbs. Look at the following sentence:
• I should have gone to bed earlier last night.
In this sentence, the main verb is gone. The helping verbs are should and have. Other
common helping verbs include be, can, could, do, has, may, must, will, and would. (For a
longer list of helping verbs, see page 4.)
When you use the above chart, keep these two points in mind:
1. If the verb in your sentence does not have a helping verb, choose the past tense form.
I ate a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.
2. If the verb in your sentence does have a helping verb, choose the past participle.
I had eaten a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich.
NOTE If you think a verb is irregular, and it is not in the above list, look it up in your
dictionary. If it is irregular, the principal parts will be listed. See "Dictonary Use," page 267.
Irregular Verbs Practice pg. 10
Please complete the irregular
verbs practice on pg. 10.
Choose the correct answer
from the choices given on
the left.
Take a break. Please come back in 30
minutes. I will take attendance in exactly 30