Anger Management
Anger Management
Anger Management
What is Anger?
Thoughts that often occur:
• heart racing or pounding - enabling good blood supply around our bodies
• breathing quickly - allowing more oxygen around the body
• tense muscles - a state of readiness to fight or flee
• shaking
• hot, sweating
• light-headed
• stomach churning or butterflies
• fist or teeth clenching
Behaviours might include:
• What would someone else have done in that situation? (it might help to think about
particular people that you know, and what they might have done differently)
• Have there been times in the past when I would have done something else?
• If I had paused, and taken a breath, what would I have done?
• Write down several options that you might have done differently if it had occurred to you,
then ask yourself:
• If I had tried that, how would the situation have been different?
• How would it have affected what I felt?
• How would it have affected what I thought?
• Would it have been more helpful or effective for me, another person or for the situation?
• What would the consequences have been of doing something differently?
Dealing with Distressing Situations:
• Do something different (to what you normally do)
• Pause, take a breath
• Mindfulness - learn Mindful Breathing
• Focus your attention fully on another activity - Mindful activity
• Relaxation techniques -
• Put on some music sing and dance along, or just listen
attentively (use music that is likely to help you feel your desired
• Meditation or Prayer
• Help others
• Be with others - contact a friend, visit family
• Talk to someone
• Grounding techniques - look around you, what do you see,
• Engage in a hobby or other interest - if you don't have
one, find one! What have you enjoyed in the past? What
have you sometimes thought about doing but not got
around to?
• Write down your thoughts and feelings - get them out of
your head
• Just take one step at a time - don't plan too far ahead
• Pamper yourself - do something you really enjoy, or
something relaxing
• Do something creative
• Use Safe Place Imagery
• Positive self-talk - encourage yourself, tell yourself: I can
do this, I am strong and capable - find an affirmation that
works for you (even if you don't believe it at first!). Write it
down and memorise it for when you need it.