CH 3 Difference in Culture
CH 3 Difference in Culture
CH 3 Difference in Culture
• Cross-cultural literacy (an understanding of how
cultural differences across and within nations can
affect the way in which business is practiced) is
important to success in international business
• There may be a relationship between culture and the
costs of doing business in a country or region
• Culture is not static, and the actions of MNEs can
contribute to cultural change
What is Culture?
Question: What is culture?
• Geert Hofstede isolated four dimensions that
summarized different cultures
1. Power distance
2. Individualism versus collectivism
3. Uncertainty avoidance
4. Masculinity versus femininity
Culture and the Workplace
1. Power distance - how a society deals with the fact
that people are unequal in physical and intellectual
2. Individualism versus collectivism - the relationship
between the individual and his or her fellows
3. Uncertainty avoidance - the extent to which different
cultures socialize their members into accepting
ambiguous situations and tolerating ambiguity
4. Masculinity versus femininity - the relationship
between gender and work roles
Cultural Change