Material Control
Material Control
Material Control
Material Control
investment in inventories. Efficient material control cuts out losses and wastes
• No over-stocking: Over stocking of materials locks up capital and causes high storage cost,
thereby resulting adverse effect on profits. This may result in loss due to obsolescence.
• Economy in purchasing: By purchasing at most favourable prices, the purchaser is able to make
a valuable contribution to the reduction in cost.
• Proper Quality: It is of no use to purchase materials of inferior quality or very superior quality.
Only needed quality of material should be purchased.
• Minimum wastage: Losses of material occur due to deterioration , obsolescence, pilferage and
theft. All round efforts should be made to keep these losses to the minimum.
• Info about materials: Efficient material control system provides complete and up-to-date info
about the quantity of products. Inadequate info may lead to new purchases of materials already in
Techniques of material control
There are many methods of material control, the most important being highlighted below:
• ABC technique
• Material Budgets
ABC Technique
Large manufacturing companies, where stocks of
direct material and component parts consist of
many thousands of different items, companies find
it useful to divide materials, parts, supplies and
finished goods into sub classifications for the
purposes of inventory control.
Basis of classification
• % number of items contributing to proportion
of total value of inventories
2C O
C = Annual demand (units)
O = Cost of placing an order
I = Cost of carrying inventory
Example of EOQ
issues until all units from this batch have been issued.
After the first batch is fully issued, the price of next batch is
Normally speaking, the materials are grouped together in categories on the basis
of similar characteristics but not on the basis of purchase price. If the materials are
appropriately on the basis of average cost method. The average cost method is
bifurcated as follows: