En Cy Es en Ta Tio N On:: Computer Networks
En Cy Es en Ta Tio N On:: Computer Networks
En Cy Es en Ta Tio N On:: Computer Networks
Submitted By:
Rakhi Yadav
EEIOT (2nd Yr, 3rd Sem)
ta cy
en n
t io
es cie
Pr ofi
Cables & Connectors
Switch is a networking device that groups all
3. the devices over the network to transfer the 6. Cable is a transmission media that transmits
data to another device. A switch is better than the communication signals.
Uses of CN There are various uses of computer network some of which are:
Peer-To-Peer Network
Peer-To-Peer network is a network in which all
the computers are linked together with equal
privilege and responsibilities for processing the
data. Peer-To-Peer network is useful for small
environments, usually up to 10 computers.
Client/Server Network
Client/Server network is a network model designed
for the end users called clients, to access the
resources such as songs, video, etc. from a central
computer known as Server. A server performs all
the major operations such as security and network
management. All the clients communicate with
each other through a server.
Types of CN A computer network can be categorized by their size as: