Week 2 Bps
Week 2 Bps
Week 2 Bps
The communication
or expression of
thoughts in spoken
Effective Speech
• It is okay to be nervous.
• Understand your nervousness; Researchers have found that public-speaking anxiety is both a trait (a characteristic or general tendency that
you may have) and a state (anxiety triggered by the specific incidence of giving a speech to an audience).
• Another study found that men are likely to experience more anxiety than women when
speaking to people from a culture different from their own.
• There is also evidence that being a perfectionist may be linked to increased apprehension
when speaking to others.
• As you read the list of possible speaking-anxiety causes, you’ll probably find a reason that
resonates with you because most people feel some nervousness when they speak before
others. You’re not alone if you are apprehensive about giving a speech. Understanding
why you and many others may experience apprehension can give you insights into how to
better address your anxiety.
Your biology affects Your Psychology; Perhaps you’ve heard that the secret to
serenity is to focus on the things you can change, rather than on the things you
can’t, and to have the wisdom to know the difference between what is changeable
and what isn’t. For increased serenity when speaking in public, we suggest you
focus on behaviors that you can change, such as enhancing your speaking skills,
rather than on your biologically based speaking apprehension, which is much more
difficult to change. A better understanding of the biological reasons you feel
apprehensive is a good starting point on the journey to speaking with greater
confidence and serenity.
Your Psychology also affects Your biology; Your view of the speaking assignment, your
perception of your speaking skill, and your self-esteem interact to create anxiety.30 You want to do
well, but you’re not sure that you can or will. Presented with this conflict, your brain signals your
body to switch to its default fight-or-flight mode: You can either fight to respond to the challenge or
flee to avoid the cause of the anxiety. You body responds by summoning more energy to deal with
the conflict you are facing. Your breathing rate increases, more adrenaline pumps through you, and
more blood rushes through your veins.31 To put it more technically, you are experiencing
physiological changes because of your psychological state, which explains why you may have a
more rapid heartbeat, shaking knees and hands, a quivering voice, and increased perspiration.32
You may also experience butterflies in your stomach because of changes in your digestive system.
As a result of your physical discomfort, you may make less eye contact with your audience, use
more vocalized pauses (“Um,” “Ah,’’ “You know”), and speak too rapidly. Although you see your
physical responses as hindrances, your brain and body are simply trying to help you with the task at
hand. Sometimes they offer more “help” than needed, and their assistance is not useful.
Presenting your first speech
Be honest .
Don’t plagiarize.
Things to do
Is more formal
Involves more clearly defined roles of speaker and audience than conversation.
Critical thinking.
• Public speeches and cue cards have
been together ever since the process
began. Although cue cards are also
used in a variety of other forms they
Cue cards and have been associated with speeches
more often than not. There has
its always been a split between both
significance in audience as well as public speakers
about the usage of cue cards. Some
presentations consider it incorrect while some
happily embrace the concept.
• First of all using cue cards takes off the pressure that comes
with memorizing the speech. It is not necessary to write down
everything that composes your speech and then not preparing
for the speech, because that would hamper your flow during
the speech and that makes you look unprepared. It is always
useful to keep the cards as reference material just in case you
lose the plot.
• When you are holding your cue cards, it prevents unnecessary
hand movements thus improving your body language and
ADVANTAG enhancing the speech delivery style by leaps and bounds.
• Cue cards also induce pauses in your speech, which is a good