NSMSH 5501A IntroductionToAccounting
NSMSH 5501A IntroductionToAccounting
NSMSH 5501A IntroductionToAccounting
Transactions are recorded in the accounting Only those events are recorded which are
books as they arise. (as they are already financial in nature.
filtered out by testing on Money
Measurement concept)
Procedure of
Accounting /
Accounting Cycle
Accounting Cycle Diagram
Procedural aspects of Accounting
Procedure of Accounting can be basically divided into two parts:
1. Generating Financial information:
Identification & Measuring
Management decisions cannot be taken with Management takes decisions on the basis of
the help of these records. accounting records and financial statements.
There is no sub-field of book-keeping. It has several sub-fields like financial
accounting, managerial accounting etc.
The Objectives of Accounting
Presented by Advocate NSM Shahul Hameed, Advisor, PCIS
Limitations of Accounting
The result statements like Profit & Loss report generated by its process are subject to
various constraints within which the accounting works.
The assumptions and conventions, within which the accounting is based, become the
limitations of accounting.
The financial statements are not free from subjectivity factor as these are largely the
outcome of personal judgement of the accountant with regard to the adoption of the
accounting policies.
Certain instances of limitations to the reality:
• Book value vs. Market value of Assets
• Goodwill / Reputation value
• Changes in money factors are ignored
• There are occasions when accounting principles conflict with each other
• Value of Human resources are not shown on the Assets part.
How to overcome limitations of Accounting ?
Yes, we can agree that the language of accounting has certain
practical limitations and, therefore the financial statements should be
interpreted carefully keeping in mind all various factors influencing
the true picture.
The following are the keys to overcome the limitations
• Admit all those identified material facts (of weakness in your
system of accounting).
• Publish all the standards, principles, concepts, conventions,
assumptions and key measuring procedures etc.
• Establish sound internal control & Ensure reasonable assurance.
• Analyse & Interpret data with care
• Disclose any hidden things or relevant facts appropriately.