Lorne Conference
Lorne Conference
Lorne Conference
99% perspiration
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Solving environmental problems requires systemic change. Influencing change is possible, but only through addressing individual desires, fears and values. Its not impossible without a multi dimensional approach. Effective policy is critical.
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Road map
Some theories on change and where we are. The worm adventure 99% perspiration. The policy gaps.
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Ignorance of consequence and ecosystems The big bang The finite resource Giving up something today for others tomorrow
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Fear of loss
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Complex systems
Change happens
SEX appeal SEX appeal SEX appeal SEX appeal SEX appeal SEX appeal
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We value something more today than having the same thing tomorrow
= power of now
Giving up now to preserve for the future has low desire value.
Policy Leadership?
A bird in the hand is safer than one near a Bush. Drill
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We need a quantum worm hole to travel forward in time so we come back with certainty.
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Australian Environmental Innovation
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In the west - a load of . every 7 seconds. 12,500 trucks daily = end to end 125 k long
US Animal Manure
production exceeds 1 billion tonne/year
Industry 2% MSW 27%
mtpy Aus: 2.5 UK: 6 USA: 20 EU: 17 Asia: ? Biosolids 3%
Livestock 64%
Food 4%
Disappearing Productive Lands The Gardens of Babylon The Indus and Euphrates Valleys The Cedars of Lebanon Northern Africa over farming de-forestation China over use of chemical Murray Darling
Exponential Trend
Increasing concentration of population Increasing concentration of waste production Decreasing availability of low cost environmentally sustainable disposal routes
Global Warming
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The Challenge
barriers to the obvious
The Challenges
Entomology Microbiology Biochemistry Multiple engineering disciplines Soil biodiversity Plant pathology Agronomy Systemic change Cultural acceptance
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Legislative structures
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Located in: koala habitat catchment for Moreton Bay within 200 metres of residents
Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Science Yellow Pages Award BHP Steel Award Highly Commended Prime Ministers Award Finalist Banksia Award
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Our Results
Negative footprint
Environmental Impact
process pollution
no offensive odour no leachate low energy input (< 2 litres of diesel) negligible green house emissions
restoration of degraded soils increase in crop yields and quality decrease in use of chemical fertilisers Potential high revenue stream Reduced metal impact through low application rate
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100% increase
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Social Impact
Preservation of farming communities 50% reduction in truck movements through local communities Solution for local Green Waste disposal
Financial investment
Education by demonstration
Politicians Local
Environment Groups
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Our Legacy
Capture of the organic resource with reduced process impact Reduction in use of agricultural chemicals Imitators to accelerate adoption Sustainable villages
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Industry is inevitable
make it the best it can be
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The public want it but will they pay? No method for net present value calculation of environmental externalities in buying decisions of governments and companies.
Practical valuation tool particularly for local government purchasing Legal system recognition of values and costs
Engineers, scientists Enablers Valuation models Real & green Follow the money Regulations Commercial agreements Make it sexy Make it desirable NOW!
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The commitment of private and public capital is fundamental.
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seduce it
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