World Literature - 103441
World Literature - 103441
World Literature - 103441
st n t ur y
L i t et
ines and the World
Wo rld lite rat ure
Catharsis (noun)
-the process of releasing and thereby providing
relief from strong or repressed emotions
Storytelling Literature
-is the vivid description of ideas, beliefs,
personal experiences, and life lessons through
stories of narratives that evoke powerful
emotions and insights.
Emotions Literature
-is the characters experience or feel in any story. It always connect us
and it makes us feel home and see ourselves and everyone under one sky.
• Literature speaks of human emotions beyond the events that unfold in the
telling of stories.
• Universal or Cosmopolitan Appeal transcends time, space, race, creed,
religion and culture.
World Literature
-the totality of all national literature
• The term “world literature” was introduced by Johann Wolfgang
Von Goethe.
• He used the word “weltliteratur” in 1927.
• Goethe studied the characteristic features and interrelationships of
different national literatures, the tendencies of their development
and their achievements. He studied the works of famous writers
which presented different literary phenomena of different historic
periods. He claimed that literature shouldn’t be restrained by
national boundaries.
c. Medieval Literature
-refers broadly to any work written in Latin or the vernacular between c.
476-1500 CE, including philosophy, religious treatises, legal texts, as well as
works of the imagination.
d. Modern Literature
-originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mainly in Europe and
North America and is characterized by a self conscious break with
traditional ways of writing in both poetry and prose fiction writing.
Stream of Consciousness
-a technique in writing that attempts “to depict the infinite thoughts
and feelings which pass through the mind” of a narrator.
-is like the prose fiction version of soliloquy or monologue in the
genre of drama. Monologue Soliloquy
-is a literary device used in drama -is presented by a single character
which is characterized by a long to himself/herself as an
speech delivered or presented by expression of his/her thoughts to
an individual character. himself/herself.
e. Contemporary Literature
-set after World War II or during the 1940’s. Reality-based stories with
strong characters and a believable story emerged on this period, but it was
also during this period that gave birth to the genre of magical realism which
as a breakthrough at the time.
Magical Realism
-as a literary fiction style, magical realism paints a realistic view of
the modern world while also
-uses substantial amount of realistic detail and employs magical
elements to make a point about reality, while fantasy stories are often
separated from reality.
Example: Gabriel Garcia Marquez- “one hundred years of solitude”
Speculative Fiction
-is a broad category of fiction encompassing genres with
elements that do not exist in
Example: Dystopian Fiction (SQUID GAME)
-is a kind of fiction denoting an imagined state or society where
there is a great suffering and injustice. This is the complete opposite of
Utopian fiction which presents an ideal world free of suffering or game.
• The advent of internet age, digital media, and social media in the 21 st
century has also led to the emergence of new literary genres.
-Illustrated Novels
-High School Post Secondary
-Graphic Novels
-Shakespeare Manga
-Text-talk novels
• World Literature is the cultural heritage of all humanity.
21 century representative
• Sara Gruen
-#1 New York Times and USA today best selling author
1. At the waters edge (2015)
2. Ape House (2010)
3. Water for elephants (was adopted in a major motion picture starring
Reese Witherspoon, Rob Pattinson and Christoph Waltz in 2011)