Chapter 2 - 114802
Chapter 2 - 114802
Chapter 2 - 114802
This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies and the conceptual framework
that the researcher considered in strengthening the importance of the present study. Related
literature and studies, foreign and local, are presented such that some of the present study’s
Related Literature
Most people are concerned with food taken daily without regard for
practices or habits which may influence good health. It is a common observation that when
food is presented to a person his/her attention is focused on the aesthetics value and how the
food appeals to the palate, rather than on the nutritional content. This reality calls for the need
to re-orient people on the cause-and-effect relationship between eating and health. One’s
drive for food and the way he is satisfied is important, food is needed by man not on for
energy work and play but also for maintaining body function such as breathing, beating of the
heart, digestion of food, circulation of the blood, absorption of food, excretion of body waist
and other processes. No single type of food is capable of providing all the nutritional needs of
a person. It is therefore important that daily diet contains the correct amount of all food listed
Many children rely on their school canteen for their snacks and lunches
with child obesity levels rising and physical activity level declining it is important that the
canteen provide a range of healthy food. Many Education Departments now require school
growth and development. It is necessary for students to know the sources, function and
nutrients of the food they buy, adequacy for these nutrients in their diet will result to good
health. Hence, students must learn to plan, select, prepare and serve simple but nutritious
First, it helps combat malnutrition. Second, it is a center for teaching health. Third, it helps in
the vocational and social and training of students. And lastly, it presents an opportunity of
correlating teaching experience which is centered of foods. The needs of teenagers in general
are greater than those of children and adults. Their food requirements are used for growth and
development and enhanced activity. As young adults, they have the freedom to choose what
they like to eat but they should guide on their choices. (Cruz, 2003)
Related Studies
A. Foreign
force and employee welfare activities in Indian Industrial Organizations. It is found that
majority of the employees in co-operate sector units are satisfied with the existing welfare,
improve the existing state of affairs mainly by emphasizing on functional areas of Human
Resources Management and existing welfare amenities in a single unit or two units or more
with a comparative study in the same sector like private or public or co-operative. There have
been very few comprehensive studies in the field of work environment and less concentration
on the provision of welfare facilities and amenities provided by the Government and the
management of the undertakings as well. However, surprisingly very few attempts have been
made by the researchers to study the extent of canteen facility to the employees of any unit.
The study shows the gap and also furnishes the reasons between the practice and precept.
B. Local
in relation to customer service between Jollibee and McDonalds. The descriptive type of
research was the method use in evaluating the level of satisfaction of the customers. Survey
Fairview. Result showed the following: 1.) on the number of times of visits at the two
establishments at least twice a week. 2.) On what made the respondents decide to eat at either
of the two establishment, it showed the 53% on Jollibee and 49% on McDonald’s for
accessibility, good service, and affordability, 24% and 23% respectively for accessibility
alone; 15% and 19% respectively for good service alone; and 8% and 90% respectively for
affordability alone. 3.) When it comes to level satisfaction of the customers in relation to
customer service, it was found that for both establishments, respondents are satisfied.
Sanitation is ranked as number one. However, cleanliness of table and comfort rooms were
least ranked (fairly satisfied). To offer fast and efficient service was ranked number one
The similarity of the reviewed study and the present lies in having the
same objective that is to know the level of satisfaction of the customer. In addition, difference
from the previous study is that this study is limited in Immaculate Conception Academy
The profile of Gathering
the School Canteen’s
respondents in termsgathering Improvement
of grade leveltool-Survey
Organizing the
Identifying Data
the level
of satisfaction
Data onAnalysis
food services
provided by the
school of Immaculate
Conception Academy and
in terms of: Recommendation
1.1 Product Quality
1.2 Taste of Food
1.3 Service Quality
The study compromises the level of satisfaction on the food services provided by
The conceptual framework of this study is presented to give view of the work to be
done. The researchers used IPO model to demonstrate the ideas involved in this study in
the evaluation of the customer’s satisfaction on the food services provided by the school
respondents in terms of grade level and satisfaction on the food services provided by the
school canteen of Immaculate Conception Academy in terms of product quality, taste of food,
and service quality. The researchers use survey questionnaires as a data gathering tool in this
study, and once collected, the data will be organized, analyzed, interpreted, and lastly,
conclusions drawn. Researchers anticipated that the output of this study would assist