Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Knowledge Construction/
Two views of
Characteristics of
Organizing knowledge
Features of constructivist
Constructivism - Is a learning theory that educators use to help
their students learn.It is based on the idea that people actively
construct or make their own knowledge, and that reality is
determined by your experiences as a learner. Basically, learners
use their previous knowledge as a foundation and build on it with
new things that they learn.
• Constructivism is the theory that says learners
construct knowledge rather than just passively take in
information. As people experience the world and
reflect upon those experiences, they build their own
representations and incorporate new information into
their pre-existing knowledge (schemas).
Two views of constructivism
Individual constructivism
Social constructivism
Individual constructivism
• Also called as cognitive constructivism
• It emphasizes individual, internal construction of
• It is largely based on Piaget’s theory.
• Learners should be allowed to discover principles through
their own exploration rather than direct instruction by the
Social Constructivism
• This view emphasizes that “knowledge exist in a social
context and is initialy shared with others instead of being
represented solely in the mind on an individual.
• It is based on Vygotsky’s theory
• Construction of knowledge is shared by two or more people
• The opportunity to interact and share among learners help to
share and refine their ideas
• Knowledge construction becomes social, not individual.
Characteristics of
According to Eggen and Kauchak :
1. Learners construct understanding.
• Learners as active thinkers who interpret new information based on what they
already know.
2. New learning depends on current understanding.
• Background information is very important
3. Learning is facilitated by social interaction.
• Believes in creating a “Community of learners” within the classrooms
4. Meaningful learning occurs within authentic learning task.
• Involves constructing knowledge and understanding that is so akin to the
knowledge and understanding needed when applied in the real world.
Organizing Knowledge
• Concept - Is a way of grouping and categorizing objects or
events in our mind.
• It includes a group of task such as model, discuss, illustrate,
explain, assist.
• In your life as a student you would learn thousand of
concepts, some simple ones, other more complicated that
may take you to learn more gradually.
• This concepts you learn are also revised as you learn more
and experience more.
A. Concept as Feature lists - learning a concept entails
becoming familiar with the distinctive qualities that distinguish
successful applications of the concept.
Strict adherence to a fixed curriculum is highly Pursuit of student questions and interests is
valued. valued.
Learning is based on repetition. Learning is interactive, building on what the
student already knows.
Teacher-centered. Student-centered.
Teachers disseminate information to students; Teachers have a dialogue with students, helping
students are recipients of knowledge (passive students construct their own knowledge (active
learning). learning).