Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
Literature Review
Without depth review of literature, it is impossible to
do research.
Overview of significant research or literature
published in a subject.
To discover what other research has covered in the
area of our problem or issue .
It establishes a point of departure for further research.
Discussion on published information in a particular
subject area, sometimes information in a particular
subject area, within certain time period.
To be updated on particular issues.
What is Literature Review?
An overview of research on a given topic and
answers to related research questions
Features of such an overview:
Organizes literature
Evaluates literature
Identifies patterns and trends in literature
Synthesize literature
An overview of what we know and of what we
do not know about a given topic.
Not necessarily exhaustive,
(comprehensive, full, in-depth)but up-
to-date and includes all major work on
the topic
Intellectual context for your original
Motivation for your original research
Structure of review guided by your
Continually refers back to your thesis or
research questions
Importance of Literature Review
Study on a given topic and answer to related
Evolution of concept of Research
Portraying your understanding of research on a
given topic
Identification of important parts of Research
Points of agreement, consensus
Points of disagreement, controversy
Identification of areas for further research
Providing readers with the intellectual context and
some motivation for your original research
To gain ideas and information regarding the subjects.
To identify resource person and resources.
To carry on from where others have already reached.
To identify seminal works that others had carried on.
To identify the opposing views.
To identify the methods and design in research.
To justify the research.
To highlights the flaws in other research.
To help refine, refocus or even change the research
topic or problem as per the necessity.
To illustrate how the subject has been studied
1. Starting Literature Review
I. Select a topic and formulate a few well defined research
Examples: International Humanitarian Law – Protection and
Remedies under IHL – Prisoner of War: A Critical Analysis
II. Brainstorm a list of search terms related to your topic and
then search for sources
•Keyword searches
•Text/bibliographic databases
•Reviewing reference sections
III. Briefly review sources and use what you learn to refine your
topic and research questions
IV. Working backwards
V. Identifying core literature, the “classics” : that are not to be
missed out
Pioneering – classics – path breaking - Landmark
Preliminary Checklist
Have I formulated a topic and well-defined set of
research questions?
Have I discussed my topic and research questions with a
expert that can assist me with searching for sources?
Have I carried out some early searching to learn about
the topic and to help me narrow my topic and sharpen
my questions?
Have I talked to a faculty member about my topic, my
research questions, and the results of my early
Have I identified the core research on the topic, the
“classic” works?
Organizing Before Literature Review
1. Filter set of sources
2. Determine the Scope of your Literature Review
3. Prioritize among your sources
4. Key Questions to Answer: (Summary) (Synthesis and
Organization) (Evaluation)
5. Getting a sense of the big picture
Trends and Themes, Point of Consensus, Controversy?
Area for Ample Research ( sufficient, plenty )
Studies that support for thesis
6. Checklist for each Sources:
Citation – Author’s Discipline – Topic/Research Problem
– Methodology Employed – Main Results of Study –
Strengths and Limitations – Relation with other research
Key questions to answer
What are Source’s Topic, Research Questions,
Methodology? (Summary)
Relation between source and Research Questions?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research in
the source? Are there biases or flaws? How important or
influential is this source? (Evaluation)
How is the source related to other research on the same
topic? Does it employ a different methodology?
(Synthesis and Organization)
What are the points of agreement or disagreement
between the source and other research on the same topic?
Literature Review Strategies
Summary: Synthesis:
Briefly state the Combine ideas in order to
argument and main form an integrated theory or
points of relevant system through critical
research evaluation,
compare/contrast, etc.
Analysis: Evaluation: