Chapter 2.2

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WDifferential Equations of Motion for a

• Differential equations of equilibrium if the deformed body has
zero acceleration. Useful in theory of elasticity.

• General deformed body and

differential volume element
• State of stress changes with
location of O.
• Stress components changes from 1
face of volume element to other

• Body forces – gravity,

electromagnetic effects and
inertial forces
Plus the body force components Bx, By Bz
• Multiply stresses by area of face and sum.
Stress Equilibrium Equations
• Multiply Body Forces by volume.

• Collect terms and Simplify.

Equation of motion
 σ xx  σ xy  σ xz
   Bx  0
x y z
 σ xy  σ yy  σ yz
   By  0
x y z
 σ xz  σ yz  σ zz
   Bz  0
x y z
Cylindrical CoordinatesSYSTEM
x1  r cosθ
x2  r sinθ
x3  z
ê r  ê1 cos θ  ê 2 sin θ
ê    ê1 sin θ  ê 2 cos θ
ê z  ê 3
Cylindrical Coordinates
The differential equations of motion :

 σ rr 1  σ rθ  σ rz σ rr  σ θθ 
    Br  0
r r  z r
 σ rθ 1  σ θθ  σ θz 2 σ rθ
    Bθ  0
r r  z r
 σ zr 1  σ θz  σ zz σ zr
    Bz  0
r r  z r
Useful in chapter 11, thick wall cylinder
• Consider member to be unloaded and then load it .
• R-closed region occupied by the un-deformed member
• R*-closed region occupied by the deformed member
• P(x,y,z)-particle in R
• P*(x*,y*,z*)-particle in R*
• Assume (x*,y*,z*) are continuous & differentiable in (x,y,z) as
discontinuity of these functions would imply a rupture of member

• Under deformation, P moves to

P* (x*,y*,z*)
• (x,y,z)-restricted to R
• (x*,y*,z*) restricted to R*

Eulerian Coordinates
x*  x*  x,y,z 
y  y  x,y,z 
* *

z*  z*  x,y,z 

Mathematically (2) may be solved for single valued solutions of

Lagrangian Coordinates
 
* * * Assume (x,y,z) are continuous &
x  x x ,y ,z differentiable in (x*,y*,z*)

y  y  x ,y ,z 
* * *

z  z  x ,y ,z 
* * *

Functional relationship between location in Un-deformed

and deformed (*) coordinates

Strain of a line element Et
• Stress theory depends on Newton’s laws.
• Strain theory on geometrical concepts
• Both are independent of material behavior, but applicable
to all materials
• Both theories are mathematically equivalent
Strain of a line element ofinEt
• Under deformation : Deformations

P  x, y,z   P* x * , y* ,z* 

Q  x  dx, y  dy,z  dz   Q* x*  dx * , y*  dy* ,z*  dz * 
PQ  ds  P*Q*  ds*
Engineering Strain of PQ Strain

ds  ds
εE  (4)

ε E  1
x  x  x,y,z 
* *

Green Strain Relationships
y  y  x,y,z 
* *

Total differential of (2)

z  z  x,y,z 
* *

x *
x *
x *
dx 
dx  dy  dz
x y z
y y
y * *
dy *
dx  dy  dz (5)
x y z
z *
z *
z *
dz 
dx  dy  dz
x y z
Green Strain  xu
(u,v,w) denote (x,y,z) components y  yv (6)
of displacement of P to P*
z zw

u  x  x  displacement in x-direction
v  y  y  displacement in y-direction
w  z  z  displacement in z-direction
Green Strainof Line Segments

ds  2
 dx   dy   dz 
2 2 2

ds   dx   dy   dz 

* 2 * 2 * 2 * 2

Magnification Factor / Total Green Strain

Magnification Factor
Magnification factor M is a measure of the strain of a line in
the body with direction cosines (l, m, n)
• Retaining quadratic terms in derivative of (u, v, w)

(8) dz
Normal Strains
Green Strain


Strain displacement Relationship

Shear Strain


Strain displacement Relationship: valid for any magnitude of strain

Green Strain
Interpretation of Strain quantities: By equation (8)

Let ds lie parallel to the x axis.

l=1 m=0 n=0
1 2
M x   Ex   Ex   xx
Mx and - magnification factor and engineering strain of element
ds parallel to x axis
-physically mean magnification factor of the line element at P
that lies initially in the x direction.
Green Strain
• If engineering strain , << 1, we get = (for small strains)
• Similarly , for the cases where initially ds lies parallel to y and
then to z axis,

