Based on the description of the background that has
been stated, the formulation of the problem in this
study is :
Definition of speaking
Hariyadi and Zamzami (1996/1997:13) said that
speaking to is essentially a process of
communicating, because in it occurs messages from
one source to another. From the understanding that
has been mentioned, it can be concluded that
speaking is a process to express, state, and convey
ideas, thoughts, ideas,or the contents of the heart to
others by using spoken language that can be
understood by others.
Speaking Purpose
• Research Design
• The type of research used in this research is descriptive
qualitative, descriptive qualitative approach method is a study
that explains the results of research with a broad and clear
summary according to the conditions in the field. Basuki
(2010:78) explains that qualitative research aims to obtain a
complete picture of something according to the view of the
human being studied. This study does not describe numbers,
nor graphics, but rather a description in the form of sentences.
This research uses qualitative because it does not focus on
numbers, only focuses on analyzing a difficulty experienced by
students when speaking in the practice of learning Talking
About Self.
Research Instruments
• Miles and Huberman (in Sutopo, 2002: 91) mention four main
components in the process of interacting qualitative research
analysis, which are described as follows. In relation to this
research, the researcher uses the second method of analysis,
namely the interaction analysis model or interactive analysis
models with the following steps:
• Data Collection “observation”
• Data reduction “summarizes/chooding main things”
• Presentation of data (Data display) “simple/brief descriptions
to display data easy understand”
• Drawing conclusions or Verification “final analysis “
Data Validity