Classroom Management Full
Classroom Management Full
Classroom Management Full
1. Making sure learners hear your Getting the learners’
instructions and know it's time to listen to you attention
or another member of the class
2. Telling students how to do a task Giving instructions
3. Speaking so that students can understand.
This involves using clear, simple and concise Grading your language
4. Doing an example of the task with the
group to show them how to do it
5. Asking a question to make sure learners ICQs (instruction checking
understand the task. Eg questions)
6.Walking around the room and watching/listening to
learners as they work, gathering information about
how well they are doing the task, how much time they Monitoring
need and helping them where necessary
8. Keeping some learners busy if they finish the task Engaging fast
9. Learners working together in pairs to compare their
answers before going over the answers as a class Peer check
- “Lena, how similar are you to your groupmates? (Lena: I am not sure) Hamid, who do you think you are different from?
(Hamid: Maybe, Gina as she loves music and I don’t). Ok, well we are going to find out how similar or different we all are
by interviewing each other” 1
(Put a copy of the task on the screen) 2
- “Use the prompts to form questions to ask your partner. If your partner says ‘Yes’ ask a follow up question.” 3
- “For example, Som is my partner. The sentence says ‘speaks at least 3 languages’. Som, Can you speak at least three
languages? (Som: ‘Yes, I can’). Som said “Yes, so I’m asking a follow-up question now. What follow up question could I
ask? (Students: ‘Which languages do you speak?”) Ok,, Som, which languages can you speak, then? (Som: Arabic, Chinese
and English) Wow! Which one is the most difficult, what do you think? (Som: ‘Chinese! All those characters!)4
- “Ok, May and Lee can you do one, please? Wow! That’s great. (May/Lee perform). Ok, you have the idea.” 5
- “You will have 5 minutes to interview your partner then I will change you so find out as much as possible. Please click on
the link and go to the breakout rooms” 6
• Script your instructions beforehand – actually write them out in your plan for assessed lessons
• Avoid loading your instructions up – keep it on a need-to-know basis.
• Engage students in the task set up – put them in an active position rather than keeping them in a
passive positions.
• Remember your students are not idiots – avoid redundant check questions!
• Do address errors and confusion where appropriate.
• Try to find out the areas struggle with and need further clarification.
• Listen out for interesting ideas to comment on.
• Decide which tasks require pair-checks before whole class feedback.
• Make feedback visual where possible.
• Speed up feedback to accuracy tasks by showing answer keys.
• Prioritise the areas students struggled with.
• Avoid ‘creeping death’ feedback – instead try to ‘cherry-pick’ feedback.