1 2
M x   Ex   Ex   xx
1 2
M y   Ey   Ey   yy
1 2
M z   Ez   Ez   zz
• This (, , )- magnification factors for line elements that initially lie
parallel to (x,y,z) axes)
Green Strain
Final Direction of Line
• Physical interpretation of (, , ) can be found by finding
rotation of between two line elements initially parallel to
(x,y), (x,z) and (y,z) axes.
• Final Direction of a Line Element is to be found.
• Deformation causes line element ds:(dx, dy, dz) to deform
to ds* : ( dx*, dy*, dz* )
* dx ds
dx dy dz l 
l m n ds ds*
ds ds ds dy *
ds (9,10)
m 
ds ds*
* * *
dx dy dz dz *
l*  * m*  * n*  * *
n 
ds ds ds ds ds*
Green Strain
By 7,8 Recall
x *
x *
x *
dx *  dx  dy  dz
x y z
y *
y *
y *
dy*  dx  dy  dz
x y z *
x  xu
z *
z *
z *
dz 
dx  dy  dz *
x y z y  yv
z zw
Green Strain
Final Direction of Line


ds 1
By (4)  (12)
ds 1   E
Green Strain
Final Direction of Line
By (9-12), Final Direction cosines of line element ds when it
passes into the line element ds* under deformation

 u  u u
1   E  l  1   l+ m  n

 x  y z
v  v  v (13)
1   E  m  l+ 1   m  n
x  y  z
w w  w 
1   E  n  l+ m  1   n
x y  z 
Rotation between two line elements (Shear Strain)
Shear Strain

PA  ds1   P * *
A  ds1

PB  ds2   P*B*  ds*2
 
PA  PB   
PA  l1 ,m1 ,n1   PA  l1* ,m1* ,n1*
 
PB  l2 ,m2 ,n2   PB  l * ,m* ,n*
 2 2 2
Rotation between two line elements
(Shear Strain)

Shear Strain
PA is Perpendicular to PB,
• by definition of scalar product

 (14)

cos  l1l2 +m1m2 +n1n2  0

Angle θ* between P*A* AND P*B* :
* * * * * * *
cos  =l1 l2 +m1 m2 +n1 n2
Rotation between two line elements
(Shear Strain)
Final Direction of Line
By (13,14,15) , we get engineering shear strain between line
elements PA and PB as they deform into P*A* and P*B*

12  1   E1 1  E2  cos  *

 2l1l2ε xx +2m1m2 ε yy +2n1n2 ε zx  2 l1m2  m1l2  ε zx

2  m1n2  m1n2  ε yz  2  l1n2  n1l2  ε xy


Shear Strains
Physical Interpretation of

Let PA and PB be oriented parallel to  x,y  axes

l1  1 m1  0 n1  0
l2  0 m2  1 n2  0

By 16
12   xy  2 xy  xy  2 xy
 yz  2 yz
(17)  xz  2 xz
Small Strains and Rotations
If strain in any two directions are small and rotations are small

 E1  1
 E2  1
* 
 

12  1   E1 1   E2  cos    *
Engineering Shear Strain approximately equal
to the change in angle between PA and PB

Strain Tensor:
Strain Transformation

  xx  xy  xz 
 

 xy  yy  yz 
  xz  yz  zz  (19)

Strain tensor transforms exactly in same manner as stress tensor.
• Consider axes (x,y,z) and (X,Y,Z), all definitions are similar
• - extensional strain of a line element at P that lies in the
direction of X axis.
• , -Shear components between pairs of line elements that are
parallel to XY and XZ axes.
• Let ds is parallel to X axis

x y z
X l1 m1 n1
Y l2 m2 n2
Z l3 m3 n3
Normal Strain Transformation

Shear Strain Transformation

Principal Strains
Principal Strains
• Through any point in an un-deformed member , there exist three
mutually perpendicular line elements that remain perpendicular
under deformation. The strain of these 3 line elements are called
principal strains,( , )
• Magnification factor, M=

 xx  M  xy  xz
 xy  yy  M  yz 0
 xz  yz zz  M
3 2
M  I1M  I2 M  I3  0
Principal Strains
Strain Invariants
M 3  I1M 2  I2 M  I3  0
Strain Invariants
I1   xx   yy  zz

 xx xy  xx  xz  yy  yz
I2    
 xy  yy  xz zz  yz zz
2 2 2
  xy   xz   yz   xx  yy   xx zz   yy zz
Principal Strains
Strain Invariants

xx xy xz

I 3  xy  yy yz
 xz  yz zz
2 2 2
  xx  yy zz  2xy  yz xz  xx yz  yy xz  zz xy

Principal Strain Directions
Principal Directions
• Because of symmetry of the determinant (21) , roots of M i,
where i=1,2,3, are always real.
• Since
l   xx  M   mxy  nxz  0
3 principal strain 2 of first 3
directions equations are
l  xy  m   yy  M   nyz  0
associated with 3 independent
principal strain are
obtained as
solution for (l,m,n)
l  xz  m yz  n  zz  M   0

l 2  m2  n2  1 (24)

