Human Resources Management: by Muhammad Al-Ghaili
Human Resources Management: by Muhammad Al-Ghaili
Human Resources Management: by Muhammad Al-Ghaili
Welcome to the world of Human Resources Management! Discover the key aspects
of HR, from recruitment and motivation strategies to legal considerations.
by Muhammad Al-Ghaili
Introduction to HR Management
HR manages the most valuable asset of any Align HR practices with business objectives to
organization: its people. drive success.
Creating a positive work environment that Ensure compliance with labor laws and
promotes employee well-being. regulations to mitigate risks.
Recruitment and Selection Process
2 Career Development
3 Work-Life Balance
Ensure communication is concise, Promote a culture of listening and Encourage regular feedback to
transparent, and easily understood understanding to enhance foster continuous improvement
by all employees. employee engagement. and employee growth.
Employee Benefits and Compensation
Health and Wellness
Retirement Savings
Provide options for employees to save and invest for their future.
Family and Medical Leave Understanding and implementing laws that protect
employees' leave rights.