Professional Learning Networks
Professional Learning Networks
Professional Learning Networks
Candidates set professional goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made
possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness. (PSC-IT 1.1, ISTE-E 1a)
Candidates pursue professional interests by creating and actively participating in local and
global learning networks. (PSC-IT 1.2, ISTE-E 1b)
School District
● The school district offer technology PLN as a goal to ensure that DCSD staff are proficient at using technology in the
DCSD ecosystem in an innovative way to support learning.
● District content professional learning networks for all content areas to enhance teacher effectiveness, transform
instruction, and convert research to practice to ensure student success.
● Georgia Learning Resource Systems
Plans and Goals School District ELA
The school district sends out emails with Professional Learning Networks and has a portal
called Frontline Education for PLN. I plan to participate in the school district ELA
professional learning network. They have in person and virtual sessions. I selected ELA so
I can learn how to incorporate more technology in ELA and coach others at my school.
My goal is to establish coaching relationships to support educators as they explore new
instructional strategies and integrate technology to improve student learning in the
classroom. I will evaluate the impact of the ELA PLN and continually reflect on how to
improve coaching and professional practices. I will be engaged with the PLN this
semester, collaborate with others, learning new strategies, trying the strategies, redeliver at
grade levels collaborative planning meetings, and coach other teachers on how to integrate
technology into ELA to promote student success.
Plans and Goals National NCTE
I plan to participate in the national professional learning network National Council of Teachers of
English (NCTE). I found out about NCTE through my college professor and colleague. I selected
NCTE because they have conferences every year, sessions of various topics, technology, and
online resources that can help teachers at all levels. NCTE provides professional learning
communities that continue to push members to grow as learners and educators, ultimately
impacting student learning. NCTE provide a model for teachers to use in their own classrooms,
tools to unlock student potential, as well as teacher potential. My goal is to evaluate the impact of
the NCTE PLN and continually reflect on how to improve coaching and my professional
practices. I will be engaged with the NCTE PLN this semester, attend conferences, encourage
educators to participate in professional learning networks to help them connect with other
educators, current trends, and emerging technologies and innovations.
Part 2 Reflection on PLNs District ELA and GCTE
I was able to set goals, learn, and participate in local and global networks such as the school district ELA
professional learning network, Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE), and National Council for Teachers
of English (NCTE) that I was interested in for professional learning. While reflecting on taking professional
learning throughout the semester I was able to improve my practices by learning from and with others and explore
proven and promising practices that leverage technology to improve student learning. I was able to meet my goals
by collaborating with others, learning new strategies, trying the strategies, redelivered at our grade levels
collaborative planning meetings, and coach other teachers on how to integrate technology into ELA to promote
student success.
I was able to coach educators as they explore new instructional strategies and integrate technology to improve
student learning. I showed teachers how to implement I-Ready technology app to teach reading lessons and using
the personalized learning feature once students take I-Ready diagnostic to help improve students reading. I attended
Georgia Council of Teachers of English (GCTE) conference at Jekyll Island. I learned about technology integration
ChatGPT from completing this Professional Learning Network at GCTE. Chat GPT has over 1,150 prompts for
teachers to use to support students in education. I thought it was interesting how teachers can use ChatGPT for
automatic essay scoring, writing prompts, language translation, summarization, reading comprehension, vocabulary
building, debate preparation, speech writing, research assistance, and personalized learning.
Part 2 PLNs District ELA and GCTE Pictures
Part 2 Reflection on PLNs
My future goals are to continue attending local and global Professional Learning Networks to improve my
practices by learning from others and implementing practices that leverage technology to improve student
learning. I will coach educators on how to use authentic technology tools to generate personalized lesson
plans and learning materials based on students' individual needs and abilities to support reading.
Technology is evolving and I will continue learning about the trends and issues in education to leverage
technology to improve student learning. I will continue being a member National Council of Teacher of
English (NCTE) in the future. I will be participating in NCTE Professional Dyads and Culturally Relevant
Teaching (PDCRT) program.
Part 2 NCTE Pictures
Part 3 Building and Administering my
Professional Learning Network
At first I had a hard time choosing what platform to use to build for professional learning. Building and
leading a Professional Learning Network made Terrie and I nervous because we had to put ourselves out
there to get feedback from our colleagues. Technology is an area of growth for me because I am not tech
savvy. A challenge I faced while building was delegate and manage Twitter X as a team. Twitter is a
popular platform for trends and hashtags regarding instructional technology and education.
While administering and leading my Professional Learning Network at school it felt good to share issues
and trends in education during our grade level meetings and with the school. Educators at my school
begin to follow other educators on social media, use digital tools to support student learning, and sign up
for professional learning networks all because I stepped out my comfort zone and shared my Professional
Learning Network and experiences. Educators are interested in learning more about artificial intelligence.
Social media has a big influence on instructional technology and how we receive and share information.
Part 3 Building and Administering my PLN
Discussions I created to request support in my learning
from my network.
Part 3 Building and Administering my PLN
Discussions I created to request support in my learning from my network.
Part 3 Building and Administering my PLN
Discussions I have replied to support others in my network for their learning.
Part 3 ISTE Standards
Throughout the semester, I set professional goals to explore and apply
pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflected on
their effectiveness while participating in local and global networks. My
professional goals allowed me to shift my teaching and learning using
digital tools and resources through virtual collaboration in real time on
Microsoft Teams and Zoom. I was able to provide my students and
coworkers with digital tools such I Ready, Khan Academy, and
DreamBox Learning Math to increase personalization and
differentiation to support student learning. I actively participated in
local and global learning networks such as the National Council of
Teachers of English, Georgia Council of Teachers English, and Dekalb
School District. I started a social group on Twitter X called Tech
Tracker that encourages discussions and collaboration about technology
and personalized learning.
Part 3 Video ISTE Standards