Solution M=M1 yields the dcs for=and so on…

Principal Strains
Strain Invariants
If (x,y,z) axes are principal strain axes,
then εxx = M1 , εyy = M2 , εzz = M3, other strains = 0

I 1  M1  M 2  M 3
I 2   M1 M 2  M 2 M 3  M 3 M 1
I 3  M1 M 2 M 3
Small Strains
Displacement Theory
• Deformation theory is purely geometrical and exact
• In small displacement theory, quadratic terms are neglected.

1  v u  u
ε xy  ε yx     ε xx  (25)
2  x y  x
1  w u 
ε xz  ε zx     ε yy 
v M  E
2  x z  y (26)
Total green
1  w v  w
ε yz  ε zy     ε  strain = engg
2  y z  zz z
Small Displacement theory:
• Strains and rotations , excluding rigid body rotations are small
compared to unity.
• Later condition is not satisfied, necessarily, in the deformation
of thin flexible bodies like rods, plates, shells. For these bodies
rotations are large, so small displacement theory should be
used with caution as it gives large errors.
• It is used for massively thick bodies.
Strain Compatibility Relations:

• The six strain components are found by (25) if the three

displacements (u,v,w) are known.
• The three displacements (u,v,w) can not be found by integration
of (25) if the six strains are arbitrary.
• Certain relationships among six strain components must exist so
that (25) may integrated to obtain the three displacement
• Consider plane strain relation in (x,y) plane
• State of strain is defined by the condition that (u,v) are functions
of (x,y) and w=constant.
Strain Compatibility Relations:
Strain Compatibility
Equation (25) yields

u  2ε xx  3u
Strain compatibility ε xx   
x y 2
xy 2
condition is obtained by 2
 v  ε yy  3
eliminating (u,v) from ε yy   
3 non-zero strain y  x 2
x 2
displacement relations. 1  v u   2
ε xy  3u  3v
By differentiating and ε xy  2  x  y   2 xy  xy 2  x 2y
 
 2ε xx  ε yy  2ε xy
 2
y x xy

== =0
Strain Compatibility Relations:
Strain Compatibility
 ε yy
 ε xx
 ε xy

 2
x 2
y 2
 ε zz  ε xx
2 2
 ε xz
 2
x 2
z 2
 ε zz  ε yy  ε yz
2 2 2

 2
y 2
z 2
Strain Compatibility Relations:
Strain Compatibility
 ε zz
 ε xy
 ε yz
 ε zx 2
  
xy z 2
zx yz
 ε yy
 ε xz  ε xy  ε yz
2 2 2

   (28)
xz y 2
yz xy
 ε xx  ε yz  ε xz  ε xy
2 2 2 2

  
yz x 2
xy xz
Shear Strain

2ε xy  γ xy
2ε xz  γ xz
2ε yz  γ yz
Strain-Displacement relations for orthogonal curvilinear
Cylindrical Coordinates

u 1 u v v
ε rr  γ rθ  2 ε rθ   
r r  r r
u 1 v u w
ε θθ   γ rz  2 ε rz  
r r θ z r
w v 1 w
ε zz  γ zθ  2 ε zθ  
z z r 
Spherical Coordinates
ε rr 
u 1 v
ε θθ  
r r θ
u v 1 w
ε    cot  
r r r sin  
Spherical Coordinates
1 u v v
γ rθ  2 ε rθ   
r  r r
1 u w w
γr   2 εr    
r sin   r r
1  w  1 v
γθ   2 εθ     w cot   
r    r sin  

If we use tensor strain components

then strain transforms just like stress.
Principal values, principal directions
and invariants are also just like stress.

Mohr’s circle works for strain as well!

 3 - Stress Equilibrium Equations

 6 - Strain Displacement Equations

 6 – Compatibility Equations (Derived

from Strain Displacement)

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