Project Management Project Planning
Project Management Project Planning
Project Management Project Planning
Project planning
• Strengths.
• Weaknesses.
• Opportunities.
• Threats
A SWOT analysis helps find the best match between environmental trends (opportunities and
threats) and internal capabilities.
Strength is a resource or capacity the organisation can use effectively to achieve its objectives.
A weakness is a limitation, fault, or defect in the organisation that will keep it from achieving its
A corporate appraisal is examining the operations of an entire company from different angles. It
is a measurement of the readiness of that corporation's internal culture to deal with external
environments and change.
The purpose of a corporate appraisal is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company.
This is similar to a SWOT analysis, which analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
How to Conduct a Corporate Appraisal
The basis for conducting a corporate appraisal is to identify the strengths and weaknesses that
can influence the company's ability to achieve its goals.
Depending upon the company's strengths, it may be able to exploit its opportunities successfully.
A corporate appraisal is concerned with the company's current state of mind and how its culture
can change for its survival
A corporate strength is a strong point for the company, something that it does well, or something
that is unique. A strength can be a skill, competency, a certain resource, or a competitive
capability that gives the company an advantage. Regarding your family business, one corporate
strength is that it has developed a new type of plastic that is rigid yet durable enough to protect
cell phones
A corporate weakness is a constraint or obstacle which can block the company's desired
direction, or hinder the company in gaining a competitive advantage. A weakness can be any
number of things. It could be a resource that the company does not have, or a condition that
would put it in a disadvantageous position.
If the nature of an industry is that firms can easily enter into the industry without facing any
entry barrier then it possesses threat of new entrant which reduce the attractiveness of that
industry. Threat of new entry depends on;
Threat of new entrants can be reduced through entry barriers. Entry barriers are high when:
2.Power of supplier
This force addresses how easily suppliers can drive up the cost of inputs. It is affected by
This specifically deals with the ability that customers have to drive prices down. It is affected by
Substitute goods or services that can be used in place of a company's products or services pose a
threat. Intensity of threat depends on;
This force refers to the number of competitors and their ability to undercut a company. The
larger the number of competitors, along with the number of equivalent products and services
they offer, the lesser the power of a company
Pioneering stage
Investment may have a low return and negative NPV.
It create the options for participating in the growth stage.
Rapid growth stage
Significant expansion in sales and profit
Investment in this stage earn a high return and generate positive NPV
Maturity and stabilization stage
Investment earn average return and be NPV –neutral
Decline stage:
Investment earn meagre return and produce negative NPV
Economies of scale
Economies of scale means that an increase in the scale of production, marketing, or distribution
results in a decline in the cost per unit. It happens because at large production volume the fixed
cost is divided on more units. When substantial economies of scale are present, the existing firms
are likely to be large in size
Product differentiation
A firm can create an entry barrier by successfully differentiating its products from those of its
rivals. The basis for differentiation may be one or more of the followings:
If a firm can enjoy cost advantage vis-a-vis its competitors, it can be reasonably assured of
earning superior returns. Cost advantage may stem from one or more of the following
Accumulated experience and comparative edge on the learning curve
Monopolistic access to low cost materials
A favorable location
More effective cost control and cost reduction
Marketing reach
Technological edge
Technological superiority enables a firm to enjoy excellent returns. Firms like Apple and Intel
earned superior returns over extended periods of time due to, their superior technological
innovation, the technological edge they had over their rivals.
Government policy
A government policy which shelters a firm from the onslaught of competition enables it to earn
superior returns. Government policies that create entry harriers, partial or absolute, include the
Restrictive licensing
Import restrictions
High tariff walls
Environmental controls s
Special tax reliefs
Preliminary Screening
Compatibility with promote
Constancy with governmental priorities
Availability of inputs
Adequacy of market
Reasonableness of cost
Acceptability of risk level
Compatibility with the Promoter
The idea must be compatible with the interest. personality, and resources of the entrepreneur.
According to Murphy, a real opportunity has three characteristics
It fits the personality of the entrepreneur- it squares with his abilities, training, and
It is accessible to him
It offers him the prospect of rapid growth and high return on invested capital.
The project idea must be feasible given the national goals and governmental regulatory
framework. Project manager consider whether the project consistent with national goals and
priorities , project’s effect on environment, procedure of getting the license for the project etc.
Availability of inputs
The resources and inputs required for the project must be reasonably assured. Project
manager consider :
Capital requirements of the project
Technical knowledge and facilities
Availability of Raw materials etc.
Adequacy of market
Factors to be considered:
Total Present domestic market
Copetitors and their market Shares
Export Market
Sales and Distribution system
Barriers to the entry of new units
Reasonableness of Cost
Consider following cost structure:
Cost of materials
Cost of labor
Factory Overhead
Administrative cost
Experience curve
Project Analysis
Based on the information gathered from secondary sources and through
the market survey, the market for the product/service may be described
in terms of the following:
Share Capital
Term loans
Debenture loans
Deferred credit
Incentive sources
Miscellaneous sources
Material Cost
Utilities Cost
Labour cost
Factory overhead cost