Shumet Mengesha Presentation
Shumet Mengesha Presentation
Shumet Mengesha Presentation
General Objectives
The general objective of the research is to examine the effects of human resource
management practices on employees’ job satisfaction: the case of Yeka Sub-City
administration in selected Woredas.
Specific Objective
To examine the effect of human resource planning on employees’ job satisfaction
in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
To examine the effect of training and development program on employees’ job
satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
To examine the effect of performance appraisal on employees’ job satisfaction in
selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
To examine the effect of working environment on employees’ job satisfaction in
selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
To examine the effect of employees’ participation in decision making on
employees’ job satisfaction in selected Woreda administrations of Yeka Sub-city
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5. Conceptual framework of the study
Independent variables
Human Resource
Training and
Dependent Variables
Participation in
Decision Making
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6. Methodology of the Study
Research Design
The researcher chose to use an explanatory research design for
several reasons.
One of the most common reasons for using this type of research
design is to test a hypothesis about the relationship between two or
more variables.
Research Approach
Quantitative research approaches were those that used numerical
data to answer research questions.
The quantitative research approach enabled the researcher to
effectively analyze and infer the numeric data.
The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a
notably agreeing attitude towards the unbiasedness and transparency of the
appraisal system. Website:
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Results and Discussion…..contd
Working Environment
Table 10: Descriptive Statistics Result for Working Environment
Mean Std. Deviation
The work environment is pleasant, attractive, and 3.6964 1.05581
I have adequate tool to do my job. 3.7085 .82396
Many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job 3.6802 .97057
I am satisfied with the overall job security in the Woreda. 3.8138 1.08469
My group leader encourages me to work harder to give 3.9312 .77520
the result.
The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a
somewhat agreeing attitude towards the pleasantness, attractiveness, and
comfort of theofwork
The House environment.
Academic Excellence! Website:
Results and Discussion…..contd
The survey results indicate that the employees of Yeka Sub-City hold a notably
agreeing attitude towards the contribution of employee participation initiatives
at the Woreda to employee job satisfaction.
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Results and Discussion…..contd