Parsapu Kamal Raj (201CV170), SWM Assignment
Parsapu Kamal Raj (201CV170), SWM Assignment
Parsapu Kamal Raj (201CV170), SWM Assignment
4. Sedimentation tank
Sedimentation tank allows suspended
particles to settle out of water or
wastewater as it flows slowly
through the tank, thereby providing
some degree of purification
5. Disinfection :
In this process of adding chlorine
to drinking water to kill
parasites, bacteria, and viruses.
Different processes can be used
to achieve safe levels of chlorine
in drinking water. Using or
drinking water with small
amounts of chlorine does not
cause harmful health effects and
provides protection against
waterborne disease outbreaks.
6. Carbon filter : 7. Sand Filter :
remove chlorine, volatile organic compounds, remove visible and suspended impurities
odors, and unpleasant tastes from water such as dirt, silt, and sand.
8. Circulated the water to the
community :
The treated water is used for watering
the plants , flushing purpose and