CH 6
CH 6
CH 6
Pre-operative expense
expenses incurred before commencement
of commercial production
includes rents, interest on debt,insurance
charges, mortgage expenses, start-up
expenses etc
Provision of contingencies:-
– Provision for Contingency is made to provide for certain
unforeseen expenses and price increase over and above the
normal inflation rate
– Set the Provision for contingency at 5-10% of estimated cost
Margin money for working capital
– Principal support for working capital is provided by banks
and trade creditors. However certain part of working capital
requirement comes from sources of long term finance. This
is referred to as ‘margin money for working capital’.
Initial cash losses
provision for losses of a project during early years
Share captal
common stock
Preferred stock
debt financing
Term loans
Incentives by governments
2. Debt financing
• Debt financing comes in the form of a term loan or by issuing debt
securities like bond
• Term loan:- is provided by financial intuitions-bank-
- it is granted on the basis of a formal agreement between the borrower and the lending institution
Norms of regulatory bodies
and financial institutions
Business considerations
- Cost of capital - Risk
- Control - Flexibility
Project analysis and evaluation-Financial estimates & Forecasts
16 4.2 Means of finance
Project Analysis and evaluation- project financing Wednesday, December 20, 2023
17 4.3 Estimates of sales &
• The starting point of profitability projections is the forecast for sales revenues.
• In estimating sales it is reasonable to assume that capacity utilization would be somewhat low
in the first year and rise there after gradually to reach the maximum level in the third or fourth
year of operation.
do not assume high capacity utilization level in the first year
a reasonable assumption would be
- 1st yr ............................40-50%
- 2nd yr........................... 50-80%
-3rd yr & onwards......... 80-90%
selling price should be net of exise tax
selling price may be present selling price, and increase in price will
be matched by increased production cost
Project analysis and evaluation-Financial estimates & Forecasts
18 4.4 cost of production
Material cost
Labor cost
Factory overhead cost
Material cost
- include cost of raw materials,
chemicals,components, and etc
Utilities cost
detemine amount of usage by the help of
consultants and use present rates
Labor cost
classify labor into groups
differentiate between piecerate earners
determine allowances and other benefits
1. WC requirement includes:
RM and components
Inventory of goods-in-process
inventory of finished goods
accounts recievable
inventory of materials and supplies
2. Sources of WC financing:
WC advances by commercial banks
Trade credit
long-term financing
3. Net WC = CA-CL
Operating Activities
Investing Activities
Financing Activities
Investment criterias
1. Pay Back Period
2. Net Present Value (NPV)
3. Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
• While When the annual cash inflow is a constant sum, the PBP is simply the
initial outlay divided by the annual cash inflow.
• For example, a project which has an initial cash outlay of Birr 12,000 and a constant
annual cash inflow of Birr 3000 has a PBP of 12,000/3000 = 4 years.
• According to the PBP criterion, the shorter the PBP, the more desirable the project.
38 Non-Discounting Methods
Example 2
Non-Uniform Cash Flows: Suppose the annual
cash flows are not equal for the same initial
investment of $20,000. The cash inflows from the
project for the first five consecutive years are $8,
000, $9, 000, $15, 000, $20,000 and $ 25,000
respectively. What is the payback period?
To determine the payback period of the above
project, we have to use the cumulative cash flow
0 1 2 3 4 5
-40 10 12 15 10 7
-40 -30 -18 -3 7 14
Average Investment
Project analysis and evaluation-Financial estimates & Forecasts
43 Discounting Methods
Exercise 1. Net Present Value (NPV) Method: The net present value of the project is the
sum of the present value of all the cash flows-positive as well as negative-that are
expected to occur over the life of the project
Decision rule: The net present value represents the net benefit over and above the
compensation for time and risk. Hence the decision rule associated with the net present
value criteria is:
If the net present value (NPV) is positive or greater than 0; accept the project
If the net present value (NPV) is negative or less than 0; reject the project.
If we are going to select one project from two or more projects with a NPV>0, mutually
Cash flows for the project ‘A’ will be $10,000; $12,000; $15,000; $10,000; and
$7,000, respectively, for each of the Years 1 through 5. The initial cash outlay will
be $40,000. appropriate discount rate (k) for this project is 13%.
Decision rule:
When BCR or NBCR Decision rule
Hence, the question will be searching for the discounting rate that equates
the PV of the investment and cash inflows. That is why IRR is some times
called the internally generated rate of return. Mathematically, IRR will be
obtained when;
IO - PV (NCF) = O
o The primary decision rule with IRR is to accept only projects with an IRR
greater than the discount rate.
To illustrate the calculation of IRR, consider the cash flows of a
project being considered by X Company.
Year 0 1 2 3 4
End of Chapter 6