Lexico Semantic
Lexico Semantic
Lexico Semantic
the lexico semantic level is the level at which a stylistic analyst looks at
the author's deployment of words and their meanings in a text.
According to Milmkiaer (2002:339)
• the study of lexis is the study of the vocabulary of a language in all
• Ajulo (1994:1-8)
• says, many linguists have started to develop interest in lexical studies
in English, perhaps as a result of the realization that “there is a need
for separate level of linguistic analysis... to cater for certain linguistic
patterns and regularities which the grammarical level... alone cannot
take care for” (Ajulo 1994:5).
• the study of the linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases
and sentences
Subfields of semantics
• Lexical semantics- is concerned with the meaning of words and the
meaning of syntactic units larger than the word
The term is one of a group of English words formed from the various
derivatives of the greek verb “semano” (“to mean” or to “signify”)
• The term “lexicon” derives from the root word “lexis” and it refers to
the list of the possible words in a language.
animate - + + + + +
human - - + + + +
adult - + - + - +
female - + - - + +
• Thematic roles
• Agent- the entity that intentionally carries out the action of the
• Experincer- the entity that undergoes an emotion, a state of
being,or a perception expressed by the verb.
• Theme- the entity that directly receives the action of the verb.
• Instrument- the entity by which the action of the verb moves.
• Source- the direction from which the action originates.
• Location- the location where the action of the verb takes place.
• Benefactive- the entity that receives a concrete or abstract elementa
as a result of the action of the verb.
• Jade saw a mosquito on the wall.
Experiencer V Theme Location