BME2. Lesson1 Part 2
BME2. Lesson1 Part 2
BME2. Lesson1 Part 2
Unit 1 Lesson2
Porter’s Generic Strategies
• For organisations to survive and succeed they need to adopt a
competitive strategy
• Based on gaining competitive advantage
• Gaining advantage through better value, price or benefits
Understanding Porter's Five Forces
Porter's Five Forces is a business
analysis model that helps to explain why
various industries are able to sustain
different levels of profitability. The
model was published in Michael E.
Porter's book, "Competitive
Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing
Industries and Competitors" in 1980.
Porter identified five
undeniable forces that
play a part in shaping
every market and
industry in the world,
with some caveats.
The five forces are frequently used to measure competition
intensity, attractiveness, and profitability of an industry or
The main reason for using this philosophy is based on the premise that if you
don’t know where you are going how are you going to get there? It is also
asserts that having a precise strategic plan allows managers
tounderstandwhatresourceswill berequired. They allowsthem to make plans to
develop skills and acquire the resources the organization will need to enable it to
achieve its goals.
Emergent Strategy
The counter philosophy, which is called an ’emergent strategy’, argues
that strategy should be fluid. Here, it will evolve over time in response
to changes in both the internal and external environment. Proponents
of this philosophy argue that the prescriptive strategy often puts
‘blinkers’ on the organization. This can hinder their ability to react to
changes in the environment and take advantages of opportunities that
present themselves. It is also argued that long-term plans are often
based on incorrect assumptions. The consequences can be that the
strategy has unintended outcomes or consequences that could be
potentially damaging to the organization.