Part G. Finance
Part G. Finance
Part G. Finance
14: Finance
Topic List
The finance function
This chapter considers the important issues to
Finance and strategy be evaluated when assessing alternative
Financial management decisions financial strategies for an organisation.
Cash forecasts Obtaining
equity funds
Bank loans and loan capital
Evaluating strategic options
Ratio analysis
Comparison of accounting
The finance Finance Financial Cash Obtaining equity Bank loans and Budgets
function and strategy management decisions forecasts funds loan capital
Launch Growth Maturity
In seeking to attain the financial objectives of an organisation, a financial manager has to make decisions on
three topics:
Consider interaction of decisions, eg paying out dividends leaves less funds available to finance
The finance Finance Financial Cash Obtaining equity Bank loans and Budgets
function and strategy management decisions forecasts funds loan capital
Cash forecasting should ensure that sufficient funds will be available, when needed, to sustain
the activities of an enterprise at an acceptable cost.
A cash budget or forecast is a detailed budget of estimated cash inflows and outflows
incorporating both revenue and capital items.
Cash forecasts can help in planning the structure of an organisation's finances
◾ How much cash is required
◾ When it is required
◾ How long it is required for
◾ Whether it will be available from anticipated sources
A business will also need to take account of economic variables (such as inflation,
interest rates) and business variables (such as changes in the competitive environment).
Cash deficits will be funded in different ways, depending on whether they are short or long
term. Businesses should have procedures for investing surpluses with appropriate levels of risk
and return.
The finance Finance Financial Cash Obtaining equity Bank loans and Budgets
function and strategy management decisions forecasts funds loan capital
Equity is the issued ordinary share capital plus reserves which represent the investment in a
company by its ordinary shareholders.
Retained profits are a source of equity Equity shares maybe issued to:
funding. This approach is flexible and does ◾ Raise cash
not change the pattern of shareholdings.
◾ To obtain a stock market listing
However, shareholders may prefer the cash
to be distributed as dividends. ◾ To take over another company (by issuing
shares to the shareholders of the other
The finance Finance Financial Cash Obtaining equity Bank loans and Budgets
function and strategy management decisions forecasts funds loan capital
Overdrafts Loans
Company issues "10% loan stock"
Coupon is therefore 10% of the nominal value
So, $100 of stock will receive $10 interest each year (gross before tax)
The finance Finance Financial Cash Obtaining equity Bank loans and Budgets
function and strategy management decisions forecasts funds loan capital
Relevant costs and marginal costing are useful for evaluating strategic options.
Remember! Consider the requirements of the question and the contents of the scenario carefully before
calculating ratios. The examining team will be looking for relevant ratios accompanied by meaningful
comments, including appropriate comments on the limitations of ratio analysis.
Profitability and return Liquidity ratios
other companies in ◾
% growth in profit
Investors aiming for ◾
% growth in turnover
diversified portfolios need same industry ◾
Changes in gearing ratio
to know differences ◾
Changes in current/quick
These can put improvements ratios
between industrial sectors.
on previous years into ◾ Changes in
◾ Sales growth perspective if other
◾ Profit growth inventory/receivables turnover
companies are doing better, ◾ Changes in EPS, market
◾ ROCE and provide further evidence
◾ P/E ratios price, dividend
of effect of general trends.
◾ Dividend yields Remember, however:
◾ Growth rates ◾ Inflation – can make
◾ Retained profits figures misleading
◾ Non-current asset levels ◾ Results in rest of
industry/environment, or
economic changes to give